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采用理论研究和案例分析法针对城市地下综合管廊有偿使用收费方式进行了详细的探讨,并依托成都市IT大道地下综合管廊工程,同时借鉴了日月大道、成洛大道、成渝高速入城段等试点管廊的相关参数测算综合管廊有偿使用费,其中入廊费和日常维护费分别采用直埋成本法和空间比例法进行计算,建立了成都市地下综合管廊入廊费和日常维护费收费标准。研究结果表明采用该方法测算得到的成都市管线入廊费和日常维护收费标准较适应管线现状实际建设和运维情况,更易让各管线单位接受。  相似文献   
通过对交通拥堵进行反思,认为交通拥堵是充满活力的成功城市的伴生品,应从不同角度考虑拥堵问题.提出了十项有别于传统观点的提议,主要包括:机动性至关重要,交通拥堵是社会、经济活力的象征;道路扩容效果短暂,并会诱发潜在需求,但仍可带来一定的社会、经济效益;土地使用对出行行为的改变需要长期的努力;紧凑型发展会加剧交通拥堵;降低...  相似文献   
陈燕萍  宋彦  张毅  彭科  张芩  金鑫 《城市交通》2011,(5):80-85,27
为缓解日益严重的城市交通问题、优化居民出行方式,有必要研究城市土地利用与交通系统的协调问题.以深圳市为例,应用多元Logit模型(MNL模型),纳入城市土地利用变量与出行者的家庭、社会、经济等变量,分析其对居民工作与非工作出行方式的影响.研究结果表明,出行起点的城市区位是影响居民出行方式的重要因素之一.相对于组团中心和...  相似文献   
The project appraisal method in the Netherlands distinguishes direct effects, indirect distribution effects and indirect generative effects. Transport models are generally available for calculating the benefits of transport projects to travellers as part of the direct effects. The TIGRIS XL model, a Land-Use and Transport Interaction model, adds indirect distribution effects for the housing and labour market, by modelling changes in the spatial distribution of jobs and residents. This paper describes the current TIGRIS XL model and how it can be applied in the evaluation of transport projects. It refers to work done with the TIGRIS XL model to improve the calculation of the direct benefits by applying the so-called ‘logsum’ method. Finally it discusses ideas on how to extend the TIGRIS XL model to address indirect generative effects as well.The current TIGRIS XL model, its integration with the National Model System (the standard tool for the Dutch government to analyse the effects on passenger transport) and basic design principles are the starting point of such an exploration. These design principles include:
an emphasis on detail, both spatial as well as in socio-economic segments, to account for differences in the availability of choice alternatives and in choice behaviour, and to provide impacts by region and socio-economic group;
the requirement that the relationships used rest on an empirical foundation.
The post-processing methods proposed on this paper for the calculation of the direct benefits and indirect generative effects are consistent with these design principles. To calculate the indirect generative effects, a post-processing module is proposed which transforms changes in travel times and land-use into agglomeration effects. These agglomeration effects combine several of the generative effects, like scale economies, an increasing variety of products, labour market matches and knowledge spill-over. The effects of changes in the agglomeration indicator on productivity can be estimated with existing data sources, as was demonstrated in the UK (Graham, 2005).  相似文献   
受自身利益的驱使,地方政府通过过度征地实现租金最大化,直接导致土地这一不可再生资源的快速消失。要从根本上解决农地的过度征用,必须将农地征用过程中权益各方的行为动机及其关系放在一个整体性的框架内进行研究,才能对地方政府的征地行为作出全面而深入的分析,进而为规制地方政府的过度征地提出有效对策。  相似文献   
陈小利 《交通标准化》2011,(23):165-168
提出一种将基于土地利用的交通需求预测模型与交通尾气排放模型相结合的方法:首先利用交通规划软件Cube连接土地利用与交通,然后结合美国环保局的MOVES尾气排放模型研究交通尾气排放。这种方法可以从宏观上研究土地利用变化对环境的影响,也可以基于环境的变化对土地利用进行评价。  相似文献   
船岸一体化数据同步的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于船岸在地域上的分离,使得岸端管理人员缺乏对所属船舶使用燃油情况的有效监控.文章主要应用卫通设备INMARSAT—C,作为船岸数据传输的主要通道,使用增量数据作为船岸数据同步的主要依据。通过船岸数据同步,实现了船岸资源共享,信息互通,方便了公司管理人员及时了解船舶各种燃油使用情况信息。  相似文献   
张金夫  郝小苏  宋林 《隧道建设》2016,36(8):982-987
厦门市第二西通道陆域段工程沿厦门岛内繁忙干道兴湖路布设,结构形式多样,安全风险较高。对厦门市第二西通道陆域段工程中浅埋暗挖双连拱隧道、深大明挖基坑、隧道上跨既有地铁隧道等施工中的关键技术问题进行研究。主要研究和结论如下:1)浅埋暗挖双连拱隧道埋深小、跨度大、地质软弱、保持地面交通,控制沉降是施工的关键技术所在。从三导洞工况理论分析看,设计支护和开挖方法是合理可行的,施工中还应结合实际优化具体支护参数,注重受力体系转换环节,加强监控量测,用信息化指导施工。2)深大明挖基坑,关键是要确保基坑支护体系变形受控,结构安全,基坑防水有效,保证基坑和周边建筑物的安全,尤其要注重复合地层组合式围护体系的整体稳定。3)隧道上跨既有地铁隧道,施工中要采取防既有地铁轨道上浮的工程措施,同时加强地铁轨道监控量测,制定好轨道调整预案,保证地铁轨道线型符合规范要求。  相似文献   
An in-depth understanding of travel behaviour determinants, including the relationship to non-travel activities, is the foundation for modelling and policy making. National Travel Surveys (NTS) and time use surveys (TUS) are two major data sources for travel behaviour and activity participation. The aim of this paper is to systematically compare both survey types regarding travel activities and non-travel activities. The analyses are based on the German National Travel Survey and the German National Time Use Survey from 2002.The number of trips and daily travel time for mobile respondents were computed as the main travel estimates. The number of trips per person is higher in the German TUS when changes in location without a trip are included. Location changes without a trip are consecutive non-trip activities with different locations but without a trip in-between. The daily travel time is consistently higher in the German TUS. The main reason for this difference is the 10-min interval used. Differences in travel estimates between the German TUS and NTS result from several interaction effects. Activity time in NTS is comparable with TUS for subsistence activities.Our analyses confirm that both survey types have advantages and disadvantages. TUS provide reliable travel estimates. The number of trips even seems preferable to NTS if missed trips are properly identified and considered. Daily travel times are somewhat exaggerated due to the 10-min interval. The fixed time interval is the most important limitation of TUS data. The result is that trip times in TUS do not represent actual trip times very well and should be treated with caution.We can use NTS activity data for subsistence activities between the first trip and the last trip. This can potentially benefit activity-based approaches since most activities before the first trip and after the last trip are typical home-based activities which are rarely substituted by out-of-home activities.  相似文献   
边经卫 《城市交通》2009,7(5):40-44
从土地使用功能、开发强度、沿线土地价值、城市用地布局及地区经济活力5个方面阐述了轨道交通对土地利用的影响。分析了轨道交通对城市空间形态的影响,包括引导城市空间结构调整、促进城市发展轴形成、带动城市中心区和副中心区发展3个方面。探讨了基于轨道交通的城市空间形态发展模式,主要有轴向、组团式、主轴-网络状3种。最后,指出大城市空间形态模式的选择应充分考虑轨道交通的特征,借鉴主轴-网络状模式。  相似文献   
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