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列车超速防护系统安全计算机系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
列车超速防护系统(ATP)是城市轨道交通和高速列车运行时必不可少的安全保障,必须满足故障安全特性,因而其中的核心部分微计算机系统必须具有高安全性.采用硬件、软件冗余技术与安全输出通道,可极大地提高计算机系统的安全性能.  相似文献   
This Taiwan traffic‐adaptive arterial signal control model borrowed its traffic flow framework mainly from a British traffic‐adaptive control model with a cyclic traffic progression function, i.e. SCOOT (Split Cycle Office Optimisation Technique). The new arterial control model can take into account delays of both major and minor streets and make real‐time signal timing decisions with optimal two‐way signal offsets, so as to create the best arterial signal operation performance. It has been developed to be an online real‐time software for both simulation testing and field validation. Through simulation, it was found that the performance when operating this newly developed real‐time arterial traffic‐adaptive model was significantly better than when using the optimal fixed‐time arterial timing plan. On the aspect of field testing, three signalized intersections located in East District, Tainan City, Taiwan were selected to be the test sites. Fairly good traffic control performance has been demonstrated in that it can effectively reduce travel delays of the control arterial as a whole. Additional discussions about how to combine travel delay and the total number of vehicle stops into a new control performance index have also been included to make the new traffic‐adaptive model more flexible and reasonable to meet the expectations of different driver groups in the arterial system.  相似文献   
大学生课堂使用手机情况调查与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从大学生课堂上使用手机的现状出发,调查研究大学生课堂使用手机的行为,并进行原因剖析,提出了针对性的对策与建议。  相似文献   
北方冰冻地区公路建设中如何保持路基边坡稳定,对自然植被遭破坏的边坡如何进行恢复与保护,以防止边坡水毁及减少土壤侵蚀与流失的工程措施进行了探讨,提出公路边坡防护方案,并将其运用于实际工程实践。  相似文献   
移动式近海基地是一个大型的、浮动的、自行驱动的、由三至五个模块组成的海洋结构.其中的每个模块均能在风、浪、流作用力下实现长期定位.本文首先讨论了针对移动式近海基地的控制架构.然后针对近海基地中的单独模块设计了一个非线性带前馈的比例微分(PD)控制器,并将其应用到多个模块的运动控制中.文中同时给出了所设计的控制系统的仿真结果.  相似文献   
根据移动视频图像传输技术多年的发展和实际应用,从传输距离和覆盖范围、接收基站、飞行载体等方面进行分析,阐述移动图像传输技术在低空道路监控中的应用。将视频图像采集和传输设备安放在移动空中载体上,充分发挥了移动速度快、飞行范围广、搜索面积大、采集路面全的优势,极大地克服了地面道路监控的局限性。  相似文献   
为了更好地提升汽修专业和交通运输专业的教学效果,文章根据高职扩招和交通运输 专业的学生学情分析,结合学习的特点,改变传统教学模式,提升学生的学习主动性,采用移动学习平台加翻转课堂的教学模式,进行以学生为中心,教师为引导的教学改革。将课前、 课中、课后三个学习环节利用移动学习平台有机结合起来。采用多元化教学模式在汽修专业 和交通运输专业实践中,论证出以移动学习平台融合多媒体等信息化手段,使课堂教学内容 更丰富,教学效果更突出,促进师生共同成长,更有利于学生综合素质的发展。  相似文献   
张术林 《汽车实用技术》2022,47(16):179-182
近几年,随着我国汽车保有量的迅速增长,一方面带来了二手车市场呈现出蓬勃发展 的态势,另一方面让消费者在购买二手车时容易被诱导或被欺骗为被动购买“水淹车”群体,导致消费者的合法权益受损。为减少和避免以上现象发生,文章对受误导和被动购买到“水 淹车”的客户权益损害状况进行了剖析,提出了加强水淹车的鉴定评估制度,积极建立水淹 车第三方性质的信息查询网站,规范水淹车经纪公司的居间行为,降低消费者维权成本及拓 宽权益救济渠道,总结和归纳了购买水淹车消费者权益保护切实可行的方法。在实际的二手 车市场验证中,可以让消费者通过以上方法鉴别“水淹车”,保护自己的合法权益,同时也表 明本文提出的方法是积极有效的。  相似文献   
Large-scale disasters often trigger mass evacuation due to significant damages to urban systems. Understanding the evacuation and reentry (return) process of affected individuals is crucial for disaster management. Moreover, measuring the heterogeneity in the individuals' post-disaster behavior with respect to their socio-economic characteristics is essential for policy making. Recent studies have used large-scale location datasets collected from mobile devices to analyze post-disaster mobility patterns. Despite the availability of such data and the societal importance of the problem, no studies have focused on how income inequality affects the equity in post-disaster mobility. To overcome these research gaps, we overlay mobility data with income information from census to quantify the effects of income inequality on evacuation and reentry behavior after disasters, and the resulting spatial income segregation. Spatio-temporal analysis using location data of more than 1.7 million mobile phone users from Florida affected by Hurricane Irma reveal significant effects of income inequality on evacuation behavior. Evacuees with higher income were more likely to evacuate from affected areas and reach safer locations with less damage on housing and infrastructure. These differences were common among evacuees from both inside and outside mandatory evacuation zones. As a result of such effects of inequality, significant spatial income segregation was observed in the affected areas. Insights on the effects of income inequality on post-disaster mobility and spatial segregation could contribute to policies that better address social equity in pre-disaster preparation and post-disaster relief.  相似文献   
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