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饱和黄土区地铁隧道穿越桥梁桩基托换技术研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在城市轨道交通中,地下工程往往需要穿越上部建筑物,为了保证建筑物安全正常使用,托换技术已成为解决城市建设施工的一种有效方法。在饱和黄土地区,由于黄土特殊的工程性质,桩基托换工程实例相对较少。以兰州市轨道交通1号线地铁隧道下穿既有市政桥梁为工程背景,详细介绍桩基托换设计方案,并建立三维有限元模型,进行数值分析。研究隧道开挖和切桩过程中地表沉降、桩基沉降和托换桩基受力机制,验证托换方案的可行性。研究结果表明:地表最大沉降为10.5 mm,桩基最大沉降量为9.7 mm,相邻桩基沉降差最大值为2.2 mm,满足相关规范要求。托换后桩底轴力为1 143.9 k N,小于单桩设计承载力4 739 k N,在初始阶段、新增承台及桩基、切除左右隧道内桩基及最后阶段衬砌左右隧道,托换桩基承载力均满足要求。  相似文献   
香港西铁项目投资规模巨大,工程复杂。为确保工程能按时完工,投入运营,参与各方秉承科学计划管理理念、采用先进技术精心组织实施,业主在招标阶段制定了一套完善的计划管理体系,承包商能够利用先进技术编制了全面、详细、形象的施工计划并加以实施,咨询工程师能够严格把关,协调各方关系,确保了项目顺利完工。  相似文献   
It is about 20 years since the rail reform process in Europe began with the separation of infrastructure from operations in Sweden. This paper reviews the entire process, examining the objectives of reform, the different models adopted, and the key elements of separation of infrastructure from operations, competition both through open access and franchising and regulation and infrastructure charging. It is concluded that separation of infrastructure from operations involves costs, but is the most effective way of achieving within mode competition. Where operations do not greatly overlap and open access passenger and freight are unimportant, leasing infrastructure to passenger franchisees may be effective, but the model of vertical integration as separate subsidiaries within a holding company structure makes it difficult to ensure a level playing field for new entrants and is only effective where the vertically integrated operator remains dominant.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the potential of Light Rail Rapid Transit (LRRT) to mitigate the environmental and social burden of ground access systems of an airport. This implies, on the one hand, LRRT's capability in mitigating externalities in terms of noise, air pollution/climate change, traffic incidents/accidents and congestion of airport ground access systems and, on the other, the provision of sufficient capacity to accommodate generally increasing volumes of both air passenger and airport employee demand by connecting the airport to its core catchment area. A methodology for assessing the capability of LRRT operating as an airport ground access system is developed. This methodology consists of models to analyze and predict demand and capacity for an LRRT system and models to quantify the externalities of particular airport ground access systems as well as assessing their prospective savings thanks to the introduction of an LRRT system. The methodology is applied to a large European airport – Amsterdam Schiphol (the Netherlands) – using a ‘what-if?’ scenario approach.  相似文献   
当前国内城际轨道交通的发展对以轨道交通为导向的城市综合开发提出更高的要求,针对性剖析香港铁路发展历程和成功经验,结合相关数据分析,研究城铁一体化综合开发模式对城际轨道交通可持续发展的作用和意义,对该模式下的财务、政策和技术层面的问题进行探讨,提出城铁一体化开发须在政策层面制定相应的权益流程,实施开发建设的集约化;在运营层面体现共赢原则,构建轨道交通运营+效益返还机制;针对城市各区域发展不同步的特点,在一体化建设中采用灵活的预留机制满足分期建设的需求,最终实现轨道交通的可持续发展。  相似文献   
Advanced modelling of rail vehicle dynamics requires realistic solutions of contact problems for wheels and rails that are able to describe contact singularities, encountered for wheels and rails. The basic singularities demonstrate themselves as double and multiple contact patches. The solutions of the contact problems have to be known practically in each step of the numerical integration of the differential equations of the model. The existing fast, approximate methods of solution to achieve this goal have been outlined. One way to do this is to replace a multi-point contact by a set of ellipses. The other methods are based on so-called virtual penetration. They allow calculating the non-elliptical, multiple contact patches and creep forces online, during integration of the model. This allows nearly real-time simulations. The methods are valid and applicable for so-called quasi-Hertzian cases, when the contact conditions do not deviate much from the assumptions of the Hertz theory. It is believed that it is worthwhile to use them in other cases too.  相似文献   
郭剑勇 《隧道建设》2014,34(2):147-152
为解决在特定的城市地下空间新建隧道施工影响既有地下结构安全的问题,以北京地下直径线前三门隧道上跨既有隧道工程为研究对象,提出"隔离桩保护,分步开挖"设计方案,模拟隧道分步开挖过程,计算隧道施工过程中联络通道的位移值。主要结论如下:隧道采用相应的保护措施和分步施工法是可行的,施工不会影响联络通道及电力隧道的结构性安全。  相似文献   
钢轨焊接接头平直度测量方法及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直尺+塞尺法测量焊接接头平直度有一定的局限性,有时不能真实反映焊接接头的实际平顺程度。采用SEC(Straight Edge Compact)电子平直尺(仪)测量钢轨焊接接头平直度,通过分析1m范围内的平直度曲线,得出4种典型曲线。根据不同类型的平直度曲线,可找出造成超差的原因,并制定出有效的改进焊接和打磨工艺措施。  相似文献   
文章介绍了蠕变时效成形工艺特点、工艺流程、工艺装备及应用案例。依托高速列车司机室前端结构,通过建模仿真分析优化了蠕变时效成形工艺及模具,并进行了试验验证,结果表明:采用蠕变时效工艺可大幅减少蒙皮分块数量,减少焊接热输入量,控制残余应力水平,表面质量良好,成形精度高。对比传统的轨道客车司机室蒙皮生产工艺,蠕变时效工艺在减少材料损伤、改善材料综合性能、提升组装效率、提高结构完整性方面具有潜在技术优势,在轨道客车领域具有重要的工程应用价值和前景。  相似文献   
基于车轨耦合动力学理论,建立地铁车辆与地铁常用整体道床轨道的耦合动力学模型。对比地铁车辆在加装动力吸振器和未加装钢轨动力吸振器的轨道运行时的车体加速度、轮轨相互作用力、钢轨加速度以及轨道板(道床板)振动加速度等指标,综合分析其对车辆和轨道的影响,对钢轨动力吸振器的应用具有理论指导意义。对比从时域和频域分别进行,结果表明,地铁整体道床轨道在加装钢轨动力吸振器以后,车体垂向加速度受到的影响很微小;轮轨动作用力有减小趋势;钢轨加速度和道床板表面加速度在钢轨pinned-pinned共振频率附近有明显的降低。安装钢轨动力吸振器有利于轨道减振降噪,对轮轨动作用力的降低也有益处。  相似文献   
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