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IntroductionFrequency hopping ( FH) transceivers arewidely used for the secure communication in mili-tary and commercial fields.To avoid the attack ofthe intelligent jammer,the pseudorandom number( PN) generator with large complexity is commonlyapplied to produce sequences for frequencies con-trol[1] . In general,linear span,calculated byBerlekamp- Massey algorithm,is chosen as the cri-terion to evaluate the complexity of various se-quences,which is the degree of the shortestdegreerecursion …  相似文献   
GISisusedwidelyallovertheworld,because theareaoccupiedbyaGISsubstationistypicallyon ly10-25%ofthatoftheequivalentairinsulated installation.Inordertoattainmorehighdegreeof reliabilityforGIS,thefailurescausedduringmanu facture,assemblinganderectionwillbeavo…  相似文献   
为促进数字控制技术的发展,基于数字控制器的基本功能模块和V2控制方法的基本原理,提出了基于前缘调制的数字V2控制算法,并探讨了该算法消除次谐波振荡的原理.基于MATLAB仿真软件平台,对采用数字V2控制算法的开关变换器进行了计算机仿真,并采用FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)作为硬件平台进行了实验.在相同的Buck变换器上,将采用数字V2控制算法与电压型控制算法的仿真结果和实验结果进行了比较,结果表明,采用数字V2控制算法可提高开关变换器的动态性能.  相似文献   
本文对自然条件相同的一组结构材料进行了等幅加载和变幅加载试验,测定了试件在各个承载阶段内的共振频谱.结果发现:被测试件从开始状态到疲劳断裂的各个阶段都有其表示疲劳状态的、特定的对应共振频谱.  相似文献   
本文介绍了线性多变量系统分段设计方法——即将多变量系统按高频段和低频段分别设计出相应的子控制器.使多变量系统在几个子控制器的控制下,满足对系统解耦、稳定性、动态性能和鲁棒性的要求。  相似文献   
Conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) from a 7. 5kVA DC/DC high power converter is investigated to agree with EN class A. Here in some passive methods of suppressing conducted EM Noise, such as mixedmode (MM) EMI filters, snubbing circuits and other means, are used. Based on measurement, the sources of noise are detected with the characteristics analyzed in detail. The MM EMI filters is valuable means with which low-frequency part and some of the high frequency part of conducted EM Noise can be efficiently reduced. How to lay out the MM filters on both sides of the converter is outlined in detail. In addition, multiple grounding and RDC snubbing circuits are employed to improve the performance in high frequency. The experimental results confirm the methods adopted.  相似文献   
通过对一辆日产风度轿车加速无力的故障进行检测与分析,最后找出故障部件,更换后恢复原车技术性能,排除以前在别厂经发动机大修都未能解决的故障。  相似文献   
介绍了自发电用60 kW双频变频发电机的结构、工作状态和励磁系统的设计  相似文献   
介绍了变频恒压技术在大型医务船供水系统中的设置、应用及优点,以及生活污水处理系统的设计要点。  相似文献   
主要介绍闸楼房无人值守系统的设计、实现及运用效果.该系统主要利用射频识别和计算机技术,通过在机车上安装射频IC卡,在车务部门与机务段分界点的闸楼房安装扫描读卡装置,实现机车出入信息的自动识别、采集与处理,并利用现有网络通道,实现铁路局、车务部门和机务段3级网络的信息共享,使各级运输管理人员都能够实时掌握机车出入及运用情况.  相似文献   
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