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针对某轿车怠速开空调转向盘抖动的问题,对转向盘和排气系统模态进行分析,发现该车转向盘和排气系统在约束条件下的模态参数与发动机的2阶点火频率相一致.调整了其转向盘和排气系统的模态,并针对优化后转向盘进行了振动试验.结果表明,转向盘X方向的振动由0.90 m/s2降为0.31 m/s2,Y方向的振动由1.05 m/s2降为...  相似文献   
考察运价指数波动的内在规律和外在影响,提出新模型预测运价指数,为航运市场经营者和投资者提供把握市场态势、规避价格风险的有力工具. 针对波罗的海巴拿马型船舶运价指数(BPI)序列,首先用小波变换对运价指数序列进行去噪,消除干散货运输市场中无规律的突发事件所造成的影响;在此基础上以前五个月的BPI值为输入变量,以第六个月的运价指数为输出变量,对支持向量机(SVM)进行训练,得到预测模型. 通过实证分析发现小波变换-SVM混合预测模型具有较高的预测精度,可用于对巴拿马船型运价走势的预测.  相似文献   
本文详细阐述了发动机、底盘、电气设备、车身及驾驶室/行李箱这五部分的静态鉴定,给出了五部分静态鉴定的顺序和它们决定二手车价值的一般比例,对实践具有一定指导作用。  相似文献   
针对紧邻大型深基坑的地铁隧道因其变形影响因素复杂、变形控制严格而难以准确预测其沉降变形的问题,文章引入对小样本、复杂、非线性数据具有优越预测性能的支持向量机理论,并利用蚁群优化算法搜索支持向量机最优参数组合,建立了优化的支持向量机预测模型。应用该模型对南京市地铁1号线某段隧道的预测结果表明,该模型预测精度高,能够准确反映隧道变形趋势,可以满足紧邻大型深基坑地铁隧道沉降预测的要求。  相似文献   
In order to reduce the wheel profile wear of highspeed trains and extend the service life of wheels, a dynamic model for a high-speed vehicle was set up, in which the wheelset was regarded as flexible body, and the actual measured track irregularities and line conditions were considered. The wear depth of the wheel profile was calculated by the well-known Archard wear law. Through this model, the influence of the wheel profile, primary suspension stiffness, track gage, and rail cant on the wear of wheel profile were studied through multiple iterafive calculations. Numerical simulation results show that the type XP55 wheel profile has the smallest cumulative wear depth, and the type LM wheel profile has the largest wear depth. To reduce the wear of the wheel profile, the equivalent conicity of the wheel should not be too large or too small. On the other hand, a small primary vertical stiffness, a track gage around 1,435-1,438 mm, and a rail cant around 1:35-1:40 are beneficial for dynamic performance improvement and wheel wear alleviation.  相似文献   
研究甩挂运输的车辆调度问题对于提高运输效率、节约运输成本具有重要意义。本文在总结归纳甩挂运输组织模式的基础上,对网络型甩挂运输车辆调度问题进行研究。网络型甩挂运输属于满载多车场车辆调度问题,本文结合甩挂运输及满载多车场车辆调度问题的特点,建立了数学模型、设计了相应算法,并通过具体算例进行分析。算例结果表明,经过合理的车辆调度,更能发挥甩挂运输节能减排的优势。  相似文献   
Wheel/rail interaction is a major source of railway noise. A low-noise wheel structure is developed and its effect on noise reduction is investigated. This low-noise wheel employs a rubber material inserted into the steel rim or mounted on the wheel surface. The low-noise wheel has low stiffness and a high-damping ratio compared to a solid wheel. Measurement shows that it reduces rolling and squealing. It turns out that a subway line with the proposed wheel could reduce its interior noise level by 4–5 dB(A) and vehicle vibration level by 7–8 dB. While the proposed structure seems promising in noise reduction for railway vehicles, the endurance and cost effectiveness of the low-noise wheel are yet to be verified.  相似文献   
孙钧 《隧道建设》2009,29(2):131-144
从10个方面对兴建台湾海峡隧道的工程可行性进行论述,并阐述对其中若干技术关键的认识和建议。1)从台湾海峡拟议中兴建隧位沿线的地质与地震灾害性条件,看跨海隧道设计施工的工程可行性--试以“北线”方案为例,说明其对隧道施工与日后运营的影响; 2)海底隧道设计施工的特点和问题:对地质勘察、隧道最小埋置深度、隧道内交通运输工具的选择、关于服务隧道和海底渡线室等的设置、工程的安全设计与安全作业等提出意见和建议; 3)隧道不良地质区段施工水情水患的预测与防治:对隧道场址的水文地质条件的认识与评价;对防塌治水的基本原则,难以预见的施工风险及施工整治处理要点进行了阐述; 4)隧道围岩防塌险情预警、变形预测与控制--围岩施工稳定性评价:提出用“变形速率比值判别法”对围岩的施工稳定性进行评价,在施工期采用BMP软件对隧道衬护原设计参数进行调整和修正; 5)隧道掘进机(TBM)与钻爆法施工方案的比选--隧道施工机械现代化:提出用TBM与钻爆法配合的海峡隧道施工方案,同时指出当隧道部分地段需改用钻爆法开挖时,隧道的主要施工机械及监测仪具应现代化(如自动化喷混凝土机器人、自动化量测及监测反馈系统等); 6)耐腐蚀高性能海工混凝土材料和隧道支衬结构:指明采用常规材料配制高性能海工混凝土,增强其耐久性的基本途径;给出不良地质区段岩体的隧道开挖、支护、施工排水和限压衬砌设计施工的建议; 7)特长大隧道的运营期通风问题--暂按铁路隧道并以英法海峡隧道为例作考虑:阐述海峡隧道的空气动力学问题,介绍英法海底隧道的通风系统原理及结构布置措施; 8)隧道防灾与减灾:建议学习参考西方一些国家和日本在隧道防灾方面的设计理念; 9)海底隧道施工风险评估与风险管理:提出该隧道的主要技术风险类别,并阐述对风险管理的认识; 10)关于悬浮式隧道:对本隧道情况而言,建议悬浮式隧道方案再另行慎议;最后指出下一步的地质和地震勘察尚有待深入进行的工作。  相似文献   
随着IEC60870-5-104规约标准的制定,为便于该规约在实际中的应用,编写较好的应用软件,引入有限状态机(FSM)进行设计.并且基于面向对象技术提出一种高度结构化的有限状态机的实现框架.该框架的引入,实现灵活的复用机制,提高系统的健壮性和可维护性.为此类通信软件的开发,提供便捷通用的开发模式.且在实际运行中效果良好.  相似文献   
Dynamic train–track interaction is more complex in railway turnouts (switches and crossings) than that in ordinary tangent or curved tracks. Multiple contacts between wheel and rail are common, and severe impact loads with broad frequency contents are induced, when nominal wheel–rail contact conditions are disturbed because of the continuous variation in rail profiles and the discontinuities in the crossing panel. The absence of transition curves at the entry and exit of the turnout, and the cant deficiency, leads to large wheel–rail contact forces and passenger discomfort when the train is switching into the turnout track. Two alternative multibody system (MBS) models of dynamic interaction between train and a standard turnout design are developed. The first model is derived using a commercial MBS software. The second model is based on a multibody dynamics formulation, which may account for the structural flexibility of train and track components (based on finite element models and coordinate reduction methods). The variation in rail profile is accounted for by sampling the cross-section of each rail at several positions along the turnout. Contact between the back of the wheel flange and the check rail, when the wheelset is steered through the crossing, is considered. Good agreement in results from the two models is observed when the track model is taken as rigid.  相似文献   
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