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This paper presents the design and results for field tests regarding the environmental benefits in stop-and-go traffic of an algorithmic green driving strategy based on inter-vehicle communication (IVC), which was proposed in Yang and Jin (2014). The green driving strategy dynamically calculates advisory speed limits for vehicles equipped with IVC devices so as to smooth their speed profiles and reduce their emissions and fuel consumption. For the field tests, we develop a smartphone-based IVC system, in which vehicles’ speeds and locations are collected by GPS and accelerometer sensors embedded in smartphones, and communications among vehicles are enabled by specially designed smartphone applications, a central server, and 4G cellular networks. Six field tests are carried out on an uninterrupted ring road under slow or fast stop-and-go traffic conditions. We compare the performances of three alternatives: no green driving, heuristic green driving, and the IVC-based algorithmic green driving. Results show that heuristic green driving has better smoothing and environmental effects than no green driving, but the IVC-based algorithmic green driving outperforms both. In the future, we are interested in field tests under more realistic traffic conditions.  相似文献   
台风防御是我国东南沿海各港口"三防"工作的重中之重。分析了目前我国港口防台工作的不足之处,提出了利用地理信息技术解决目前存在的问题,设计并开发了港口防台应急辅助决策与指挥系统。在软件整体架构设计、功能模块设计、数据设计等方面进行了研究,并介绍了"厦门港防台应急指挥系统"的应用情况。  相似文献   
文章针对天津港特殊的地理位置,周边敏感资源的特点,对天津港典型LNG码头的运输货种及燃料油的污染危害性进行了分析,对码头及船舶存在的风险进行了研究。运用Oilmap溢油轨迹和归宿模型,采用情景分析法假定溢油事故场景,对燃料油泄漏事故进行了模拟。根据研究结果,对天津LNG码头提出了风险的防范措施以及建议。  相似文献   
重点分析了西安局集团公司由2K数调主系统组网更新改造为FAS双中心网络的建设方法,并根据日常维护经验,列举了调度台通道故障处理、FASB简易故障判断及计表倒换试验、FASA和FASB系统与MSC之间的业务故障处理等。  相似文献   
为保证城市轨道交通运营安全,针对车载控制器(VOBC)出现故障时,调度人员无法获悉列车位置的情况,利用列车接入单元(TAU)上传长期演进系统(LTE)的无线性能指标进行辅助定位。该系统平时进行车辆实际位置和无线性能指标的大数据拟合,在特殊情况时利用拟合曲线和无线性能指标进行辅助定位,为列车安全运行提供可靠的保障。  相似文献   
中国港口功能的聚类和判别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据中国港口的样本特征, 选取了11个主要功能指标, 建立了因子分析模型, 并进行了适用性检验。根据主成分分析法, 提取了3个待定因子, 经过因子旋转和归一化处理, 采用系统凝聚法对中国沿海24个港口的主要功能进行聚类分析。以MATLAB为技术基础, 对烟台港功能类型进行判别。分析结果表明: 根据经济功能因子、城市功能因子和物流功能因子的分类, 中国沿海24个港口可以聚成7类, 第1类为上海港, 第2类为深圳港, 第3类为广州港, 第4类为宁波舟山港, 第5类为青岛港、天津港、大连港, 第6类为厦门港、丹东港、威海港、汕头港、北海港、防城港、海口港、连云港港、营口港、秦皇岛港、日照港, 第7类为唐山港、温州港、台州港、福州港、泉州港、湛江港; 运用人工神经网络方法, 烟台港被判别为第7类。可见, 方法有效。  相似文献   
澳大利亚Cape Flattery港情况特殊,无拖船协助,给靠、离泊带来许多困难。总结了长期航行于此港至东亚航线的经验和体会,供航海人员参考。  相似文献   
Connected vehicle systems (CVS) are considered in this paper where vehicles exchange information using wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. The concept of connected cruise control (CCC) is established that allows control design at the level of individual vehicles while exploiting V2V connectivity. Due to its high level of modularity the proposed design can be applied to large heterogeneous traffic systems. The dynamics of a simple CVS is analysed in detail while taking into account nonlinearities in the vehicle dynamics as well as in the controller. Time delays that arise due to intermittencies and packet drops in the communication channels are also incorporated. The results are summarised using stability charts which allow one to select control gains to maintain stability and ensure disturbance attenuation when the delay is below a critical value.  相似文献   
凝露造成高压电缆卷筒滑环箱绝缘下降、箱体内元器件损坏,必须加以解决。分析凝露形成条件和造成高压电缆卷筒滑环箱故障的原因。提出温度控制法和湿度控制法两种措施。效果良好,可供参考。  相似文献   
徐新雷 《港口科技》2012,(10):40-42
针对西门子电控系统集装箱桥吊吊具卷缆子系统在使用过程中发现的缺陷进行改造。通过修改西门子变频器参数,可有效避免桥吊吊具卷缆系统由于通信故障引发的失控,不但节约了成本,而且提高了桥吊可靠性。  相似文献   
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