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风沙灾害地域性强,具有防治难度大、周期长等特点。为减轻风沙灾害对铁路的危害,以兰新铁路沿线的遥感数据和实测数据为基础,利用层次分析法确定风速、植被、海拔、坡向、干燥度、地表粗糙度与风沙灾害的权重关系,并采用多因子评价模型对兰新铁路沿线风沙灾害易发性进行评估。研究结果表明:风沙灾害评价中,植被指标作用最为显著,其次为风力;风沙灾害重度区主要位于阿拉山口、达坂城、百里风区和烟墩风区,中度区主要位于精河县境内临近艾比湖区域;与近50年兰新铁路沿线风沙灾害发育情况相比,分析结果具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
Noise and vibration are two of the main problems associated with railways in residential areas. To ensure quality of life and well-being of inhabitants living in the vicinity of railway paths, it is important to evaluate, understand, control and regulate railway noise and vibration. Much attention has been focused on the impact of noise from railway traffic but the consideration of railway-induced vibration has often been neglected. This paper aims to provide policy guidance based on results obtained from the analyses of relationships estimated from ordinal logit models between human response, railway noise exposure and railway vibration exposure. This was achieved using data from case studies comprised of face-to-face interviews (N = 931), internal vibration measurements (N = 755), and noise calculations (N = 688) collected within the study “Human Response to Vibration in Residential Environments” by the University of Salford, UK. Firstly, the implications of neglecting vibration in railway noise policies are investigated. The findings suggest that it is important to account for railway induced vibrations in future noise and transport policies, as neglecting vibrations results in an underestimation of people highly annoyed by noise. Secondly, implications of neglecting different types of railway sources are presented. It was found that the impact of noise and vibration form maintenance operations should be better understood and should be taken into account when assessing the environmental impact of railways in residential environments. Finally, factors that were found to influence railway vibration annoyance are presented and expressed as weightings. The data shows that factors specific to a particular residential area should also be taken into account in future vibration policies as the literature shows that attitudinal, socio-demographic and situational factors have a large influence on vibration annoyance responses. This work will be of interest to researchers and environmental health practitioners involved in the assessment of vibration complaints, as well as to policy makers, planners and consultants involved in the design of buildings and railways.  相似文献   
In this paper we carry out a container port performance analysis of the developing world between 2000 and 2010, using both parametric and nonparametric approaches. From a unique dataset – our sample covers 70 developing countries, 203 ports, and 1750 data points–, we examine the evolution and drivers of productivity and efficiency changes across developing regions. We show that productivity growth rates between 2000 and 2010 vary significantly and that this heterogeneity is explained by pure efficiency changes rather than scale efficiency of technological changes. Therefore, we carry out a detailed efficiency analysis to determine the drivers of port efficiency. Time series results show an upward trend for port efficiency in developing regions, as it increased from 51 percent in 2000 to 61 percent in 2010. Our analysis indicates that private sector participation, the reduction of corruption in the public sector, improvements in liner connectivity and the existence of multimodal links increase the level of port efficiency in developing regions.  相似文献   
From a capacity perspective, efficient utilization of a railway corridor has two main objectives; avoidance of schedule conflicts, and finding a proper balance between capacity utilization and level of service (LOS). There are several timetable tools and commercial rail simulation packages available to assist in reaching these objectives, but few of them offer both automatic train conflict resolution and automatic timetable management features for the different types of corridor configurations. This research presents a new rescheduling model to address some of the current limitations. The multi-objective linear programming (LP) model is called “Hybrid Optimization of Train Schedules” (HOTS), and it works together with commercial rail simulation tools to improve capacity utilization or LOS metrics. The HOTS model uses both conflict resolution and timetable compression techniques and is applicable to single-, double-, and multiple-track corridors (N-track networks), using both directional and bi-directional operations. This paper presents the approach, formulation and data requirements for the HOTS model. Single and multi-track case studies test and demonstrate the model’s train conflict resolution and timetable compression capabilities, and the model’s results are validated by using RailSys simulation package. The HOTS model performs well in each tested scenario, providing comparable results (either improved or similar) to the commercial packages.  相似文献   
Decreasing the uncertainty in the lengths of railway disruptions is a major help to disruption management. To assist the Dutch Operational Control Center Rail (OCCR) during disruptions, we propose the Copula Bayesian Network method to construct a disruption length prediction model. Computational efficiency and fast inference features make the method attractive for the OCCR’s real-time decision making environment. The method considers the factors influencing the length of a disruption and models the dependence between them to produce a prediction. As an illustration, a model for track circuit (TC) disruptions in the Dutch railway network is presented in this paper. Factors influencing the TC disruption length are considered and a disruption length model is constructed. We show that the resulting model’s prediction power is sound and discuss its real-life use and challenges to be tackled in practice.  相似文献   
This paper aims to examine the past and present research on ‘green ports and maritime logistics’ in order to identify established research streams and fertile research areas with potential for future investigations. Using rigorous bibliometric and network analysis tools, the paper completes a systemic mapping of the existing literature and identifies the key investigators, collaboration patterns, research clusters and interrelationships, and the “seminal research areas” that have provided the field with the foundational knowledge, concepts, theories, tools, and techniques. Major articles within each seminal research area are also identified. This will allow new researchers to quickly build understanding in a particular sub-field by reading these major articles. The findings obtained from the evolution of seminal research areas over time are important from both research and practice perspectives and can help the field grow in many dimensions.  相似文献   
主要介绍预应力空心管桩(PHC)在天津港试桩的全过程,重点对PHC桩能否在天津港地质及外界条件下应用进行探讨,以期望通过本文对以后继续深入研究PHC桩在中国北方地区的应用起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   
基于最短径路、合并径路、适度分流径路三种径路形式研究铁路OD分配问题。通过巧妙地构造合并径路邻域系,设计优化合并径路分配方案的模拟退火算法,解决铁路OD分配的核心问题。进而在合并径路分配方案的基础上,采用贪婪算法增加分流径路获得适度分流径路分配方案,以解决能力相对紧张的铁路运输网络的OD分配问题。大规模铁路OD分配实例计算表明,这些优化方法具有良好的优化质量和运算效率。  相似文献   
基于蚁群算法的煤炭运输优化方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李智 《中国铁道科学》2004,25(3):126-129
蚁群算法是指通过人工模拟蚂蚁搜索食物的过程来求解运输优化问题的一种算法。给出蚁群算法模型及算法步骤。研究一种带容量限制和考虑损耗的煤炭运输数学模型的优化计算,并给出算法步骤。运用蚁群算法对某一钢铁企业煤炭运输问题进行优化计算,计算结果符合实际生产情况。  相似文献   
研究目的:黔桂铁路改扩建工程地处西南山区,穿越贵州、广西两省区,沿线地形地质十分复杂,线路方案选择往往受到地质条件的严重制约,因此,在该线改扩建工程初测阶段大力开展区域地质选线工作对节约工程投资、减少地质灾害和工程病害、消除运营隐患是很有必要的。研究方法:在充分收集区域地质资料基础上,通过地质调绘、钻探、静力触探等综合勘探方法,查明选线段重大工程地质问题,从地质角度确定线路方案。研究结果:通过不同方案地质条件必选,最终确定了地质条件好的线路方案。研究结论:西南山区地形地质复杂,线路方案比选中应充分研究沿线地质条件,绕避复杂、严重地质不良地段。本文系统介绍了黔桂线改扩建工程初测阶段几处典型的、成功的地质选线,概括性地总结了地质选线应绕避的重大地质问题,其选线思路、比选条件及评价意见等可作为其它山区铁路勘察设计参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
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