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孔子对诗的"兴观群怨"的理论,是先秦时期重要的诗歌创作理论,也是历代诗歌批评史讨论的对象,并且贯穿于历代诗歌的创作实际中.但长期以来,人们往往把"诗可以群"从"兴"、"观"、"怨"中割裂开来,导致人们忽视了"诗可以群"的诗学理论与先秦时代文学活动的关系."诗可以群"的诗学理论反映了先秦时期文学活动的集体性.这一理论为我们研究文学觉醒的时间问题提供了一个窗口.  相似文献   
Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications provide the opportunity to create an internet of cars through the recent advances in communication technologies, processing power, and sensing technologies. A connected vehicle receives real-time information from surrounding vehicles; such information can improve drivers’ awareness about their surrounding traffic condition and lead to safer and more efficient driving maneuvers. Lane-changing behavior, as one of the most challenging driving maneuvers to understand and to predict, and a major source of congestion and collisions, can benefit from this additional information. This paper presents a lane-changing model based on a game-theoretical approach that endogenously accounts for the flow of information in a connected vehicular environment. A calibration approach based on the method of simulated moments is presented and a simplified version of the proposed framework is calibrated against NGSIM data. The prediction capability of the simplified model is validated. It is concluded the presented framework is capable of predicting lane-changing behavior with limitations that still need to be addressed. Finally, a simulation framework based on the fictitious play is proposed. The simulation results revealed that the presented lane-changing model provides a greater level of realism than a basic gap-acceptance model.  相似文献   
We investigate a utility-based approach for driver car-following behavioral modeling while analyzing different aspects of the model characteristics especially in terms of capturing different fundamental diagram regions and safety proxy indices. The adopted model came from an elementary thought where drivers associate subjective utilities for accelerations (i.e. gain in travel times) and subjective dis-utilities for decelerations (i.e. loss in travel time) with a perceived probability of being involved in rear-end collision crashes. Following the testing of the model general structure, the authors translate the corresponding behavioral psychology theory – prospect theory – into an efficient microscopic traffic modeling with more elaborate stochastic characteristics considered in a risk-taking environment.After model formulation, we explore different model disaggregate and aggregate characteristics making sure that fidelity is kept in terms of equilibrium properties. Significant effort is then dedicated to calibrating and validating the model using microscopic trajectory data. A modified genetic algorithm is adopted for this purpose while focusing on capturing inter-driver heterogeneity for each of the parameters. Using the calibration exercise as a starting point, simulation sensitivity analysis is performed to reproduce different fundamental diagram regions and to explore rear-end collisions related properties. In terms of fundamental diagram regions, the model in hand is able to capture traffic breakdowns and different instabilities in the congested region represented by flow-density data points scattering. In terms of incident related measures, the effect of heterogeneity in both psychological factors and execution/perception errors on the accidents number and their distribution is studied. Through sensitivity analysis, correlations between the crash-penalty, the negative coefficient associated with losses in speed, the positive coefficient associated with gains in speed, the driver’s uncertainty, the anticipation time and the reaction time are retrieved. The formulated model offers a better understanding of driving behavior, particularly under extreme/incident conditions.  相似文献   
In an effort to uncover traffic conditions that trigger discharge rate reductions near active bottlenecks, this paper analyzed individual vehicle trajectories at a microscopic level and documented the findings. Based on an investigation of traffic flow involving diverse traffic situations, a driver’s tendency to take a significant headway after passing stop-and-go waves was identified as one of the influencing factors for discharge rate reduction. Conversely, the pattern of lane changers caused a transient increase in the discharge rate until the situation was relaxed after completing the lane-changing event. Although we observed a high flow from the incoming lane changers, the events ultimately caused adverse impacts on the traffic such that the disturbances generated stop-and-go waves. Based on this observation, we regard upstream lane changes and stop-and-go waves as the responsible factors for the decreased capacity at downstream of active bottlenecks. This empirical investigation also supports the resignation effect, the regressive effect, and the asymmetric behavioral models in differentiating acceleration and deceleration behaviors.  相似文献   
为优选沥青路面表面离析评价指标,室内成型了3种不同级配类型的沥青混合料车辙板试件;采用智能手机,提出了一种图像采集方法,获取了沥青混合料表面图像;基于盒子分形维数和多重分形谱算法计算试件表面二值图像的分形维数和多重分形谱指标,依托Image-Pro Plus图像处理软件提取二值图像凹形分布百分数和宏观构造宽度指标,采用室内铺砂法测试表面构造深度,计算平均构造深度来评价沥青混合料表面离析;分析了不同级配组成沥青混合料表面凹形区域分布特征,研究了沥青混合料表面离析评价指标间灰关联熵。研究结果表明:基于智能手机来获取二值图像的可靠性分析误差率不超过3%,说明基于智能手机获取试件表面图像方法具有较高可重复性;沥青混合料表面凹形构造具有显著分形特征,集料颗粒粒径越大,表面构造分形越复杂;基于图像处理方法的沥青路面表面离析评价指标与平均构造深度指标间存在线性相关性,但相关程度不一;同一级配沥青混合料表面分形特征指标计算误差范围较大,而凹形分布百分数指标误差范围最小,仅为±1.89%,且其与平均构造深度指标的熵关联度最高,为0.996 2,其次分别是多重分形谱、分型维数和宏观构造宽度指标;综合考虑推荐沥青混合料表面凹形分布百分数可作为可靠的表面离析评价指标。  相似文献   
弯道是高速公路的事故频发路段,是道路交通安全与交通控制仿真领域研究的热点问题.通过引入时间距离概念,基于心理场理论构建驾驶员心理场等势线,设计了驾驶人的高速公路弯道路段心理模型框架.提出改进车头间距的优化策略,以提高该类工况下车辆跟驰模型的自抗干扰能力.基于CarSim和Matlab进行了系统建模和数字仿真.结果表明,考虑驾驶员心理场效应后,弯道路段车辆跟驰模型具有更好的鲁棒性,车辆速度、加速度及车间距变化更加平顺.  相似文献   
为了研究高寒高海拔多年冻土区拓宽路基面层吸热对下伏多年冻土温度与沉降的影响, 建立了基于热力耦合理论的差异沉降计算的有限元模型, 并利用实体工程监测数据对模型进行了修正, 分析了不同季节、不同填高与阴阳坡工况下拓宽侧路基差异沉降分布规律, 确定了多年冻土区最优路基拓宽位置。研究结果表明: 多年冻土区拓宽路基最大融深与沉降均出现在秋季, 10月份的变形最不利, 病害特征最突出, 其中4m填高路基第10年最大差异沉降为16.9cm, 分别为7、1、4月份沉降的1.1、1.4、1.7倍; 差异沉降与路基填高存在正相关性, 当路基填高分别为2、4、6 m时, 10年内路基的差异沉降分别为13.2、16.9、18.1cm; 阴坡侧拓宽路基的温度与沉降变化小于阳坡侧, 在10年内, 阳坡侧拓宽路基底面最大升温为1.3℃, 阴坡侧为0.6℃, 阳坡侧拓宽路基最大差异沉降为16.9cm, 阴坡侧为12.3cm; 即使阴坡侧拓宽, 差异沉降仍使拓宽路基顶面形成一个斜率为2%~3%的斜坡, 进而使路面产生较大附加应力, 最终造成结构层病害。  相似文献   
Traffic breakdown is one of the most important empirical phenomena in traffic flow theory. Unfortunately, it cannot be simulated by many traffic flow models. In order to clarify its mechanism, the new brake light cellular automaton model has been proposed. Comparing with previous brake light models, three different aspects have been considered: (i) drivers tend to take large decelerations if the time gap is smaller than the safe time gap and the leading vehicle’s brake light is on; (ii) the brake light rule is set according to the reality; (iii) the randomization rule is put forward before the acceleration rule to weaken the impact of brake light on driving behaviors. Analyses show that the new model can explain the mechanism of traffic breakdown and the failures of other brake light models. Simulations confirm that all empirical features of traffic breakdown are successfully reproduced. At last, brake light models are calibrated and validated by the I-80 empirical data provided by NGSIM. Results show that the performance of the new model is the best and models in the three-phase theory are not necessarily better than models in the fundamental diagram approach and vice versa, at least for the brake light models.  相似文献   
现行规范对铁路站场到发线曲线地段建筑限界加宽方法有相关规定,实际应用中因动车组列车与普速列车基本参数的差异导致曲线地段建筑限界加宽与实际有差距。通过阐述铁路站场设计现行曲线限界加宽的相关规范规定,结合铁路总公司对客站曲线地段建筑限界加宽的最新要求,分析铁路到发线曲线地段建筑限界加宽的理论计算公式,指出现行曲线地段建筑限界加宽规定存在的主要问题,从而修正现行曲线地段建筑限界加宽的相关规定,以满足实际曲线地段建筑限界加宽要求,杜绝运营中发生车体剐蹭建筑物的事故。  相似文献   
基于连续损伤力学(Continuum Damage Mechanics,CDM)理论对复合材料导管导流罩进行渐进失效分析,结合刚度降级方法从材料失效角度对导流罩结构极限承载能力和失效演变情况进行研究。利用APDL参数化语言编写程序建立复合材料导管导流罩有限元模型,应用多帧重启动及弧长法实现分析过程。根据Tsai-Wu失效准则判断复合材料损伤及损伤原因,并对失效单元进行连续记录。结果表明:复合材料导流罩结构最先出现基体开裂失效模式,此时少量破坏对导流罩整体结构性能影响较小;随着载荷继续增加出现纤维断裂失效模式;在纤维断裂大规模出现时,载荷位移非线性关系逐渐明显,结构性能急剧下降;整个过程几乎没有出现界面剪切失效情况。根据结构载荷位移曲线和失效单元数目变化情况,导流罩承载时的Tsai-Wu失效因子作为复合材料导管导流罩的强度校核指标具有理论和实际意义。  相似文献   
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