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概述ZP W-2000A无绝缘轨道电路的特点,并基于现场一次典型的道砟电阻降低情况为例,分析造成现场道砟电阻降低的原因,并提出解决办法. 相似文献
卜格非 《电力机车与城轨车辆》2010,33(5)
分析列车起火因素,介绍典型火灾发展的过程,阐述传统早期烟雾报警系统的缺陷和极早期烟雾报警系统在列车中应用的优势,并给出极早期烟雾报警系统在列车中的初步应用方案。 相似文献
This paper explains the theory in support of total cost analysis (TCA) to compare transportation system alternatives. The full costs of each alternative are first aggregated, including travel time costs and monetizable environmental and social costs. Many costs which are considered on the benefits side of the equation in benefit-cost analysis (BCA) as "cost savings" are brought over to the costs side. Total cost differences among alternatives are then traded off against their estimated non-monetized benefits or impacts, just as a consumer trades off product quality against cost before deciding which product he or she will buy. One advantage of TCA over traditional BCA is that the concept of "total cost" is more easily understood by the public and by political decision-makers than BCA concepts such as "net present worth", "benefit-cost ratio" and "internal rate of return". A second advantage is that there is no suggestion that all "benefits" have been considered; decision-makers are free to use their own value judgements to trade off total cost against non-monetizable social, environmental and economic impacts, just as they trade off quality and convenience against cost when purchasing goods and services in their roles as consumers. The TCA approach is demonstrated in this paper through a case study of two systemwide alternatives for the Baltimore, MD urban area. 相似文献
基于弹性动力分析的工程机械集成化设计系统 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解次目前国内工程机械设计中由于动力学分析水平和设计效率较低而造成的产品性能落后这一长期存在的问题,首次引入弹性动力分析理论建立了工程机械工作装置的通用弹性动力分析模型,以此为基础建立了工程机械动力学仿真系统,并建立了工程机械方案设计与部件选型专家系统以实现总体方案设计、部件选型和整机动力匹配的自动化,最后利用信息集成技术建立了基于弹性动力分析的工程机械集成化设计系统。 相似文献
针对既有桥梁结构的特点,建立了考虑荷载历史的可靠度分析模型,并讨论了其计算方法。应用所研究的方法,对一座实际钢筋混凝土桥梁的承载能力可靠度进行了分析和评估;结果表明,荷载历史对该桥可靠度提高的影响不容忽视。 相似文献
Hub location with flow economies of scale 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A characteristic feature of hub and spoke networks is the bundling of flows on the interhub links. This agglomeration of flows leads to reduced travel costs across the interhub links. Current models of hub location do not adequately model the scale economies of flow that accrue due to the agglomeration of flows. This paper shows that current hub location models, by assuming flow-independent costs, not only miscalculate total network cost, but may also erroneously select optimal hub locations and allocations. The model presented in this paper more explicitly models the scale economies that are generated on the interhub links and in doing so provides a more reliable model representation of the reality of hub and spoke networks. 相似文献
胶焊,点焊和胶接接头应力分布的比较分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
采用三维弹塑性有限元数值分析方法,比较了分析了胶焊,点焊和胶接接头的应力分布情况,结果表明,胶焊接头与胶接接头的应力分布特征值基本相同,仅在焊点区内略有区别,胶焊接头中的胶粘剂有效地降低了点焊接头中焊点的应力,消除了其焊点过级处的应力集中,所得应力分布可合理解释已有强度试验结果。 相似文献
柔性桩与土相互作用非线性分析的增量传递矩阵法 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
对桩侧土采用非线性荷载传递函数,对桩端土采用线性荷载传递函数,同时考虑桩周土所分担的荷载对单桩荷载传递规律的影响,利用增量荷载传递矩阵法及微分方程的近似解法--子域法,推出了刚性承台下柔性桩与地基非线性相互作用的近似解析算式。为了验证该方法的可行性,通过试验将试验结果与有限元结果及该方法所得结果进行了对比,对比表明:该理论解与现场实测值、有限元计算值都非常接近。 相似文献
以位移为基础的钢筋混凝土连续梁桥抗震设计方法 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
利用等效线性化方法将钢筋混凝土(RC)连续梁桥结构简化为多自由度线弹性体系,采用振型反应谱的概念研究了结构在横向地震作用下考虑多阶模态效应的直接基于位移的抗震设计方法。探讨了连续梁桥的上部结构(主梁)及桥墩(台)刚度的变化对结构横向振动模态质量与模态周期的影响,给出了多阶模态设计方法的具体设计过程。对对称与非对称连续梁桥采用相同的设计步骤进行基于位移的抗震设计,并对设计算例用非线性时程分析验证了设计结果的合理性。 相似文献
张建忠 《兰州交通大学学报》2006,25(2):149-152
对某高校低年级学生进行了UPI问卷调查,结果显示:超过1/3的大学低年级学生多少存在一些心理问题,需要引起高等教育工作者的高度重视,并及时地给予必要的帮助。产生这些心理问题的原因,既有区域、性别和科别因素,又有环境因素,还有情感和个体体质的因素;大学生中出现一些心理问题是正常现象,关键是要重视,早发现、早引导、早治疗。 相似文献