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根据船、机、桨关系, 以船舶动力装置的能量传递为基础, 基于MATLAB/Simulink仿真平台建立了主机能效模型。以某内河旅游船舶为研究对象, 根据船体与主机参数, 利用回归多项式法得到螺旋桨敞水特性曲线。在船舶上安装了油耗仪等传感器, 采集了主机瞬时油耗、船舶对地航速、对水航速等数据, 并计算了主机的实际能效。针对实船采集数据, 分析了航道水流速度的分布特征。基于仿真模型, 计算了船舶在不同航道水流速度与对水航速下的主机能效, 比较分析了实测数据与仿真结果, 并对模型进行了验证。验证结果表明: 航道水流速度偏度为-0.033, 总体服从正态分布; 船舶实际主机能效与对水航速之间不是一一对应关系, 而是相关系数为0.824的散点分布; 船舶主机能效模型能够精确地表征船舶在航行过程中的主机能效水平及其变化规律, 误差不大于10.5%。  相似文献   
分析了常见的3种飞机防冰腔结构, 应用Gambit软件建立了双蒙皮防冰腔结构网格模型。采用Spalart-Allmaras湍流模型模拟热气在防冰腔内的流动状况, 采用Fluent软件进行传热效率分析, 建立了防冰腔结构参数对传热效率的重要性测度模型。通过随机响应面法建立防冰腔结构参数与传热效率的函数关系, 采用低分散性抽样法求解防冰腔结构参数的重要性测度, 建立了防冰腔结构参数的重要性测度分析流程。分析结果表明: 当笛形管中心到外蒙皮的距离从35.15mm增加到38.85mm时, 传热系数由0.505减小到0.463;当双蒙皮通道高度从2.85mm增加到3.15mm时, 传热系数由0.495减小到0.476;当射流孔孔径从1.90mm增加到2.10mm时, 传热系数从0.505减小到0.494;当射流孔角度从14.25°增加到15.75°时, 传热系数从0.476增加到0.494。防冰腔结构参数的重要性排序依次为射流孔角度、笛形管中心到外蒙皮距离、射流孔孔径、双蒙皮通道高度, 在防冰腔结构加工与装配过程中, 需要重点考虑射流孔角度与笛形管中心到外蒙皮距离这2个参数。  相似文献   





仿真和试验结果表明:在充分利用惯性分离液滴的同时,融合型叶型结构尽量保持了气流速度场和压力场的均匀分布和连续分布,兼顾了分离性能和阻力性能要求,该设计方案的综合性能最优;在标准工况下,液滴分离效率接近99.9%,阻力损失约为42 Pa。



Introduction In recent years,the lattice Boltzmann method(LBM)has developed into an alternative andpromising numerical scheme for simulating hydro-dynamic and aerodynamic flow[1].The success ofthe LBM can be partly attributed to the particle-based approach which is directly inherited from itspredecessor,the lattice gas automata(LGA)[1,2],unlike LGA,the LBM simulates a flow system bytracking the evolution of particle distributions in-stead of tracking single particles.For this reason,it o…  相似文献   
Building safe and effective roundabouts requires optimizing traffic (operational) efficiency (TE) and traffic safety (TS) while taking into account geometric factors, traffic characteristics and local constraints. Most existing simulation-based optimization models do not simultaneously optimize all these factors. To capture the relationship among geometry, efficiency and safety, we put forward a model formulation in this paper. We present a new multi-criteria and simultaneous multi-objective optimization (MOO) model approach to optimize geometry, TE and TS of urban unsignalized single-lane roundabouts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first model that uses the multi-criteria decision-making method known as analytic hierarchy process to evaluate and rank traffic parameters and geometric elements of urban single-lane roundabouts. The model was built based on comprehensive review of the research literature and existing roundabout simulation software, a field survey of 61 civil and traffic expert engineers in Croatia, and field studies of roundabouts in the Croatian capital city of Zagreb. We started from the basis of Kimber’s capacity model, HCM2010 serviceability model, and Maycock and Hall's accident prediction model, which we extended by adding sensitivity analysis and powerful MOO procedures of the bounded objective function method and interactive optimization. Preliminary validation of the model was achieved by identifying the optimal and most robust of three geometric alternatives (V.1-V.3) for an unsignalized single-lane roundabout in Zagreb, Croatia. The geometric parameters in variant V.1 had significantly higher values than in the existing design V.0, while approaches 1 and 3 in variant V.2 were enlarged as much as possible within allowed spatial limits and Croatian guidelines, reflecting their higher traffic demand. Sensitivity analysis indicated that variant V.2 showed the overall highest TE and TS across the entire range of traffic flow demand and pedestrian crossing flow demand at approaches. At the same time, the number of predicted traffic accidents was similar for all three variants, although it was lowest overall for V.2. The similarity in predicted accident frequency for the three variants suggests that V.2 provides the greatest safety within the predefined constraints and parameter ranges explored in our study. These preliminary results suggest that the proposed model can optimize geometry, TE and TS of urban single-lane roundabouts.  相似文献   
Energy costs account for an important share of the total costs of urban and suburban bus operators. The purpose of this paper is to expand empirical research on bus transit operation costs and identify the key factors that influence bus energy efficiency of the overall bus fleet of one operator and aid to the management of its resources.We estimate a set of multivariate regression models, using cross-section dataset of 488 bus drivers operating over 92 days in 2010, in 87 routes with different bus typologies, of a transit company operating in the Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area (LMA), Rodoviária de Lisboa, S.A.Our results confirm the existence of influential variables regarding energy efficiency and these are mainly: vehicle type, commercial speed, road grades over 5% and bus routes; and to a lesser extent driving events such as: sudden longitudinal decelerations and excessive engine rotation. The methodology proved to be useful for the bus operator as a decision-support tool for efficiency optimization purpose at the company level.  相似文献   
This paper shows the results of a comparative fleet test the main objective of which was to measure the influence of Low Viscosity Oils (LVO) over the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of urban buses. To perform this test, 39 urban buses, classified into candidate and reference groups depending on the engine oil viscosity, covered a 60,000 km mileage corresponding to two rounds of standard Oil Drain Interval (ODI). In the same way, for 9 buses of the 39 buses, the effect of differential LVO over fuel consumption and their interaction with engine LVO was assessed during the second ODI.Test results confirm that the use of LVO could reduce fuel consumption, hence CO2 emissions. However, special attention should be taken prior to its implementation in a fleet, particularly if the vehicles are powered by engines with high mechanical and thermal stresses during vehicle operation because this could lead to friction loss increase, loss of the potential fuel consumption reduction of LVO and, in the worst scenario, higher rates of engine wear.  相似文献   
Driver advisory systems, instructing the driver how to control the train in an energy efficient manner, is one the main tools for minimizing energy consumption in the railway sector. There are many driver advisory systems already available in the market, together with significant literature on the mathematical formulation of the problem. However, much less is published on the development of such mathematical formulations, their implementation in real systems, and on the empirical data from their deployment. Moreover, nearly all the designed driver advisory systems are designed as an additional hardware to be added in drivers’ cabin. This paper discusses the design of a mathematical formulation and optimization approach for such a system, together with its implementation into an Android-based prototype, the results from on-board practical experiments, and experiences from the implementation. The system is based on a more realistic train model where energy calculations take into account dynamic losses in different components of the propulsion system, contrary to previous approaches. The experimental evaluation shows a significant increase in accuracy, as compared to a previous approach. Tests on a double-track section of the Mälaren line in Sweden demonstrates a significant potential for energy saving.  相似文献   
This research proposes an optimal controller to improve fuel efficiency for a vehicle equipped with automatic transmission traveling on rolling terrain without the presence of a close preceding vehicle. Vehicle acceleration and transmission gear position are optimized simultaneously to achieve a better fuel efficiency. This research leverages the emerging Connected Vehicle technology and utilizes present and future information—such as real-time dynamic speed limit, vehicle speed, location and road topography—as optimization input. The optimal control is obtained using the Relaxed Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle. The benefit of the proposed optimal controller is significant compared to the regular cruise control and other eco-drive systems. It varies with the hill length, grade, and the number of available gear positions. It ranges from an increased fuel saving of 18–28% for vehicles with four-speed transmission and 25–45% for vehicles with six-speed transmission. The computational time for the optimization is 1.0–2.1 s for the four-speed vehicle and 1.8–3.9 s for the six-speed vehicle, given a 50 s optimization time horizon and 0.1 s time step. The proposed controller can potentially be used in real-time.  相似文献   
Emissions of GHG from the transport sector and how to reduce them are major challenges for policy makers. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships while in port based on annual data from Port of Gothenburg, Port of Long Beach, Port of Osaka and Sydney Ports. Port call statistics including IMO number, ship name, berth number and time spent at berth for each ship call, were provided by each participating port. The IMO numbers were used to match each port call to ship specifications from the IHS database Sea-web. All data were analysed with a model developed by the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute for the purpose of quantifying GHG emissions (as CO2-equivalent) from ships in the port area. Emissions from five operational modes are summed in order to account for ship operations in the different traffic areas. The model estimates total GHG emissions of 150,000, 240,000, 97,000, and 95,000 tonnes CO2 equivalents per year for Gothenburg, Long Beach, Osaka, and Sydney, respectively. Four important emission-reduction measures are discussed: reduced speed in fairway channels, on-shore power supply, reduced turnaround time at berth and alternative fuels. It is argued that the potential to reduce emissions in a port area depends on how often a ship revisits a port: there it in general is easier to implement measures for high-frequent liners. Ships that call 10 times or less contribute significantly to emissions in all ports.  相似文献   
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