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客车车身试验模态分析及其在车身定型中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
试验模态分析了解结构动特性的重要工具,介绍了客车车身的试验模态分析结果,并与国外同类型车身模态试验结果进行了对比分析,通过对比分析,对某客车车身提出了相应的改进措施,并评价了改进后车身的动态性能,使该型客车车身在短时间内定型。  相似文献   
Traditional neighborhoods and commuting in the San Francisco Bay area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neo-traditional designs, proponents argue, reduce dependency on the automobile and provide attractive environments for walking, bicycling, and transit riding. This paper explores the extent to which this proposition holds for seven traditional neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area that evolved around early streetcar services. Matched-pair comparisons of modal shares and trip generation rates for work trips are made between these neighborhoods and newer auto-oriented suburbs, controlling for the effects of income and, to a lesser extent, existing bus service levels. Pedestrian/bicycle modal shares and trip rates tended to be considerably higher, in some cases five time as high, in transit-oriented than in the paired auto-oriented neighborhood. Transit neighborhoods also averaged around 70 more daily transit work trips per 1,000 households than auto-oriented neighborhoods, though trip rates varied considerably among neighborhood pairs. Higher residential densities were also found to have a proportionately greater impact on transit commuting in transit-oriented than in auto-oriented neighborhoods. The paper concludes that in order to yield significant transportation benefits, neo-traditional development must be coordinated with larger regional planning efforts and public policy initiatives to reduce automobile dependency.  相似文献   
简要介绍了用模态分析结果修改结构有限元模型的“设计参数修改法” ,以某大功率柴油机的缸盖为例进行了验证。计算和分析结果表明 ,利用设计参数修改法修改后的有限元模型能够比较准确地反映结构的动态特性。  相似文献   
方明霞  陈江红 《汽车工程》2005,27(5):598-602
采用具有线性和非线性连接子结构的自由界面模态综合法,建立整车系统声固耦合非线性动力学模型。用该模型对发动机激励产生的车内噪声进行数值仿真,并通过试验对仿真结果进行验证。  相似文献   
牵引车车架的模态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在汽车结构设计中,为了避免弹性体产生共振问题,需要适当提高低阶固有频率,做好频率分布规划。车架系统可以看成是一个多自由度的振动系统,模态分析可以帮助我们了解结构自身的基本振动特性。本文以某牵引车车架为研究对象,利用有限元软件Radioss进行模态计算,然后与基于LMS Test.Lab的模态试验结果进行对比,验证有限元仿真计算的精确性,同时也对车架的合理性进行评价,对车架的设计具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
The coupled vehicle/track dynamic model with the flexible wheel set was developed to investigate the effects of polygonal wear on the dynamic stresses of the wheel set axle. In the model, the railway vehicle was modelled by the rigid multibody dynamics. The wheel set was established by the finite element method to analyse the high-frequency oscillation and dynamic stress of wheel set axle induced by the polygonal wear based on the modal stress recovery method. The slab track model was taken into account in which the rail was described by the Timoshenko beam and the three-dimensional solid finite element was employed to establish the concrete slab. Furthermore, the modal superposition method was adopted to calculate the dynamic response of the track. The wheel/rail normal forces and the tangent forces were, respectively, determined by the Hertz nonlinear contact theory and the Shen–Hedrick–Elkins model. Using the coupled vehicle/track dynamic model, the dynamic stresses of wheel set axle with consideration of the ideal polygonal wear and measured polygonal wear were investigated. The results show that the amplitude of wheel/rail normal forces and the dynamic stress of wheel set axle increase as the vehicle speeds rise. Moreover, the impact loads induced by the polygonal wear could excite the resonance of wheel set axle. In the resonance region, the amplitude of the dynamic stress for the wheel set axle would increase considerably comparing with the normal conditions.  相似文献   
为探究适用于海洋平台结构的有效损伤诊断方法,针对某自升式平台的比例模型开展环境激励下损伤诊断试验研究。分别采用频域法中的增强频域分解法和时域法中的随机子空间法处理测试数据,提取前三阶的固有频率、振型和阻尼比等模态参数,并结合频率和振型识别结果计算节点柔度矩阵。通过分析平台模型模态参数和节点柔度矩阵的变化率,识别预先设置的结构损伤。试验结果表明,两种模态识别方法均能有效识别环境激励下的平台模型模态参数,其中利用固有频率变化率能够有效判断结构是否产生损伤,利用振型和柔度矩阵的变化率能够实现损伤的准确定位。  相似文献   
通过三维软件建立了大型数控落地镗铣床滑枕的三维模型,利用有限元软件进行静力分析,计算了滑枕的应力和变形情况.通过模态分析,计算了滑枕1至4阶的固有频率和振型,得到滑枕动态特性,进而指导滑枕设计与优化.  相似文献   
模态静力推覆分析方法在桥梁结构中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷鑫 《城市道桥与防洪》2011,(2):68-70,73,114
静力推覆分析是一种计算结构非线性响应的简化分析方法,然而标准的静力推覆分析方法不能计人高阶振型的贡献,难以应用到大跨度的桥梁结构中.有学者提出的模态静力推覆分析方法在计算结构的非线性响应时考虑了高阶振型的影响,且仍具有推覆分析方法计算量小的优点.该文使用模态静力推覆分析方法计算一座实际桥梁结构的非线性反应,并与标准的推...  相似文献   
以模态分析理论为基础,通过有限元软件HyperWorks对车门进行了模态分析,考察了该车门的刚度特性;并用拓扑优化中的变密度法,通过HyperWorks对轿车车门进行了拓扑与形貌的组合分析,得到了高刚度、轻质量的设计方案.  相似文献   
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