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近年来,随着环境污染问题及能源短缺问题的日益突出,结合运量增长需要,我国老旧铁路电气化改造工程日益增多。受净空条件限制,隧道工程往往成为电气化改造工程中控制节点,是土建工程改造的重点和难点。改建方案的合理性对整个工程的施工风险和工程投资有着重大的影响。长图线长春至吉林段共有3座既有隧道,分别修建于1912年,1978年和2002年,修建时间跨度大,隧道限界、材料标准及施工工艺相差迥异,衬砌缺陷及病害较为典型,在我国东北严寒地区老旧隧道中具有一定的代表性。以长图线电气化改造工程为例,通过对工程改造方案的研究和比选,提出严寒地区老旧铁路隧道电气化改造设计的原则及方法。  相似文献   
Corrosion defect is considered to be one of the major critical damages of subsea pipelines, which can result in a considerable loss in the collapse capacity of thick-walled pipes in deep waters. In this paper, collapse experiments on 13 small-scale seamless steel tubes with varying sizes of elliptical and rectangular corrosion defects were carried out in a sealed hyperbaric chamber. The collapse pressure and deformed configurations were obtained, with four types of collapse trajectories identified. A numerical framework was established to simulate the collapse event using ABAQUS, and decent consistency of the collapse pressure and collapsed configurations was observed between numerical and experimental results. Then, the collapse pressure of thick-walled pipes with a single elliptical corrosion defect was studied parametrically, covering different defect sizes, geometric characteristics, and material properties. Based on the extensive numerical analysis, a reasonable empirical formula was developed to estimate the collapse pressure of thick-walled steel pipes with various elliptical corrosion defects and material properties.  相似文献   
Service environment of tube and casing in deep and ultra-deep well is getting more and more complicated, and the internal pressure applied to tube and casing is higher, so that the high-grade steel tube and casing (HGTC) made of ductile material is widely used. Obviously, the calculation of ductile burst pressure for HGTC is one of the key factors in design and important to safe and efficient development of unconventional oil and gas resources. Here, based on the failure principle of through-wall yield and unified yield criterion, the unified formula of through-wall yield ductile burst pressure (TYBP) for tube and casing under practical service condition which can be used to calculate TYBP of API HGTC and non-API HGTC accurately and reasonably by using true material parameters, has been deduced in this paper with due consideration of the effect of Bauschinger effect (BE), material hardening and intermediate principal stress (IPS) on the TYBP, by which the influence rules of BE, IPS and yield criterion on TYBP of tube and casing have been investigated.(The effect of lattice effect (BE), material hardening and intermediate principal stress (IPS) on TYBP is accurately and reasonably derived from non-API HGTC by using real material parameters. The value of BE, IPS and the TYBP yield criterion of pipe and casing are studied. Eight kinds of classic through-wall yield ductile burst formulas for tube and casing made of new material have been be derived from a series of yield criterion, by which TYBP model of HGTC with and without corrosion defect has been established based on weighted twin shear stress yield criterion. The calculation results of TYBP model presented by this paper are the closest to the full-scale burst experimental data than the other burst models, which can provide an important reference for burst pressure design and estimation of HGTC in deep and ultra-deep well.  相似文献   
本文针对初始裂纹缺陷下的水下耐压壳体结构强度与稳定性失效问题。首先建立CT裂纹扩展试件的仿真模型,通过与试验结果比对验证裂纹仿真模型的有效性。随后建立无缺陷状态下的水下耐压结构有限元模型,对其强度与稳定性进行校核。在此基础上引入裂纹缺陷,建立非线性耐压结构强度与稳定性分析模型,研究不同裂纹缺陷参数对于结构强度与稳定性的影响规律,为结构裂纹扩展与寿命问题的研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
斜拉索的受力性能与耐久性直接关系到斜拉桥的结构安全。由于长期暴露在各种环境因素中,斜拉索极易出现表面开裂,内部钢丝锈蚀等病害。因此,定期对其进行检测显得尤为重要。现依据象山港大桥和清水浦大桥,针对斜拉索出现的典型病害特征与检测要求,开发了一种斜拉索表观检测机器人。该机器人具备了小型化、快速自爬行、高质量图像采集、缺陷自动化识别等优点。  相似文献   
贵广客专某隧道钢筋混凝土衬砌个别地段出现保护层不足的质量缺陷,分析了混凝土保护层厚度不足的原因及其对隧道衬砌承载力和隧道结构耐久性的影响,提出了采用高分子树脂化学胶涂层的整治措施,保证了隧道结构耐久性,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   
石壁  蒋思冬 《路基工程》2014,(6):172-174
通过对某路基CFG桩的测试与波形采集处理,与桩身缺陷情况进行了对比、分析,总结了典型缺陷类型与波形的对应关系,提出了在低应变反射波法检测CFG桩过程中,应注意桩头处理方法、激发波频谱的选择对波形采集的影响,为低应变反射波法在检测CFG桩中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   
张格 《交通标准化》2011,(1):162-165
农村公路是连接县、乡、村的纽带,也是解决"三农"问题的基础条件之一。近年来,由于交通量迅猛增长、重型货车比例增大等原因,四、五类桥梁的比例在逐年增加,已增加到桥梁总数的39.3%。因此,对四、五类桥梁进行改造显得尤为重要。  相似文献   
通过对朝阳地区农村公路沥青路面的病害的调查,总结了朝阳地区农村公路沥青路面的通病现象,阐述了形成的原因,提出了防治和维修措施,以达到延长农村公路使用寿命的目的。  相似文献   
针对铁路桥梁中预应力混凝土管道灌浆缺陷,在混凝土板布设预应力管道研究影响冲击回波法检测管道缺陷的因素,包括预应力钢筋位置、测试断面、缺陷程度、管道材质。采用数值模拟和现场试验结合的方法对影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:普通钢筋以及预应力钢筋所处位置对缺陷检测结果影响不大;波纹管的材质、测试断面、缺陷程度对检测结果有较大影响。  相似文献   
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