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In recent years, increasing attention has been drawn to the development of various applications of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), which are credited with the amelioration of traffic conditions in urban and regional environments. Advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) constitute an important element of ITS by providing potential travelers with information on the network's current performance both en-route and pre-trip. In order to tackle the complexity of such systems, derived from the difficulty of providing real-time estimations of current as well as forecasts of future traffic conditions, a series of models and algorithms have been initiated. This paper proposes the development of an integrated framework for real-time ATIS and presents its application on a large-scale network, that of Thessaloniki, Greece, concluding with a discussion on development and implementation challenges as well as on the advantages and limitations of such an effort.  相似文献   
Estimation of origin-destination (OD) matrices from link count data is a challenging problem because of the highly indeterminate relationship between the observations and the latent route flows. Conversely, estimation is straightforward if we observe the path taken by each vehicle. We consider an intermediate problem of increasing practical importance, in which link count data is supplemented by routing information for a fraction of vehicles on the network. We develop a statistical model for these combined data sources and derive some tractable normal approximations thereof. We examine likelihood-based inference for these normal models under the assumption that the probability of vehicle tracking is known. We show that the likelihood theory can be non-standard because of boundary effects, and provide conditions under which such irregular behaviour will be observed in practice. For regular cases we outline connections with existing generalised least squares methods. We then consider estimation of OD matrices under estimated and/or misspecified models for the probability of vehicle tracking. Theoretical developments are complemented by simulation experiments and an illustrative example using a section of road network from the English city of Leicester.  相似文献   
本文分析了国内大型邮轮三维设计模型的虚拟评审需求,基于Intergraph Smart 3D和SmartPlant Review软件,提出了国产大型邮轮虚拟设计评审的总体解决方案。该方案采用三维模型轻量化、模型虚拟评审以及大型邮轮设计-评审数据转换等关键技术,实现了面向大型邮轮设计的沉浸式三维模型全流程虚拟评审,并通过在国产大型邮轮设计模型上的应用测试,验证了该方案的可行性,可为提高大型邮轮设计生产效率、缩短建造周期以及降低生产成本等提供重要的技术支撑。  相似文献   
With the recent increase in the deployment of ITS technologies in urban areas throughout the world, traffic management centers have the ability to obtain and archive large amounts of data on the traffic system. These data can be used to estimate current conditions and predict future conditions on the roadway network. A general solution methodology for identifying the optimal aggregation interval sizes for four scenarios is proposed in this article: (1) link travel time estimation, (2) corridor/route travel time estimation, (3) link travel time forecasting, and (4) corridor/route travel time forecasting. The methodology explicitly considers traffic dynamics and frequency of observations. A formulation based on mean square error (MSE) is developed for each of the scenarios and interpreted from a traffic flow perspective. The methodology for estimating the optimal aggregation size is based on (1) the tradeoff between the estimated mean square error of prediction and the variance of the predictor, (2) the differences between estimation and forecasting, and (3) the direct consideration of the correlation between link travel time for corridor/route estimation and forecasting. The proposed methods are demonstrated using travel time data from Houston, Texas, that were collected as part of the automatic vehicle identification (AVI) system of the Houston Transtar system. It was found that the optimal aggregation size is a function of the application and traffic condition.
Changho ChoiEmail:
针对基于模型的视觉里程计在光照条件恶劣的情况下存在鲁棒性差、回环检测准确率低、动态场景中精度不够、无法对场景进行语义理解等问题,利用深度学习可以弥补其不足。首先,简略介绍了基于模型的里程计的研究现状,然后对比了常用的智能车数据集,将基于深度学习的视觉里程计分为有监督学习、无监督学习和模型法与深度学习结合3种,从网络结构、输入和输出特征、鲁棒性等方面进行分析,最后,讨论了基于深度学习的智能车辆视觉里程计研究热点,从视觉里程计在动态场景的鲁棒性优化、多传感器融合、场景语义分割3个方面对智能车辆视觉里程计技术的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   
研究基于图像处理和模式识别的动车组闸片厚度自动识别模块,解决动车组制动时因闸片过薄而导致的车轮迅速升温,甚至引发不安全状态的问题.该模块可实现动车组通过时自动检测,即自动拼图、图像预处理、模型定位及制动闸片厚度计算,并对厚度小于一定数值的闸片进行自动报警.通过大量实验和测试表明,该模块可以有效地计算闸片的厚度,具有很好...  相似文献   
高渊 《交通标准化》2011,(8):134-137
随着我国公路建设的快速发展,水泥混凝土路面的铺筑越来越广泛。目前,我国各省市二级公路大部分采用水泥混凝土刚性路面,在部分省市如广西、广东,水泥混凝土刚性路面还广泛运用于高速公路。因此,水泥砼路面的质量对投资和运营至关重要。  相似文献   
何赟 《舰船电子工程》2011,31(7):130-133
文章根据电子信息系统的试验需求,结合工程实际,从具体应用人手,讲述一种多平台间信息传输性能测评方法,并对如何实现数据采集与记录、信息传输实时监测、系统性能分析等方面进行了详尽描述,该方法为多平台综合试验提供了有效的评估手段。  相似文献   
以SL沿海高速抚宁连接线为例,分析病害形式和产生原因,以及在破碎板处理中出现的质量问题,提出解决问题的最佳方法.  相似文献   
行动导向教学倡导通过行动来学习和为了行动而学习,即"做中学"。传统的终结性评价已经不能适应行动导向教学法的需求,过程性评价应运而生。过程性评价采取目标与过程并重的价值取向,对学习的效果和过程进行全面的评价,对学生的学习质量水平做出判断,肯定成绩,找出问题,促进学生对学习的过程进行积极的反思,从而更好地把握学习方式方法。  相似文献   
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