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通过勘测设计一体化工经专业基础数据及接口方案的研究,对工经专业基础数据结构设计及专业间接口提出了3个方案并进行分析探讨。  相似文献   
地铁人员疏散特征的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据地铁中人员疏散的特殊性,设计科学的问卷调查表,并在地铁乘客中随机调查.通过对调查数据的统计分析,获得地铁中旅客的一般人员特征参数、人员对地铁结构和主要消防设施的熟悉程度、对火灾的第一行为反应等规律,从而为地铁火灾的性能化防火设计提供基础数据.  相似文献   
基于北京市自行车交通的发展现状,从基础设施、服务水平、思想观念及公共自行车发展 等方面,开展了北京自行车出行意愿的抽样调查,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,分析了目前北 京自行车交通存在的主要问题。结合北京市综合交通发展规划,从政策支持、发展规划、路权保 障、强化管理、公众参与、公共自行车发展等方面提出了自行车交通发展对策建议。研究结果表 明,定位不明确、规划不合理、设施不完善、环境污染重等已成为北京自行车交通发展的重要障 碍,未来应围绕“打造绿色出行之都”这一核心,结合北京公共交通的快速发展进程,在规划层 面明确发展目标,建立多部门之间的联合管理机制,完善相关标准,出台鼓励自行车出行的发展 政策,加快基础设施建设,强化安全管理,改善出行环境,加大绿色出行的宣传教育,促进绿色 消费,提升自行车交通在城市交通系统的作用和地位。  相似文献   
公路景观设计与所在地域环境的融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了公路景观存在的问题,提出了公路景观设计中路线及绿化与所在地域环境的融合问题。  相似文献   
多级物流配送中心选址模型及计算机求解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了构建多级物流配送中心选址模型的方法以及如何运用Excel中的规划求解工具对模型进行求解。  相似文献   
To understand the complex meanings of mobility and to engage in transport planning and management processes, a variety of disciplines, skills, and tools are potentially useful. Universities have a limited amount of time and resources to train future professionals though. This poses a problem: where should the teaching priorities be? By means of a web-survey, this study has asked academics based at a number of universities what the disciplines, skills, and tools that — according to their personal viewpoints — are the most relevant for practitioners in the mobility and transport sector. The respondents generally support curricula that facilitate a holistic, non-specialised, understanding of mobility and transport issues.  相似文献   
Increasing representation of small business perspectives in policy research would benefit from identifying strategies to increase response rates. Despite the significance of the issue, there is inconsistent reporting amongst small business research about issues such as sampling, recruitment and survey design. Reporting on such issues may help address the under-representation of small business respondents and help reduce wasting research resources on less effective strategies. For policy matters that have the potential to disrupt how small business owners run their business, this is of particular importance. This paper reports on a survey of small businesses about changes to the transport accessibility features of a town centre that have the potential to affect the supply of car parking. Based on a review of the available literature, strategies were adopted to reduce respondent burden and maximise engagement. The paper presents an analysis of recruitment approaches in the first wave of the survey and demonstrates how the refinements to the recruitment approach were successful in achieving an increase in response rate from 40% to 47%.  相似文献   
公路勘察设计是保证公路质量的基础性工作.随着经济的发展,公路设计者越来越关注公路的经济效能、生态效能以及安全效能等.从路线选择和公路勘察设计的基本控制点入手,分析公路勘察设计过程中的相关问题,以供同行参考.  相似文献   
李武 《路基工程》2013,(6):32-34
简要介绍了车载探地雷达原理、系统及在新建铁路路基质量普查中的应用情况。车载探地雷达,可迅速了解全线路基基床的状况和道床厚度等有关信息,以及探测桥涵两端与一般路基工后沉降等基床病害。经实地挖探验证与现场实际情况较为吻合。车载探地雷达,能够快速、准确、真实地检测路基的质量状况。  相似文献   
针对公路横断面勘测设计过程中土石方比例,挡土墙埋置深度难以确定等问题,利用探地雷达探测公路地基结构层之间的电性差异,分析确定路线各个断面土石方的比例以及根据所测地基结构选择合适埋置深度的挡土墙结构,为完善公路设计收到较好的效果。  相似文献   
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