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在我国有公路桥的城市很多,为此制定相应的基于系统最优的公路桥收费策略,不仅可以方便居民的正常出行,还有助于政府利用桥梁收费达到城市交通平衡和解决市政桥梁建设资金问题的双重目的。  相似文献   
典型钢桥面铺装结构的病害分类分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文结合国内外钢桥面铺装损坏的实际情况,分析总结了四种典型钢桥面铺装结构产生的病害情况,并在此基础上对钢桥面铺装的病害进行了分类。  相似文献   
李新国  王安华  卢昭 《水运工程》2017,(10):130-134
针对在拉美和非洲地区部分码头建设中,存在大型船机设备缺乏和长周期波较为明显、常规打桩船作业和预制构件安装困难的问题,基于一般桩基码头结构,在设计和施工两个方面进行优化,采用桩顶施工行走平台方法施工,利用桩基自身作为支撑结构,大量采用叠合式上部结构,实现将海上施工转化为陆上施工的创新,形成整体推进式桩基码头结构,规避大型船机设备缺乏和长周期波较为明显的问题,具有良好的经济性和对强震区的适应性。  相似文献   
This study investigates the impacts of physical environments on bicyclists’ perceptions of comfort on separated and on-street bicycle facilities. Based on a field investigation conducted in Nanjing, China, we find that physical environmental factors significantly influencing bicyclists’ perception of comfort on the two types of facility. Cyclists’ comfort is mainly influenced by the road geometry and surrounding conditions on physically separated paths while they pay attention to the effective riding space and traffic situations on on-street bicycle lanes.  相似文献   
叶万军  魏伟  陈明 《隧道建设》2019,39(10):1585-1593
为避免初期支护局部破坏对深埋黄土隧道安全产生危害,依托甘肃省境内早胜3号隧道施工开展深埋大断面黄土隧道初期支护受力规律的现场试验研究。通过埋设振弦式传感器对围岩与初期支护接触压力、喷射混凝土应变、钢拱架应变、相邻钢拱架间作用力进行监测,同时建立模拟隧道施工的有限元计算模型,分析得到初期支护内力分布特点。结果表明: 1) 初期支护受力随时间表现出迅速增长—缓慢增长—逐渐稳定的特点,曲线在二次衬砌闭合12 d后基本稳定; 2)应力空间分布上部大下部小,偏压特性明显,荷载理论计算值偏小; 3) 拱顶及边墙区域为初期支护薄弱部位,需采取措施并加强监控量测; 4)数值计算表明锚杆末端轴力较小,设计中可考虑适当缩短锚杆长度。  相似文献   
One interaction between environmental and safety goals in transport is found within the vehicle fleet where fuel economy and secondary safety performance of individual vehicles impose conflicting requirements on vehicle mass from an individual’s perspective. Fleet characteristics influence the relationship between the environmental and safety outcomes of the fleet; the topic of this paper. Cross-sectional analysis of mass within the British fleet is used to estimate the partial effects of mass on the fuel consumption and secondary safety performance of vehicles. The results confirmed that fuel consumption increases as mass increases and is different for different combinations of fuel and transmission types. Additionally, increasing vehicle mass generally decreases the risk of injury to the driver of a given vehicle in the event of a crash. However, this relationship depends on the characteristics of the vehicle fleet, and in particular, is affected by changes in mass distribution within the fleet. We confirm that there is generally a trade-off in vehicle design between fuel economy and secondary safety performance imposed by mass. Cross-comparison of makes and models by model-specific effects reveal cases where this trade-off exists in other aspects of design. Although it is shown that mass imposes a trade-off in vehicle design between safety and fuel use, this does not necessarily mean that it imposes a trade-off between safety and environmental goals in the vehicle fleet as a whole because the secondary safety performance of a vehicle depends on both its own mass and the mass of the other vehicles with which it collides.  相似文献   
针对船舶六自由度转台电液伺服系统的参数整定问题,提出一种基于多目标遗传算法和多属性决策的PID参数设计方法,综合考虑了系统超调量、稳定时间和ITAE指标,采用多目标遗传算法求出Pareto最优解。使用客观赋权的信息熵法对最优解的属性进行权值计算,然后采用逼近理想解的排序方法(TOP—SIS)进行多属性决策(MADM)研究。计算了转台电液伺服控制的数值算例,结果表明本文提出的联合方法通用性好,所设计的PID性能优异,适合工程实际应用。  相似文献   
长江口工程北导堤NⅡB标段采用在半圆形沉箱底板设置橡胶阻滑板的方法提高沉箱与抛石基床之间摩擦系数,作为抗地基土动力软化的工程措施。利用该项目试验数据,分析橡胶阻滑板与抛石基床的摩擦系数的统计特性与影响因素。分析结果表明,同一基床应力下摩擦系数试验值的概率分布接近于正态分布,摩擦系数的总体平均变化趋势随基床应力的增加略有降低,但全部试验数据的统计假设检验不支持这一观点,摩擦系数随基床应力的变化规律需要进一步研究。  相似文献   
邱明明  曹龙凯  黄康  张义雷  刘浩 《汽车工程》2021,43(1):68-76,85
制动安全是车辆主动安全的关键技术之一.制动决策和执行器控制是影响线控制动系统性能的两个主要因素.路面自适应性和控制器鲁棒性分别对制动决策和执行器控制有着重要影响,制约着线控制动系统的发展.本文中以一种液压调控的线控制动系统为基础,针对路面自适应性和控制器鲁棒性问题,提出一种双层结构的制动系统控制器,上层采用计算机视觉的...  相似文献   
虽然国内汽车轻量化技术有了较快的发展,但在系统性开展轻量化工作的流程和方法上依然在摸索中前进.本文通过研究国内外轻量化开展现状,初步搭建了整车轻量化开展流程,制定出一套完整的重量管控流程,尝试提出了整车轻量化新的评价方法,努力推动建立一套规范的、切实可行的轻量化工作流程体系,以促进汽车主机厂降重节能减排的顺利实施以及轻...  相似文献   
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