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车辆跟驰模型是被交通科学与交通工程领域广泛认可的微观交通流模型,是交通流理论 的基础。近年来,信息感知与获取、大数据、人工智能等技术快速发展,推动了数据驱动跟驰模型 的快速发展。数据驱动跟驰模型,是以真实的车辆行驶数据为基础,利用数据科学与机器学习等 理论和方法,通过样本数据的训练、学习、迭代、进化,挖掘车辆跟驰行为的内在规律。本文系统 回顾了数据驱动跟驰模型在过去20余年的发展历程以及由神经网络和深度学习带动的两次研究 热潮,归纳了基于传统机器学习理论的跟驰模型、基于深度学习的跟驰模型、模型与数据混合驱 动的跟驰模型3类数据驱动跟驰模型,并分别介绍了其中的典型代表。分析数据源发现,尽管各 种高精度轨迹数据不断涌现,目前研究仍多使用美国于2006年发布的Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM)高精度车辆轨迹数据,模型的可移植性和泛化能力值得思考与研究。提出关于模型输 入、输出的3个问题:如何考虑更多驾驶行为变量,是否有必要考虑更多行为变量,现有输入、输出 是否可替换。在模型测试与验证方面,发现并讨论了目前测试不充分、对比不完整、缺少统一测 试集与测试标准等问题。最后,探讨了数据驱动跟驰模型原创性与成功的关键因素等问题。期 望通过本文的梳理,帮助研究者更好地了解数据驱动跟驰模型的过去与现状,促进相关研究的快 速发展。  相似文献   
为探究新冠肺炎疫情下交通防控政策对长沙市人口流动的影响,本文根据长沙市在新冠 肺炎疫情期间颁布的交通防控政策和疫情实时防控情况划分防控阶段,基于百度迁徙大数据,利 用双重差分模型,识别长沙市不同阶段的交通防控政策以及量化防控效果,分析交通防控政策对 长沙市人口流动的影响。结果显示,长沙市在交通管制阶段,平均人口迁出强度、平均人口迁入 强度及城市内部出行强度分别下降了83.68%、69.24%及59.74%,有效地控制了人口流动,降低了 疫情扩散危险。在交通恢复阶段,长沙市人口流动强度逐渐反弹,城市内部出行强度基本恢复到 2019年同期水平。本文研究结果显示了交通管制对疫情扩散限制的有效性,为常态化疫情防控 下精准防控政策和复工复产政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   
A new convex optimization framework is developed for the route flow estimation problem from the fusion of vehicle count and cellular network data. The issue of highly underdetermined link flow based methods in transportation networks is investigated, then solved using the proposed concept of cellpaths for cellular network data. With this data-driven approach, our proposed approach is versatile: it is compatible with other data sources, and it is model agnostic and thus compatible with user equilibrium, system-optimum, Stackelberg concepts, and other models. Using a dimensionality reduction scheme, we design a projected gradient algorithm suitable for the proposed route flow estimation problem. The algorithm solves a block isotonic regression problem in the projection step in linear time. The accuracy, computational efficiency, and versatility of the proposed approach are validated on the I-210 corridor near Los Angeles, where we achieve 90% route flow accuracy with 1033 traffic sensors and 1000 cellular towers covering a large network of highways and arterials with more than 20,000 links. In contrast to long-term land use planning applications, we demonstrate the first system to our knowledge that can produce route-level flow estimates suitable for short time horizon prediction and control applications in traffic management. Our system is open source and available for validation and extension.  相似文献   
The present paper presents a data-driven method for assessing the resilience of the European passenger transport network during extreme weather events. The method aims to fill in the gap of current research efforts regarding the quantification of impacts attributed to climate change and the identification of substitutability opportunities between transport modes in case of extreme weather events (EWE). The proposed method consists of three steps concerning the probability estimation of an EWE occurring within a transportation network, the assessment of its impacts and the passengers’ flow shift between various transport modes. A mathematical formulation for the proposed data-driven method is provided and applied in an indicative European small-scale network, in order to assess the impacts of EWE on modal choice. Results are expressed in passenger differentiated flows and the paper concludes with future research steps and directions.  相似文献   
Traffic instability is an important but undesirable feature of traffic flow. This paper reports our experimental and empirical studies on traffic flow instability. We have carried out a large scale experiment to study the car-following behavior in a 51-car-platoon. The experiment has reproduced the phenomena and confirmed the findings in our previous 25-car-platoon experiment, i.e., standard deviation of vehicle speeds increases in a concave way along the platoon. Based on our experimental results, we argue that traffic speed rather than vehicle spacing (or density) might be a better indicator of traffic instability, because vehicles can have different spacing under the same speed. For these drivers, there exists a critical speed between 30 km/h and 40 km/h, above which the standard deviation of car velocity is almost saturated (flat) along the 51-car-platoon, indicating that the traffic flow is likely to be stable. In contrast, below this critical speed, traffic flow is unstable and can lead to the formation of traffic jams. Traffic data from the Nanjing Airport Highway support the experimental observation of existence of a critical speed. Based on these findings, we propose an alternative mechanism of traffic instability: the competition between stochastic factors and the so-called speed adaptation effect, which can better explain the concave growth of speed standard deviation in traffic flow.  相似文献   
Walking has been highlighted as an independent transportation mode as well as an access/egress mode to/from public transit to encourage the use of more sustainable transport systems. However, walking does not seem to have priority over other transportation modes, especially in areas where various modes of movement are in conflict. The pedestrian push-button system seems to be a solution to distribute the right of way. The focus of this study is on the performance issue of the pedestrian push-button. Specifically, this study deals with issues related to mid-block crossings and attempts to answer two questions: whose waiting time is longer at pre-timed and push-button crossings, pedestrians, or vehicles? and which system – pre-timed or push-button – is better in terms of total waiting time? According to our simulation analyses, if the pedestrian flow rate is less than 120, 85, and 70 ped/h for two-, three-, and four-lane roads, respectively, the push-button system is recommended.  相似文献   
The speed-density or flow-density relationship has been considered as the foundation of traffic flow theory. Existing single-regime models calibrated by the least square method (LSM) could not fit the empirical data consistently well both in light-traffic/free-flow conditions and congested/jam conditions. In this paper, first, we point out that the inaccuracy of single-regime models is not caused solely by their functional forms, but also by the sample selection bias. Second, we apply a weighted least square method (WLSM) that addresses the sample selection bias problem. The calibration results for six well-known single-regime models using the WLSM fit the empirical data reasonably well both in light-traffic/free-flow conditions and congested/jam conditions. Third, we conduct a theoretical investigation that reveals the deficiency associated with the LSM is because the expected value of speed (or a function of it) is nonlinear with regard to the density (or a function of it).  相似文献   
The European Clean Vehicle Directive was introduced in 2009 to create an obligation on public authorities to take into account the impact of energy consumption, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and pollutant emissions into their purchasing decisions for road transport vehicles. This should stimulate the market for clean and energy-efficient vehicles and improve transport's impact on environment, climate change and energy use. Therefore the so-called ‘Operational Lifetime Cost’ of a vehicle is calculated, divided into the cost for energy consumption, CO2 and pollutant (nitrous oxide, particulate matter, non-methane hydrocarbons) emissions. In Belgium, a different methodology has been developed to calculate the environmental impact of a vehicle, called ‘Ecoscore’, based on a well-to-wheel approach. More pollutants are included compared to the Clean Vehicle methodology, but also indirect emissions are taken into account. In this paper, both methodologies are compared and used to analyze the environmental performance of passenger cars with different fuel types and from different vehicle segments. Similar rankings between both methodologies are obtained; however, the large impact of energy use (and CO2 emissions) in the Clean Vehicle methodology disadvantages compressed natural gas cars, as well as diesel cars equipped with particulate filters, compared to the Ecoscore methodology.  相似文献   
考虑了旅客出行习惯和列车晚点, 建立了铁路客运站旅客最高聚集人数计算模型。在模型中, 在出行时, 乘坐6:00~9:00出发列车的旅客一般在列车出发前5~60 min到达客运站, 乘坐21:00以后出发列车的旅客一般在19:00~21:00达到客运站; 在晚点调整时等级越高的列车具有越高的优先权, 晚点时间与运行时间成正比。计算结果表明: 考虑出行习惯后, 计算的旅客高峰时段与实际调查结果相符, 考虑列车晚点后, 旅客最高聚集人数超出未晚点时的50%, 因此, 建议客运站的最高聚集人数设计系数为1.3~1.8, 并按行车密度从小到大取值。  相似文献   
公交客流规模测算往往存在调查成本受限和准确度要求较高的矛盾.提出基于公交IC卡历史数据与人工补充调查数据的数据融合测算方法,以准确推算公交客流规模.首先根据公交线路的基本属性,采用聚类分析方法划分线路类型,从每一类中选择具有代表性的线路.基于IC卡数据分析公交客流时变特征,运用有序样本聚类Fisher算法将线路小时刷卡量进行聚类分析.划分刷卡量相似时段,进而采用优化方法确定调查抽样率,确定相应的调查车辆进行人工补充调查,最终经过数据融合计算获得公交客流规模.基于上海市某辖区IC卡数据进行案例分析,测算得到三类公交线路的日均客流量.  相似文献   
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