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对引进的日本某公司的密接式车钩相互作用原理及接触关系进行了分析,对密接式前端车钩和中间车钩建立了非线性有限元模型。根据这2种车钩的拉、压静强度计算结果及车钩的受力状态,详细分析了2种工况下车钩钩体薄弱部位的应力应变水平及产生原因,为车钩结构改进设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
The moving particle semi-implicit (MPS) method was applied to compute nonlinear motions of a floating body influenced by the water on deck. To compute the motions of a rigid body, the fluid pressure at the position of each particle on the body surface was directly integrated in space and the equations of translational and rotational motions were integrated in time to determine the correct position of the rigid-body surface at each time step of the time-domain calculation. The performance of this method was validated through a comparison with measured results in an experiment that was newly conducted using a model of a box-shaped floating body with a small freeboard. Although the overall agreement was good, some discrepancies were observed for a shorter wave period, especially for the drift motion in sway. The effect of numerical resolution on the results was checked by changing the number of particles. With a higher number of particles, no obvious improvement was seen in the global body motions, but the resolution of the local free-surface profile, including the water on deck, was improved.  相似文献   
Nonlinear suspension controllers have the potential to achieve superior performance compared to their linear counterparts. A nonlinear controller can focus on maximizing passenger comfort when the suspension deflection is small compared to its structural limit. As the deflection limit is approached, the controller can shift focus to prevent the suspension deflection from exceeding this limit. This results in superior ride quality over the range of road surfaces, as well as reduced wear of suspension components. This paper presents a novel approach to the design of such nonlinear controllers, based on linear parameter-varying control techniques. Parameter-dependent weighting functions are used to design active suspensions that stiffen as the suspension limits are reached. The controllers use only suspension deflection as a feedback signal. The proposed framework easily extends to the more general case where all the three main performance metrics, i.e., passenger comfort, suspension travel and road holding are considered, and to the design of road adaptive suspensions.  相似文献   
以廊坊华元和庭小区PHC管桩基础施工应用为依托,分析管桩基础施工过程中的一些方法措施及检测结果。采用PHC管桩基础,在工程质量、环境、经济、施工工期等方面都是城区地基处理的一种好方法。  相似文献   
Excitation force spectra are necessary for a realistic prediction of railway-induced ground vibration. The excitation forces cause the ground vibration and they are themselves a result of irregularities passed by the train. The methods of the related analyses – the wavenumber integration for the wave propagation in homogeneous or layered soils, the combined finite-element boundary-element method for the vehicle–track–soil interaction – have already been presented and are the base for the advanced topic of this contribution. This contribution determines excitation force spectra of railway traffic by two completely different methods. The forward analysis starts with vehicle, track and soil irregularities, which are taken from literature and axle-box measurements, calculates the vehicle–track interaction and gets theoretical force spectra as the result. The second method is a backward analysis from the measured ground vibration of railway traffic. A calculated or measured transfer function of the soil is used to determine the excitation force spectrum of the train. A number of measurements of different soils and different trains with different speeds are analysed in that way. Forward and backward analysis yield the same approximate force spectra with values around 1 kN for each axle and third of octave.  相似文献   
对株洲航电枢纽二线船闸高挡土环境中的双排桩结构变形及内力特征,采用数值计算和工程观测相结合的方法,分析不同桩径、不同开挖深度时结构的变形及受力形态。结果表明:双排桩排距取3倍桩径时,不同开挖深度的前排桩最大位移值呈现二次抛物线形态;前排桩内力呈现单锚板桩的受力特征,后排桩内力呈现悬臂板桩的受力特征;通过设置卸荷板、采用抗剪强度大的材料回填可有效控制结构变形及内力。  相似文献   
孟加拉Mirsarai海岸防护项目工程护底块体采用100 cm×80 cm×60 cm长方体混凝土块体。在块体生产堆放过程中,须采用夹块机运输,但在安装时由于该护底块未设计吊钩,故无法采用吊车安装,只能用长臂挖机安装液压夹进行夹块安装。液压夹故障率较高,且夹块困难,安放时力度不好控制,容易造成块体间的碰撞损伤。为此,对现有的机械设备做出改进,根据物理学中的静摩擦自锁现象,制作出自锁型夹子。该夹子在夹块时仅仅依靠夹子橡胶复合结构和混凝土块自身重力产生的摩擦力夹紧块体,而安放时仅须旋转挖机斗改变受力钢丝绳来松开块体,无须人员辅助,有效地解决了块体安装过程中机械伤的问题。同时,由于自锁型夹子制作简单、维修方便,因此提高了生产效率、降低了成本。  相似文献   
文章针对有限长水翼在湍流中的非定常问题,分别建立流动系数不同的两向波谱函数描述三维湍流场,并推导了有限长水翼的响应函数。将计算结果分别与实验值进行对比,发现与实验结果吻合较好。在此基础上对来流速度存在攻角和侧斜角情况下的响应函数进行了研究,发现来流攻角并不影响响应函数。在来流存在侧斜的情况下,侧斜角在低频区间内会使响应函数增大;在高频区间内使响应函数衰减更快。同时还得出了湍流尺度的增大会加剧来流侧斜角对响应函数影响的结论。  相似文献   
通过三维软件建立了大型数控落地镗铣床滑枕的三维模型,利用有限元软件进行静力分析,计算了滑枕的应力和变形情况.通过模态分析,计算了滑枕1至4阶的固有频率和振型,得到滑枕动态特性,进而指导滑枕设计与优化.  相似文献   
为提高某车发动机排气系统的消声量,建立该排气系统的有限元模型,采用三维有限元方法对该排气系统进行声学性能仿真分析,绘制传递损失曲线,发现该排气系统在试验测得的排气噪声频谱能量较高的频段消声量较小,消声性能有待改善.运用流体动力学计算软件fluent对排气系统的流场特性进行分析预测,获得压力损失预测值,以及内部流场的流速...  相似文献   
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