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目前小公交运作普遍采用“定线不定点”的公交运行模式,广泛的存在于山区城市,以及规模较小、经济发展较为滞后的大城市城乡结合部和小城市中。对于平原城市,小型公交的产生是源于经济水平发展滞后,居民出行意愿不高的现实需要,是一种过渡性的公共交通方式。但是,山区小型公交的存在和发展则是受城市空间布局、地形地貌、路网结构等因素的影响,在城市公共客运交通服务体系中占有非常重要的位置。因此,本文将在山区城市公共客运系统特征的基础上,分析小型公交存在的合理性,研究其布局方法,及其实施过程中需解决的一些关键问题。  相似文献   
This study aims to improve a previously-developed methodology for predicting the traffic impacts of mixed-use developments (MXDs). In 31 diverse metropolitan regions across the United States, we collected consistent regional household travel survey data and computed built environment characteristics—D variables—of MXDs. Multilevel modeling (MLM) was employed to predict the probability of trips captured internally within MXDs, walking on internal trips, and travel mode choice on external trips, by trip purpose. Larger, denser, mixed-use, and more walkable MXDs show a larger share of trips internally, compared with conventional suburban developments. Those MXDs with good access to transit, employment, and destinations also show higher levels of walking, biking, and transit shares on external trips, thus helping to reduce traffic impacts on the external road network. Perhaps the most impressive finding is that well-designed MXDs have walk shares of more than 50 percent on internal trips. A k-fold cross-validation supports the robustness of our analyses.  相似文献   
Ride-sourcing services have made significant changes to the transportation system, essentially creating a new mode of transport, arguably with its own relative utility compared to the other standard modes. As ride-sourcing services have become more popular each year and their markets have grown, so have the publications related to the emergence of these services. One question that has not been addressed yet is how the built environment, the so-called D variables (i.e., density, diversity, design, distance to transit, and destination accessibility), affect demand for ride-sourcing services. By having unique access to Uber trip data in 24 diverse U.S. regions, we provide a robust data-driven understanding of how ride-sourcing demand is affected by the built environment, after controlling for socioeconomic factors. Our results show that Uber demand is positively correlated with total population and employment, activity density, land use mix or entropy, and transit stop density of a census block group. In contrast, Uber demand is negatively correlated with intersection density and destination accessibility (both by auto and transit) variables. This result might be attributed to the relative advantages of other modes – driving, taking transit, walking, or biking – in areas with denser street networks and better regional job access. The findings of this paper have important implications for policy, planning, and travel demand modeling, where decision-makers seek solutions to shape the built environment in order to reduce automobile dependence and promote walking, biking, and transit use.  相似文献   
As a guarantee of life quality, older people’s travel demand has to be satisfied, so understanding their travel demand is important. An important point to bear in mind is that older people are not a homogeneous group but that distinguishing between older women and older men in their mobility needs and travel patterns is necessary. Older people’s travel demand needs to be investigated from many different aspects, including trip generation, travel time, and mode choice. In this study, the investigation is focused on older people’s trip chaining, including trip chain complexity, tour composition in a chain.  相似文献   
Cities around the world and in the US are implementing bikesharing systems, which allow users to access shared bicycles for short trips, typically in the urban core. Yet few scholars have examined the determinants of bikeshare station usage using a fine-grained approach. We estimate a series of Bayesian regression models of trip generation at stations, examining the effects bicycle infrastructure, population and employment, land use mix, and transit access separately by season of the year, weekday/weekend, and user type (subscriber versus casual). We find that bikeshare stations located near busy subway stations and bicycle infrastructure see greater utilization, and that greater population and employment generally predict greater usage. Our findings are nuanced, however; for instance, those areas with more residential population are associated with more trips by subscribers and on both weekdays and non-working days; however, the effect is much stronger on non-working days. Additional nuances can be found in how various land use variables affect bikeshare usage. We use our models, based on 2014 data, to forecast the trips generated at new stations opened in 2015. Results suggest there is large variation in predictive power, partly caused by variation in weather, but also by other factors that cannot be predicted. This leads us to the conclusion that the nuances we find in our inferential analysis are more useful for transportation planners.  相似文献   
Development of an origin-destination demand matrix is crucial for transit planning. The development process is facilitated by automated transit smart card data, making it possible to mine boarding and alighting patterns on an individual basis. This research proposes a novel trip chaining method which uses Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) and General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data to infer the most likely trajectory of individual transit passengers. The method relaxes the assumptions on various parameters used in the existing trip chaining algorithms such as transfer walking distance threshold, buffer distance for selecting the boarding location, time window for selecting the vehicle trip, etc. The method also resolves issues related to errors in GPS location recorded by AFC systems or selection of incorrect sub-route from GTFS data. The proposed trip chaining method generates a set of candidate trajectories for each AFC tag to reach the next tag, calculates the probability of each trajectory, and selects the most likely trajectory to infer the boarding and alighting stops. The method is applied to transit data from the Twin Cities, MN, which has an open transit system where passengers tap smart cards only once when boarding (or when alighting on pay-exit buses). Based on the consecutive tags of the passenger, the proposed algorithm is also modified for pay-exit cases. The method is compared to previous methods developed by the researchers and shows improvement in the number of inferred cases. Finally, results are visualized to understand the route ridership and geographical pattern of trips.  相似文献   
In recent years smartcards have been implemented in many transit systems around the world as a means by which passengers pay for travel. In addition to allowing speedier boardings there are many secondary benefits of smartcard systems including better understanding of travel patterns and behaviour of travellers. Such research is dependent on the smartcard correctly recording the boarding stop, and where available the alighting stop. It is also dependent on the smartcard system correctly aggregating individual rides into trips.This paper identifies causes for why smartcard systems may not correctly record such information. The first contribution of the paper is to propose a set of rules to aggregate individual rides into a single trip. This is critical in the research of activity based modelling as well as for correctly charging the passenger. The second contribution of the paper is to provide an approach to identify erroneous tap-out data, either caused by system problems or by the user. An approach to detecting this phenomenon is provided. The output from this analysis is then used to identify faulty vehicles or data supply using the “comparison against peers approach”. This third contribution of the paper identifies where transit agencies and operators should target resources to improve performance of their Automatic Vehicle Location systems. This method could also be used to identify users who appear to be tapping out too early.The approaches are tested using smartcard data from the Singapore public transport network from one week in April 2011. The results suggest that approximately 7.7% of all smartcard rides recorded the passenger as alighting one stop before the bus stop that they most probably alighted at. A further 0.7% of smartcard rides recorded the passenger as alighting more than one stop before the bus stop that they most probably alighted at. There was no evidence that smartcards overestimated the distance travelled by the passenger.  相似文献   
Utilizing daily ridership data, literature has shown that adverse weather conditions have a negative impact on transit ridership and in turn, result in revenue loss for the transit agencies. This paper extends this discussion by using more detailed hourly ridership data to model the weather effects. For this purpose, the daily and hourly subway ridership from New York City Transit for the years 2010–2011 is utilized. The paper compares the weather impacts on ridership based on day of week and time of day combinations and further demonstrates that the weather’s impact on transit ridership varies based on the time period and location. The separation of ridership models based on time of day provides a deeper understanding of the relationship between trip purpose and weather for transit riders. The paper investigates the role of station characteristics such as weather protection, accessibility, proximity and the connecting bus services by developing models based on station types. The findings indicate substantial differences in the extent to which the daily and hourly models and the individual weather elements are able to explain the ridership variability and travel behavior of transit riders. By utilizing the time of day and station based models, the paper demonstrates the potential sources of weather impact on transit infrastructure, transit service and trip characteristics. The results suggest the development of specific policy measures which can help the transit agencies to mitigate the ridership differences due to adverse weather conditions.  相似文献   
In the past decade, many studies have explored the relationship between travelers’ travel mode and their trip satisfaction. Various characteristics of the chosen travel modes have been found to influence trip experiences; however, apart from the chosen modes, travelers’ variability in mode use and their ability to vary have not been investigated in the trip satisfaction literature. This current paper presents an analysis of commuting trip satisfaction in Beijing with a particular focus on the influence of commuters’ multimodal behavior on multiple workdays and their modal flexibility for each commuting trip. Consistent with previous studies, we find that commuting trips by active modes are the most satisfying, followed by trips by car and public transport. In Beijing, public transport dominates. Urban residents increasingly acquire automobiles, but a strict vehicle policy has been implemented to restrict the use of private cars on workdays. In this comparatively constrained context for transport mode choice, we find a significant portion of commuters showing multimodal behavior. We also find that multimodal commuters tend to feel less satisfied with trips by alternative modes compared with monomodal commuters, which is probably related to their undesirable deviation from habitual transport modes. Furthermore, the relationship between modal flexibility and trip satisfaction is not linear, but U-shaped. Commuters with high flexibility are generally most satisfied because there is a higher possibility for them to choose their mode of transport out of preference. Very inflexible commuters can also reach a relatively high satisfaction level, however, which is probably caused by their lower expectations beforehand and the fact that they did not have an alternative to regret in trip satisfaction assessments.  相似文献   
Defining and understanding trip chaining behaviour   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Trip chaining is a phenomenon that we know exists but rarely investigate. This could be attributed to either the difficulty in defining trip chains, extracting such information from travel diary surveys, the difficulty in analysing all the possible trip chain types, or all of the above. Household travel diary surveys provide a wealth of information on the travel patterns of individuals and households. Since such surveys collect all information related to travel undertaken, in theory it should be possible to extract trip-chaining characteristics of travel from them. Due to the difficulty in establishing and analysing all of the possible trip chain types, the majority of research on trip chaining has appeared to focus on work travel only. However, work related travel in many cities does not represent the majority of activities undertaken and, for some age groups, does not represent any travel at all. This paper begins by reviewing existing research in the field of trip chaining. In particular, investigations into the definitions of trip chaining, the defined typologies of trip chains and the research questions that have been addressed are explored. This review of previous research into trip chaining facilitates the following tasks: the identification of the most useful questions to be addressed by this research; defining trip chaining and associated typologies and defining data structures to extract trip chaining information from the household travel surveys conducted in metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia. The definition and typology developed in our research was then used to extract trip-chaining information from the household travel diary survey (MAHTS99) conducted in Adelaide in 1999. The extracted trip chaining information was then used to investigate trip-chaining behaviour by households. The paper reports the results of this analysis and concludes with a summary of the findings and recommendations for further investigations.  相似文献   
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