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对水泥混凝土桥面铺装的常见病害进行了原因分析,并提出对相关病害的预防措施.  相似文献   
通过对我国铁路钢桥现状的分析,提出建立铁路钢桥检测、诊断、修补加固的维护系统,重点分析了钢桥检查方法和重点部位、钢桥性能的测试与评定,具体制定了相应的维修加固对策。  相似文献   
针对靶场试验指挥控制中心的应用需求,介绍靶场试验指挥控制中心系统的功能、特点以及体系结构和组成,分析系统研制的关键技术,说明该系统的应用范围。目前,该指控中心系统已成功地应用于某大型武器系统靶场试验中,取得了较好效果。  相似文献   
船载集装箱危险货物瞒报谎报行为的证据收集与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对危险货物瞒报谎报行为的证据收集与分析,提出对该行为调查的方向和基本方法,以供海事执法人员参考。  相似文献   
三自由度平面并联机器人误差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究各种误差对并联机器人输出产生的影响,以三自由度平面并联机器人为例,利用并联机器人的环路特性,采用机器人微分理论,建立了误差正向模型.通过M atlab编程和计算机仿真,得出输出误差与机器人结构尺寸变化、位置和姿态变化的关系图.为该类型机器人的设计、制造、装配提供了指导依据.  相似文献   

To improve the security and efficiency of terminal operations, a key issue for land area layout at a foreign trade container terminal is to plan and design an inspection area. Since it directly affects terminal traffic, while determining inspection area site selection, we should pay a great attention to operations and management of terminal traffic as well as container inspection. This paper employs a system decomposition technique to develop an integrated simulation framework, which enables us to flexibly obtain the whole picture of terminal traffic conditions and evaluate traffic impacts of inspection area site selection. A real-world terminal with typical patterns of land area layout is chosen to carry out a case study, which shows that traffic flow is unevenly distributed on the terminal road network and that the distribution is influenced by truck streams at the terminal. New findings also include: (1) traffic volume at the terminal apron is rather unbalanced in association with the non-continuous utilization of berths; (2) a proper inspection area should be located near the gate if the terminal conditions permit from the perspective of terminal traffic. This work may provide a decision-making reference for the planning and construction of foreign trade container terminals.  相似文献   
针对船舶机舱内设备的便捷操作需求,采用STM32F429芯片和RA8876M显示控制器,研究设计一套适于船舶机舱使用的具有接口丰富、操控便捷和应用场景丰富等优点的一体化显控模块。RA8876M显示控制器能在无操作系统环境下正常工作,有助于降低模块整体应用程序的开发难度;利用RA8876M显示控制器配套上位机软件可视化编程的优势,能大幅缩短软件开发周期。通过在某船舶机舱延伸报警系统中应用,验证该一体化显控模块具有优良的工作性能。  相似文献   
为高效准确地识别旅客联程出行方式,基于旅客联程出行行为特征,引入不同运输方式场站地理位置、场站数据取样最佳半径、旅客行驶速度等关键参数,对旅客手机信令数据进行筛选、校核和计算,提出了基于手机信令数据的旅客联程出行方式识别方法,同时测算了不同运输方式场站数据取样最佳半径。以2018年国庆假期广东省内旅客出行为例进行分析,剔除了约98%的无关信令数据。分析结果显示,广东省内公铁联运出行比例最高,广州、深圳两大枢纽城市的客流集疏运效应突出,广佛城际出行联系较为密切,佛山机场的潜力较大。研究表明,识别方法大幅降低了信令数据分析量和运算成本,方法原理和技术路线清晰,分析结果准确、符合实际。  相似文献   
To improve predictive accuracy, new hybrid models are proposed for container throughput forecasting based on wavelet transforms and data characteristic analysis (DCA) within a decomposition-ensemble methodology. Because of the complexity and nonlinearity of the time series of container throughputs at ports, the methodology decomposes the original time series into several components, which are rather simpler sub-sequences. Consequently, difficult forecasting tasks are simplified into a number of relatively easier subtasks. In this way, the proposed hybrid models can improve the accuracy of forecasting significantly. In the methodology, four main steps are involved: data decomposition, component reconstruction based on the DCA, individual prediction for each reconstructed component, and ensemble prediction as the final output. An empirical analysis was conducted for illustration and verification purposes by using time series of container throughputs at three main ports in Bohai Rim, China. The results suggest that the proposed hybrid models are able to forecast better than do other benchmark models. Forecasting may facilitate effective real-time decision making for strategic management and policy drafting. Predictions of container throughput can help port managers make tactical and operational decisions, such as operations planning in ports, the scheduling of port equipment, and route optimization.  相似文献   
张彩华 《船舶》2019,30(3):21-25
大型全回转起重船起重机吊重货旋转时将产生很大的横倾力矩,需配置抗横倾水舱,通过反向调拨压载水,使船舶横倾控制在安全范围之内。文章对合理布置抗横倾水舱、确定抗横倾水舱的舱容、抗横倾泵流量的选取和抗横倾系统的模式进行论述,对于大型全回转和半回转起重船的分析设计提供较好的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
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