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Given a road network, a fundamental object of interest is the matrix of origin destination (OD) flows. Estimation of this matrix involves at least three sub-problems: (i) determining a suitable set of traffic analysis zones, (ii) the formulation of an optimisation problem to determine the OD matrix, and (iii) a means of evaluating a candidate estimate of the OD matrix. This paper describes a means of addressing each of these concerns. We propose to automatically uncover a suitable set of traffic analysis zones based on observed link flows. We then employ regularisation to encourage the estimation of a sparse OD matrix. We finally propose to evaluate a candidate OD matrix based on its predictive power on held out link flows. Analysis of our approach on a real-world transport network reveals that it discovers automated zones that accurately capture regions of interest in the network, and a corresponding OD matrix that accurately predicts observed link flows.  相似文献   
This paper concerns the development of a new decision support framework for the appraisal of transport infrastructure projects. In such appraisals there will often be a need for including both conventional transport impacts as well as criteria of a more strategic and/or sustainable character. The proposed framework is based on the use of cost-benefit analysis featuring feasibility risk assessment in combination with multi-criteria decision analysis and is supported by the concept of decision conferencing. The framework is applied for a transport related case study dealing with the complex decision problem of determining the most attractive alternative for a new fixed link between Denmark and Sweden – the so-called HH-connection. Applying the framework to the case study made it possible to address the decision problem from an economic, a strategic, and a sustainable point of view simultaneously. The outcome of the case study demonstrates the decision making framework as a valuable decision support system (DSS), and it is concluded that appraisals of transport projects can be effectively supported by the use of the DSS. Finally, perspectives of the future modelling work are given.  相似文献   
The LAX North Airfield Safety Study was undertaken by an Academic Panel consisting of the present authors, and was based in large part on a simulation that was conducted at FutureFlight Central at NASA Ames Research Center. The primary aim of the study was “to estimate as specifically as possible the level of future safety associated with several geometrical configurations of the LAX North Airfield.” This paper describes the study, and how it combined information from human-in-the-loop simulations at NASA with historical data from LAX and other US airports about runway incursions and collisions. The analysis indicated that, even under its existing physical layout, LAX North would experience very low risk of runway collisions at traffic levels projected for 2020. That risk could be reduced by about half if the North Airfield runways were reconfigured, and some reconfigurations would also add appreciably to the operational efficiency of the airport. But because the “baseline” level of risk is so low, the Study concluded that “it would be difficult to construct a compelling case on safety grounds alone for reconfiguring the North Airfield.”  相似文献   
文章简要介绍了毕威高速公路填方路基段钢波纹管涵与盖板涵的经济性分析,并总结了钢波纹管涵应用的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   
文章针对广西近年来水泥混凝土路面翘曲脱空与面板破坏的情况,分析产生病害的原因,介绍采用有限元程序对翘曲脱空后的路面在荷载作用下的受力进行计算的方法,对翘曲脱空后的路面寿命进行预估,同时提出翘曲脱空的防治对策。  相似文献   
张毅  李欣 《都市快轨交通》2021,34(6):149-154
自动扶梯是特种设备,其安全性与乘客的人身安全密切相关.自动扶梯状态监测与预警是为了保证自动扶梯安全性的预测性系统,该系统由传感器、数据采集器和数据分析软件等组成,采用振动分析原理,实现故障预警及维修部件指导,预防故障或事故的发生.该系统已在北京轨道交通项目中使用,通过对项目中的典型案例进行分析,详细阐述该系统应用及运行...  相似文献   
选取煤层厚度、煤层瓦斯含量、回风流平均瓦斯浓度、相对瓦斯涌出量、岩石类型、连通封闭性、深度值、隧道跨度、隧道长度、通风风速和涌水量等11项瓦斯灾害指标作为隧道施工瓦斯灾害风险评价指标体系,并建立各指标的等级标准.将序关系分析法(G1)和反熵权法(AEW)运用拉格朗日乘子法确定组合权重,构建各指标的单指标测度函数,并计算...  相似文献   
根据最大周向拉应力准则,应用ANSYS参数化设计语言编写的宏命令程序,对发动机悬置软垫的断裂过程进行了模拟,得出了2种步长时裂纹前进的裂尖位置及相应的裂纹轨线。  相似文献   
介绍了战略定位分析、价值链分析和成本动因分析等西方战略成本管理的基本方法,并对它们在交通运输企业中的应用作了初步探讨,对于培育交通运输企业的竞争优势、降低成本、提高成本效益具有重要意义。  相似文献   
针对老沂河桥桥墩横向开裂的病害,从结构特点、荷载效应、维修方案等方面进行了桥墩横向开裂的原因分析,并进行了有限元验算,进而提出了维修加固措施。  相似文献   
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