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论文利用韦弗法实现单边带调制,并且使用幅频分传技术改善通信质量。对所设计的系统进行了仿真建模和数值计算,在此基础上搭建了基于NI PXI FPGA平台和LabVIEW软件开发平台的水下通信节点系统。通过水池实验对系统的性能进行了分析。结果表明基于PXI平台的水声通信节点设计灵活,性能稳定,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   
根据战场通信指挥的实际需求,设计了通信指挥辅助决策系统的频率指配模块。阐述了系统硬件的接收天线、馈线、合路器和接收机等结构,设计了系统辅助决策软件的全景扫描、新频和异态分析、频率指配和数据库四个重要模块,最后介绍了系统软件实现的基本工具和结构。  相似文献   
针对中大口径舰炮承担的对岸火力支援任务,研究其远程对岸射击观测方法。为满足岸上目标观测需要,提出舰载无人机、电视侦察弹、侦察卫星等远程观测手段,论证各观测手段的特点和实施方法,提出对岸上目标的定位原理。该研究可为中大口径舰炮对岸射击观测的组织实施提供参考,对武器系统作战效能的充分发挥具有重要意义。  相似文献   
新型深水多立柱FDPSO流场特性及水动力性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于分离涡数值模拟法对不同来流速度和不同来流方向下FDPSO水动力系数(包括阻力系数、升力系数和压力系数)进行了数值模拟和分析。主要结论如下:升、阻力系数时历曲线表现为“脉动性”,由于上游立柱周期性尾涡作用,导致下游立柱阻力系数较上游立柱系数略大;下游立柱升力系数周期性强于上游立柱。由于浮箱布置不同,串列与并列浮箱之间阻力系数与升力系数表现不同。由于P5位于P1“屏蔽区”,导致P5阻力系数较P1阻力系数小;而P6受到P8尾流作用,导致P8阻力系数较P6大。由于并列浮箱之间流体排斥性作用,导致P3和P7、P4和P6升力系数均值为一正一负,但P4和P6所受升力系数较P3和P7要大。由于流场三维特性与尾涡各向向异性特点,导致不同截面下压力系数为“W”型变化趋势,表现出驻点/尾涡撞击点、边界层附着区和尾涡分离区域。  相似文献   
我国港口在经过大规模建设期后,存在大量的老旧高桩码头。文章结合实际工程,研究老旧高桩码头升级改造技术,并对依托工程进行升级改造方案设计。通过对改造方案进行数值分析可知,改造后码头能够满足安全性要求,且改造方案可以使新老结构协调工作,保证码头结构的受力合理和变形协调。  相似文献   
文章介绍了5种被广泛应用的新型艉轴密封装置的结构原理和性能特点,重点阐述了各装置正确的调整方法,指出了在使用与维护保养中普遍存在的问题和应该注意的事项,可供轮机管理员学习和参考。  相似文献   
季妍 《港口科技》2014,(7):44-46
为适应航运市场迅猛发展需要,青岛港加强了绿色低碳港口建设.分别从“实施管理节能、深化科技节能、强化生产节能、加强操作节能和港口花园化管理”五个方面作了详细阐述.  相似文献   
This article studies the structural response of a 6.0” flexible pipe under pure tension considering intact and damaged conditions. In the damaged condition, several wires of the tensile armor layers are assumed to be broken. A three-dimensional nonlinear finite element (FE) model devoted to analyze the local mechanical response of flexible pipes is employed in this study. This model is capable of representing each tensile armor wire and, therefore, localized defects, including total rupture, may be adequately represented. Results from experimental tests validate the FE predictions and indicate a reduction in the axial stiffness of the pipe, a non-uniform redistribution of forces among the remaining intact wires of the damaged tensile armor layers and high stress concentrations in the wires near the broken ones. Moreover, the FE model indicates that significant normal bending stresses may arise in the pressure armor and inner carcass due to an uneven pressure distribution on these layers. Finally, the results obtained are employed to estimate the pull out capacity of the studied flexible pipe.  相似文献   
The fatigue strength of a 300 mm2 stranded copper conductor was investigated experimentally and by finite element (FE) analysis. An analytical model was also developed and validated. Wires taken from the outer layer of the conductor were fatigue tested in tension–tension loading and compared with similar data for wires taken from a 95 mm2 conductor. The wire cross section was deformed due to the compacting process that was applied during fabrication. When corrected for stress concentrations due to the deformation the data for the two sets of wire fell within the same scatter-band. Full scale testing was carried out in a specially designed rig with constant tensile load and reversed displacement controlled bending with a fixed curvature variation. The loading is a simulation of the loading of a power cable hanging from a floating vessel through a bellmouth. Conductors were tested in two states; dry and lubricated. A finite element model was established for the copper conductor. The model was formulated by a combination of elastic beam and beam-contact elements that included the effects of friction. The effect of local bending due to contact forces was included in the model. Two contact conditions were investigated; the point (trellis) contact between adjacent layers of wire and the inline contact within each layer and between the first layer (centre wire) and the second layer. The FE model was validated by a calibration test of a full scale conductor, and by sensitivity studies varying the size and the number of elements of the model. Fatigue analysis of the conductor was carried out, based on the S–N curve for individual wires. Taking into account the effects of friction and local bending, agreement was obtained between predicted and experimental fatigue strength of the conductor, for the FE model as well as the analytical model.  相似文献   
航空电子技术在现代战争中发挥着越来越重要的作用。论文介绍了航空电子技术的发展历程以及装备的研制、改进情况,指出了在现代战争中发展航空电子技术的优势和重要性,重点探讨了几种航空电子技术的性能及其特点,最后论述了航空电子技术的发展动向与分析。  相似文献   
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