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文章通过对广州市地铁接运公交专线现状的调研,分析了我国大城市轨道交通接运公交的现状特性及影响其运营性能的各种因素,探讨了提高运营性能的方法,为类似城市轨道交通接运公交专线的规划提供参考。  相似文献   
燃油喷雾PIV测试方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文使用美国TSI公司的PIV(ParticleImageVelocimetry)设备,对电控高压共轨燃油喷射系统在3个不同的喷射压力(80MPa,100MPa,110MPa)下的燃油喷雾进行了测试,获得了喷雾图像,并对喷雾测试过程中的各种参数设置以及一些问题做了详细分析。  相似文献   
On-line rail milling technologies have been applied in rail maintenance, and are proving to be efficient and environmental friendly. Based on the field data of on-line rail milling, a program for comparing rail transverse profiles before and after milling was designed and the root mean square (RMS) amplitude of longitudinal profile was calculated. The application of on-line rail milling technology in removing rail surface defects, re-profiling railhead transverse profiles, smoothing longitudinal profiles and improving welding joint irregularity were analyzed. The results showed that the on-line rail milling technology can remove the surface defects at the rail crown and gauge corner perfectly, re-profile railhead transverse profile with a tolerance of -1.00.2 mm , improve longitudinal irregularity of rail surface, with the RMS amplitude of irregularity reduced more than 50% and the number of out-of-limited amplitude reduced by 42%82% in all wavelength ranges. The improvement of welding joint irregularity depends on the amount of metal removal determined by the milling equipment and the primal amplitude.  相似文献   
This paper starts with a discussion on typical vehicles. The concepts and the usual practice for rail wagon design, both freight and passengers are presented. A discussion on rail and the environment comes next followed by Truck-Trains. Accident theories, metaphors and investigation methods are widely discussed; Hazard – Barrier – Target Model, Swiss Cheese Model, Bow-Tie Model, Fault Tree Analysis and Event Tree Analysis are explained. This paper concludes with a technical discussion on safety and security of rail vehicles, standards for safety and measures against terrorist attacks.  相似文献   
This paper presents an overview of the principles and technologies relating to railway infrastructure. Specifically this paper includes rail–wheel contact, inspection and maintenance of rail. Intelligent transport systems (ITS) and their applications for the purposes of the railway transport in Europe are discussed. The potential, levels of development, technological and operational characteristics of the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS) are presented. Finally, a discussion on methodologies, principles and current practices for access charging in Europe is provided.  相似文献   
朱晓兵 《隧道建设》2014,34(5):397-401
基础设施项目建设对国民经济的拉动效应显而易见,轨道交通建设给城市发展带来更多的机遇和挑战。地方政府在轨道建设前期如何前瞻规划、统筹安排和有效整合沿线资源,探索适合的建设模式对实现项目的可持续发展至关重要。以深圳地铁6号线为例,借鉴香港"轨道+物业"轨道发展经验,通过优化轨道交通沿线土地利用布局和开发强度,实践轨道交通TOD开发模式。阐述城轨TOD与香港地铁"轨道+物业"的理念,分析香港地铁"轨道+物业"模式在大陆应用存在的问题,介绍"轨道+物业"理念在深圳地铁6号线规划研究中的应用成果,将"轨道+物业"的模式与传统模式进行对比,总结城市轨道交通TOD模式成功实施的重要条件。最后对国内城轨TOD成功实施提出一些建议:创新城市轨道交通沿线土地出让和储备机制,探索城市轨道交通和城市空间规划接驳机制,完善城市轨道交通管理体制机制,完善政策及技术规范支撑,加强法规制度保障等。  相似文献   
以沈阳市城市轨道交通建设为背景,介绍在城市快速发展的基础上发展起来的列车自动监控系统,从功能、结构以及面向对象设计3个方面对系统进行分析,并介绍统一建模语言UML及工具Rational Rose,同时给出系统结构图和类图.  相似文献   
为改善各缸工作不均匀性,以TBD314V8柴油机为研究对象,基于缸压计算得到的各缸IMEP和CA50作为反馈变量,控制变量为各缸的喷油量和喷油提前角,建立了GT-Power与Simulink联合仿真模型,通过模型分析了轨压、负荷和喷油提前角对爆压、IMEP和CA50不均匀率的影响,并对影响因素进行参数灵敏度量化分析,验证了闭环控制对各缸不均匀性的改善效果。结果表明:轨压对爆压、IMEP和CA50不均匀率影响较小;负荷对IMEP不均匀率影响最大,且随着负荷的增加呈线性下降;喷油提前角对爆压不均匀率和CA50不均匀率影响最大,且CA50不均匀率随着喷油提前角的增大呈线性增加。经过闭环控制后,各缸不均匀性得到明显改善。  相似文献   
京津冀协同发展上升为国家战略,需要区域轨道交通协调发展来支撑和服务于区域一体化发展。从京津冀协同发展空间布局及产业转移的角度出发,提出各种轨道交通的层次及服务功能,在此基础上对轨道交通协调发展研究提出应抓住规划,处理好既有轨道交通与新增轨道交通、客货运主要通道与交通引导(TOD)、各种轨道交通间协调衔接等方面关系;加快投融资改革,实施同步建设;创新体制,实现管理协调发展;加大政策扶持,达到轨道交通可持续发展等方面进行研究,同时对区域轨道交通进行展望,对京津冀一体化轨道交通协调发展研究方向、研究领域和空间进行了浅议。  相似文献   
双控道岔联系电路的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在个别站场间,为节省占地面积或受其他因素制约,两站的联锁区是由一组双动道岔隔开。若其中一站为计算机联锁控制,另一站为6502电气集中控制,依据相关设计规范,设计出一套计算机联锁车站与6502电气集中车站利用渡线隔开时的结合电路。该结合电路安全可靠,未改变原有电路定型结构。经过联锁模拟实验,该设计方案合理可行。  相似文献   
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