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Dynamic traffic routing refers to the process of (re)directing vehicles at junctions in a traffic network according to the evolving traffic conditions. The traffic management center can determine desired routes for drivers in order to optimize the performance of the traffic network by dynamic traffic routing. However, a traffic network may have thousands of links and nodes, resulting in a large-scale and computationally complex non-linear, non-convex optimization problem. To solve this problem, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is chosen as the optimization method in this paper because of its powerful optimization heuristic for combinatorial optimization problems. ACO is implemented online to determine the control signal – i.e., the splitting rates at each node. However, using standard ACO for traffic routing is characterized by four main disadvantages: 1. traffic flows for different origins and destinations cannot be distinguished; 2. all ants may converge to one route, causing congestion; 3. constraints cannot be taken into account; and 4. neither can dynamic link costs. These problems are addressed by adopting a novel ACO algorithm with stench pheromone and with colored ants, called Ant Colony Routing (ACR). Using the stench pheromone, the ACR algorithm can distribute the vehicles over the traffic network with less or no traffic congestion, as well as reduce the number of vehicles near some sensitive zones, such as hospitals and schools. With colored ants, the traffic flows for multiple origins and destinations can be represented. The proposed approach is also implemented in a simulation-based case study in the Walcheren area, the Netherlands, illustrating the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   
This contribution furthers the control framework for driver assistance systems in Part I to cooperative systems, where equipped vehicles can exchange relevant information via vehicle-to-vehicle communication to improve the awareness of the ambient situation (cooperative sensing) and to manoeuvre together under a common goal (cooperative control). To operationalize the cooperative sensing strategy, the framework is applied to the development of a multi-anticipative controller, where an equipped vehicle uses information from its direct predecessor to predict the behaviour of its pre-predecessor. To operationalize the cooperative control strategy, we design cooperative controllers for sequential equipped vehicles in a platoon, where they collaborate to optimise a joint objective. The cooperative control strategy is not restricted to cooperation between equipped vehicles. When followed by a human-driven vehicle, equipped vehicles can still exhibit cooperative behaviour by predicting the behaviour of the human-driven follower, even if the prediction is not perfect.The performance of the proposed controllers are assessed by simulating a platoon of 11 vehicles with reference to the non-cooperative controller proposed in Part I. Evaluations show that the multi-anticipative controller generates smoother behaviour in accelerating phase. By a careful choice of the running cost specification, cooperative controllers lead to smoother decelerating behaviour and more responsive and agile accelerating behaviour compared to the non-cooperative controller. The dynamic characteristics of the proposed controllers provide new insights into the potential impact of cooperative systems on traffic flow operations, particularly at the congestion head and tail.  相似文献   
车用LPG电控发动机排放控制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈贤章  王学合 《汽车工程》2004,26(4):401-404,422
文中所研究的LPG发动机电控系统综合利用了下列控制策略:基于步进电机步数的LPG燃料精确预控制与空燃比闭环控制;优化发动机起动后及暖机过程的空燃比控制;通过提高怠速及推迟点火的催化器快速起燃控制;通过氧传感器的加热以快速实现发动机起动后的空燃比闭环控制。并对1.8L汽油发动机进行了匹配试验,在兼顾发动机动力性及经济性的前提下有害气体排放达到欧Ⅱ法规的50%。  相似文献   
涂层与阴极保护下的管道外腐蚀研究与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来 ,一直认为管道在涂层和阴极保护协同保护下不会产生外壁腐蚀或腐蚀轻微。应用第三代高精度智能清管检测器对榕山—佛荫长为 2 5 4km的管线进行检测 ,发现了 455处外壁腐蚀 ,研究结果表明 :管道建设时 ,涂层施工的质量较差 ;使用维护过程中涂层材料老化严重、失修 ;管线上阴极保护系统长期故障使管道欠保护 ;执行了有严重缺陷的行业标准 ,至今不知管线上监测到的保护电位距真实的极化电位的差距有多大 ;管线的阴极保护度数据难以采集到。针对上述问题提出了控制腐蚀的方法。  相似文献   
驱动桥总成在线检测计算机测控系统研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文介绍了驱动桥总成在线检测计算机测控系统及技术实现。在该系统的控制下,实现了基于驱动桥总成的制动性能、速度及阻力矩等性能指标的综合检测,从而使生产过程驱动桥总成质量控制得以实现。该系统也可用于试验研究。  相似文献   
二冲程通用小型汽油机在非道路机械应用广泛,但排放不能满足EPA和欧盟标准,制约着发展。在解决二冲程通用小型汽油机排放的技术方案中,催化转化技术是目前的主流技术。  相似文献   
黄为民 《天津汽车》2010,(3):15-15,29
丰田“召回事件”向国内汽车零部件企业敲响了警钟。国内汽车零部件企业应当从丰田“召回事件”中吸取教训。要做大应先做强,打牢做大的基础;要正确处理好速度与质量的关系,任何时候都必须坚持“质量就是生命”的信念和追求;为消费者和社会提供优质的产品,既是企业应尽的义务,也是企业应该担负的社会责任,更是企业可持续发展,在市场竞争中“永葆青春”的法宝;在“走出去”的过程中,要加强“风险防范”,千万不能低估了跨国经营的法规制度的风险防范。  相似文献   
控制车用汽油机排气污染的催化技术及其发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环保法规的日益严格进行了汽车尾气催化转化的发展。介绍了催化技术和催化剂载体近40年的发展历程,综述了稀燃条件下国内外的催化技术特点,。指出开展稀燃条件下催化转器的研制必将对汽油机稀燃及其低排放技术磁生巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   
针对WBC-200型设备的砂石料和水泥采用容积式计算方式,靠改变料斗开展及调速电机转速的方式来改变料的配比,计量精度低,控制精度无法保证,影响成品料质量的稳定性,且水泥浪费现象严重的情况,对其进行改造,通过将砂石料和水泥的容积式计量改为重量计量,提高二者的计量精度以及增加计算机自动控制方式,以保证要求的控制精度。  相似文献   
电子节气门控制系统研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
分析了以步进电机和无刷直流电机做驱动器的电子节气门的组成和工作原理,阐述了控制系统的硬件与软件构成以及控制系统的抗干扰措施,并进行了控制系统的响应特忭试验:结果表明,所研究的电子节气门及其控制系统具有较好的跟随特性。  相似文献   
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