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对于桩承式加筋路堤,加筋改变了路堤底面的变形形态,不可避免地将对路堤变形模式与土拱效应产生影响。为了深入分析加筋的影响,利用开发的多沉陷门(Multi-trapdoor)试验装置和椭圆钢棒相似土填料,开展未加筋桩承式路堤试验并得到不同参数组合下存在的3种变形模式,选取3种变形模式的代表性试验,开展相同参数条件下的加筋试验以及4种不同填料高度和3种不同加筋刚度的桩承式加筋路堤试验。通过粒子图像测速技术(PIV)和自制三点式载荷计准确测试得到全场位移及桩顶和桩间土压力。结果表明:加筋后,未加筋桩承式路堤的三角扩展型和塔形升高型变形模式转化为同心椭圆扩展模式,等沉面模式转化为同心圆等沉模式;2种变形模式之间转化的临界高度为1.5倍桩间净距,但等沉面的高度仅为67%的桩间净距;加筋对土拱效应发挥起到了双重作用,一方面,加筋减小了差异沉降,导致土拱效应发挥程度降低,另一方面,加筋改变了路堤变形模式,为同心圆土拱提供了稳定的拱脚,使得土拱效应发挥程度提高;在填料高度低,加筋刚度高的情况下,土拱效应发挥程度进一步降低;而填料高度高,加筋刚度低时,土拱效应达到了充分发挥所需的差异沉降,加筋对土拱效应有提高作用;张拉膜效应发挥程度随加筋刚度增大而提高,且随着桩间土下沉而提高,导致土拱效应减弱。  相似文献   
京张高铁官厅水库特大桥为简支拱型大跨度钢桁梁桥,为防止梁端转角或错台量过大,降低梁端扣件系统受力,梁缝处设计采用了过渡板结构。为保证过渡板设计合理性和安全性,建立过渡板有限元实体模型进行受力分析,并首次运用轨道极限状态法对过渡板结构进行配筋设计。分析表明:(1)温度梯度作用对过渡板(420 mm厚)受力影响较大,在设计荷载中占据主导因素,在正温度梯度下,过渡板底部弯矩达到124.155 kN·m/m;(2)过渡板底部纵向弯矩在荷载基本组合作用下达到最大值,且实配配筋率最大,配筋时应注意以裂缝宽度为控制指标进行设计。  相似文献   
以长沙市轨道交通2号为例,分析了列车空载工况和载客工况下的能耗情况,结果表明根据列车能耗系统的实时统计数据核实列车能耗的方式是可靠的。在此基础上,计算分析了列车运行过程中乘客总体重的能耗,与列车自重能耗相比,列车自重能耗在列车总能耗中占很大的比重,因此:合理地降低车辆自重将成为今后车辆设计的重要课题,根据线路客流量特点制定大小交路时刻表将成为城市轨道交通运营公司降低运营成本的研究方向。  相似文献   
为满足人民对城市规模和服务水平日益增长的需求,中国作为基建大国,城市建设水平和规模不断提高,城市基础建设日益完善。在城市交通建设中,城市公路跨越地铁隧道的情况越来越多,在施工过程中对既有地铁线路的运营具有较大影响。针对城市公路桥梁上部结构,支架现浇箱梁跨越地铁隧道特别保护区,为满足“地铁隧道上方新增荷载不大于20 kPa”的施工技术进行研究。  相似文献   
靳明  蒋雨波 《公路工程》2020,(1):190-194
随着桥梁的发展,桥梁的问题也逐渐增多,近年来,我国出现了多起桥梁安全事故,主要是因为桥梁的变形产生,而挠度为桥梁变形的指标,故研究梁的挠度识别很重要。首先,通过分析和介绍位移模态理论与应变模态理论的异同点,以及应变模态理论得到梁的应变模态的表示,在此基础上,提出了互关函数在梁动挠度识别中的应用。然后,通过以实际工程为研究对象,按照1∶10的比例建立桥梁实验模型,桥梁模型全长10m,截面积为2.52cm^2,高50mm,将其分成20段,每0.5m为一个单元,计算其挠度。最后,进行实际桥梁验证,将实际桥梁的测量值与桥梁模型的挠度计算值进行对比。通过实验得到,对梁施加脉冲荷载研究其动挠度的识别值与精确值之间的吻合度,并且得到测量点的布置对吻合度的影响。对梁施加动荷载,即EL CENTRO地震波,通过对比研究动荷载作用下,动挠度的识别值和精确值之间的吻合度,得到互关函数法在动挠度中的应用,对同类型的研究具体一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
为解决山区公路中驾驶视觉信息量难以量化的问题,对驾驶视野图像进行分割,根 据HSV颜色模型,提取视野图像的色调、饱和度、亮度值,再结合车速值,在驾驶视觉心理负荷的基础上,提出山区公路路域环境下的驾驶视觉信息量计算方法.通过实车实验,进行数据采集,并验证计算方法.计算结果表明,在半郁闭型空间行驶时,接收的视觉信息量最大;在郁闭型空间中,接收的信息量最小.计算结果与被试实际感受具有一致性,说明本文提出的驾驶视觉信息量计算方法具有可行性,可为路域环境的合理布设提供一定的技术参考.  相似文献   
When a ship navigates at sea, the slamming impact can generate significant load pulses which move up along the hull plating. The effect of the moving pressure has so far not been explicitly considered in the Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships. Based on a modal superposition method and the Lagrange equation, this paper derives analytical solutions to study the elastic dynamic responses of fully clamped rectangular plates under moving pressure impact loads. The spatial variation of the moving slamming impact pressure is simplified to three types of impact loads, i.e. a rectangular pulse, a linearly decaying pulse and an exponentially decaying pulse. The dynamic responses of fully clamped rectangular plates under the moving slamming impact pressure are calculated in order to investigate the influence of the load pulse shapes and moving speed on the plate structural behaviour. It is found that the structural response of the plate increases with the increase of the moving speed. The response of the plate subjected to a moving pressure impact load is smaller than the case when the plate is subjected to a spatially uniform distributed impact load with the same load amplitude and load duration. In order to quantify the effect of the moving speed on the dynamic load, a Dynamic Moving Load Coefficient (DMLC) is introduced as the ratio between the dynamic load factor for the moving impact load and that under the spatially uniform distributed impact load. An expression for DMLC is proposed based on analyses of various scenarios using the developed analytical model. Finally an empirical formula which transforms the moving impact loads to an equivalent static load is proposed.  相似文献   
Ice bending is a major failure mechanism of level ice when ships and marine structures interact with level ice. This paper aims to investigate the ice bending and ice load when level ice collides on ships and marine structures using numerical simulation method, and compare the numerical results with field test. The fracture of ice is simulated with extended finite element method (XFEM), and cohesive zone concept is used to describe the crack propagation. In order to consider the characteristics of S2 columnar ice, a transversely isotropic elastic material model is used for the ice bulk elements, and a transversely isotropic Tsai-Wu failure criterion is adopted to predict the initiation of cracks. A well-controlled field test of a landing craft bow colliding with level ice in Baltic Sea is simulated to verify the numerical scheme. The ice plate's continuous deformation, crack initiation and crack propagation at different impact velocities and angles are simulated and the results are discussed. In the simulation, the bending crack emerges at the midline of the top surface of ice plate, then propagates towards free boundary, and finally a circumferential crack forms. It is found that with the impact velocity increases, the bending load increases and the fracture size (perpendicular distance from the crack to the contact edge) decreases. And as the angle between the landing craft bow and vertical direction increases, the bending load and the fracture size decrease. The simulated results corresponds well with the field test. The competition between the circumferential crack and radial crack is also found in the simulation and will be discussed in this paper. The results show that this method well simulates the bending of level ice and predict the ice load, and provides a good approach for investigating the mechanism of different forms of level ice fracture.  相似文献   
为了便于桥梁养护与管理,提高桥梁精细化管养的水平,在分析国内外相关行业的信息分级与编码体系的基础上,结合桥梁属性和养护特点,提出了桥梁构件养护编码与快速识别方法,制定了精确到构件级的分级编码结构和分类代码。据此,基于二维码应用设计了桥梁构件智能信息标签,采用APP扫描信息标签的方式对桥梁构件进行识别,初步建立了一套适用于桥梁构件养护编码与快速识别方法。应用结果表明,该方法能建立全面、统一和精确到设施构件级的身份标识并能快速识别桥梁构件,为桥梁全生命周期养护管理奠定基础,极大提升了桥梁养护效率和质量。  相似文献   
复杂艰险山区地质灾害问题十分突出,工程建设条件差,高速铁路线型标准高,适应地形及绕避不良地质的灵活性差。对于长达数百至上千公里的复杂艰险山区高速铁路带状工程,众多的地质灾害绕无可绕、避无可避时,只能避大就小,海量筛选技术可行、经济合理、风险可控的线路和工程方案。高效识别“长线路、宽廊道”范围地质灾害,量化百年服役期铁路工程安全风险,科学确定“宏观走向”“空间线位”“工程设置”等多层次风险调控举措,实现以“减灾”为核心的方案群多目标智能优化,是复杂艰险山区高速铁路成功修建与安全运营的关键。本文简介了复杂艰险山区高速铁路减灾选线设计成套技术,该技术以“一套减灾选线理论与方法”+“三大减灾选线支撑技术”为核心,成功突破了复杂艰险山区修建高速铁路的技术瓶颈,支撑了6300 km复杂艰险山区高速铁路的工程建设,指导了1.3万km高速铁路的勘察设计,并被其他陆地交通项目借鉴利用,在服务“交通强国”战略、“一带一路”建设中具有重大意义并具有广阔应用前景。  相似文献   
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