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城市道路交通拥堵风险传播过程受拥堵预警信息、出行者行为特性及居民出行流量分布等诸多因素影响.本文提出包括道路子网、信息子网和出行子网的多重网络模型,应用改进的UAU-SIR(Unaware-Aware-Unaware-Susceptible-Infective-Recovered)模型,探讨多重网络预警信息下的城市道路...  相似文献   
为了完成智能车的轨迹跟踪,提出一种基于模型预测控制的轨迹跟踪方法,利用将运动学模型这个非线性系统线性化的方案,来获得必须的线性时变系统,采取模型预测控制的三要素来设计控制器。并且基于MPC在控制过程中能增加多种约束的优点,建立基于车辆运动学模型的约束做轨迹跟踪仿真实验,最后,基于山东理工大学智能车平台上GPS提供的定位信息,在校园中采集路线并对前提规划好的的轨迹进行实车验证。实验结果表明:基于MPC算法所设计的控制器能快速且稳定地跟踪期望轨迹。  相似文献   
采用构造相容分布与非负上鞅的方法研究了m阶马氏信源相对熵密度的强极限定理,由此得出若干马氏信源、无记忆信源的随机Shannon-Mcmillan定理.并将已有的马氏信源的结果加以推广.  相似文献   
Considering the influence of many factors (soil loss, frontal additional thrust, the friction force of the shield shell and the additional grouting force), a method for improving the uniform soil body movement model is pro-posed, and a mechanical calculation model is established to study the calculation method for soil body deformation caused by double-line parallel shield driving. Based on the Mindlin solutions of elastic mechanics, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by the last three factors are calculated; considering the uniform soil body movement model, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by soil loss are calculated, then the to-tal theoretical solutions for soil body deformations under multiple factors are obtained by means of superposition. The vertical surface settlement, vertical horizontal displacement, and vertical displacements of the soil body at different depths of Hangzhou Metro Line 1 are calculated to analyze the variation laws. Meanwhile the influential factors for horizontal displacement variation are studied. The research shows that with a change of depth, the settlement of the soil body changes within the scope of 10 to 13 m in the horizontal direction near where the maximum settlement occurs;the direction of the horizontal displacement of the soil body changes with a change of the positional relationship be-tween the calculation points and the tunnel; and with an increase of interval J for the two tunnels, the horizontal dis-placement of the soil body of a deep double-line tunnel decreases while the displacement near the surface changes slightly. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
马尔柯夫灰色残差模型在剐构桥控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章结合罗天乐特大桥的马尔柯夫灰色残差模型预测实例,介绍马尔柯夫灰色残差模型在线性控制中的原理、计算及应用过程,并根据实际监控经验提出了建议。罗天乐特大桥的具体监控应用实践表明,马尔柯夫灰色残差模型预测精度高,能较好地应用于大跨连续刚构桥的施工线形控制。  相似文献   
以莞惠城际轨道交通工程项目GZH-5标段中DK32+300~DK32+927.303段为背景,通过2组模型试验,其中一组无超前注浆,另一组进行超前注浆,研究软弱富水地层浅埋暗挖隧道地表沉降和支护结构受力规律及超前注浆对其受力变形造成的影响,最后,针对软弱富水地层浅埋暗挖隧道施工,提出几点隧道工程设计和施工的相关建议。  相似文献   
计算机联锁系统是铁路信号控制系统的核心设备,是有着苛刻安全要求的复杂控制系统。本文采用Prover形式化开发工具对联锁软件安全需求进行形式化验证。通过模型检验的形式化验证方法,遍历系统输入变量的所有状态空间.验证联锁特定应用满足系统安全需求,确保系统的安全性得以正确实现。在保证系统安全性的基础上,以全状态空间查找反例的检验方法进一步提升产品的质量。  相似文献   
With the continuous growing of the aquaculture industry and increasingly limited fish farming sites at close to shore areas both in Norway and worldwide, there is a need to develop fish farms suitable for aquaculture production in typical offshore environments. For this purpose, SALMAR has developed and deployed the Ocean Farm 1 facility for offshore fish farming.The main purpose of this paper is to develop a reliable numerical model and investigate the motion responses of the Ocean Farm 1 structure in waves and current. The established numerical model consists of the Ocean Farm 1's frame structure (with rigidly-connected circular column components), the net and the mooring system. The hydrodynamic external loads and coefficients of the frame structure are obtained by using potential flow theory. The quadratic drag load on the individual circular columns of the frame structure is formulated by a given drag coefficient. The loads on the net are formulated by using the screen model, where the Reynold number dependent lift and drag forces are formulated as a function of the solidity ratio Sn of the net, relative inflow angle and velocity. The hydrodynamic loads on the mooring lines are formulated using the Morison's equation and the structural responses of the mooring lines are obtained using a nonlinear FE model.With the developed numerical model, time domain simulations are performed. The simulation results are firstly validated against measured data from the decay tests, current tests, and regular wave tests. After the validation, numerical simulations are performed in different irregular wave and current combined weather conditions and the obtained motion response of Ocean Farm 1 are discussed and compared with available measurement data.  相似文献   
悬链线立管会在半潜平台运动带动下出现涡激振动现象,对立管疲劳寿命造成影响.借助海工结构物动力分析软件Orcaflex建立立管模型,使用Iwan-Blevins尾流振子模型进行数值模拟.通过与试验结果对比验证了该方法的可行性.同时建立实尺度悬链线立管模型,并考虑背景海流的影响,分析平台垂荡、纵荡运动下的立管涡激振动响应和疲劳损伤.研究表明,平台运动产生的非定常流场将引起悬链线立管发生涡激振动现象,并在背景洋流激励的基础上增大疲劳损伤,在立管结构实际工程设计时应予以关注.  相似文献   
为提高磁流变阻尼器在海洋工程复杂环境下动力学性能,研究太阳热辐射对磁流变阻尼器表面温升影响。分析阻尼器的温升原理,结合磁场有限元仿真建立磁流变阻尼器内部做功与外部热辐射混合作用的表面温升模型,采用四阶Runge-Kutta方法求解方程;搭建以电阻式热电偶测量表面温度的阻尼动力学试验平台,并对影响温升的主要参数进行相关性分析。研究表明,所建温升模型和方法可用于预测阻尼器表面热辐射影响下实际温升状态;当表面温度60℃-85℃时,阻尼力衰减达10%-12%,3000s时间太阳热辐射导致温度升幅2.7%。长时间热辐射将对阻尼器减振性能产生较大影响,增大阻尼器缸筒有效面积和相对空气流速可降低表面温升。  相似文献   
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