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Conventional Transit Signal Priority (TSP) controls often reach the limitation for arterials accommodating heavy bus flows since the priority function can significantly increase delay at minor streets. Under such conditions, a proper signal progression plan that accounts for the benefits of buses may offer the potential to improve the reliability of bus operations and increase the bus ridership. This study proposes a bus-based progression model to reduce the delay of buses on local arterials. Given the cycle length and green splits at each intersection, the bus-based progression model, grounded on the same notion as conventional signal progression methods, considers the operational characteristics of transit vehicles, such as the impact of bus dwell time and the capacity constraints at bus stops. Also, to deal with the stochastic nature of dwell time, this study introduces additional constraints to maximize the percentage of buses which can stay within the green band after leaving bus stops. Taking an arterial with five intersections and three two-way bus stops as an example, this study applies VISSIM as an unbiased tool for model evaluation. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed model can significantly reduce bus passenger delays and the average person delays for the entire arterial, compared with the conventional progression models.  相似文献   
This paper presents a stochastic characterization of highway capacity and explores its implications on ramp metering control at the corridor level. The stochastic variation of highway capacity is captured through a Space–Time Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (STARIMA) model. It is identified following a Seasonal STARIMA model (0, 0, 23) × (0, 1, 0)2, which indicates that the capacities of adjacent locations are spatially–temporally correlated. Hourly capacity patterns further verify the stochastic nature of highway capacity. The goal of this paper is to study (1) how to take advantage of the extra information, such as capacity variation, and (2) what benefits can be gained from stochastic capacity modeling. The implication of stochastic capacity is investigated through a ramp metering case study. A mean–standard deviation formulation of capacity is proposed to achieve the trade-off between traffic operation efficiency and robustness. Following that, a modified stochastic capacity-constraint ZONE ramp metering scheme embedded cell transmission model algorithm is introduced. The numerical experiment suggests that considering capacity variation information would alleviate the spillback effect and improve throughput. Monte Carlo simulation further supports this argument. This study helps verify and characterize the stochastic nature of capacity, validates the benefits of using capacity variation information, and thus enhances the necessity of implementing stochastic capacity in traffic operation.  相似文献   
基于拉剪耦合作用,对Mohr-Coulomb强度准则进行修正。在不同坡高、不同高宽比的边坡底部入射3条经典地震波,对边坡进行动力稳定性分析。首先采用显式迭代子增量法编写考虑拉剪耦合作用的Mohr-Coulomb强度准则子程序,并在边坡模型的截断边界添加黏弹性人工边界、输入等效地震荷载,模拟边坡受到的地震作用;然后以单元分别受到压缩和拉伸作用为例验证子程序的正确性;通过与已有地震边坡的研究结果对比,表明在地震边坡分析中若不考虑材料的拉剪耦合作用,得出的结论偏危险;最后在边坡底部垂直入射3条地震波,分析不同坡高、不同高宽比的边坡在2种强度准则下安全系数的区别。研究结果表明:不同边坡(坡高、高宽比不同)在不同地震波(El-Centro,Kobe,Northridge)作用下的安全系数各不相同,但安全系数都随坡高增加和坡角增大而降低;考虑拉剪耦合作用边坡的安全系数小于不考虑拉剪耦合作用边坡的安全系数,并且其安全系数的变化各有特点;坡高和高宽比的变化影响边坡对地震波频段的响应;分析地震边坡的稳定性,应综合考虑材料的拉剪耦合作用以及边坡高度和高宽比的变化规律。  相似文献   
为探讨地震对山区桥梁斜坡桩的影响,在土工离心机上进行坡顶平地桩、斜坡上单桩及1×2群桩的振动台试验。通过安装的加速度计、激光位移计及桩身应变片实测在不同加速度峰值的El Centro波作用下,斜坡场地各点的加速度时程、各桩截面的应变量及桩头位移值,由此分析斜坡场地各点的加速度放大系数及位移时程,各桩截面的弯矩及水平变位。然后,结合OpenSees进行数值模拟分析,探讨斜坡场地地震效应、桩与斜坡共同工作特性以及桩基残余变形发展特性等。研究结果表明:在各级地震荷载下,斜坡单桩与1×2群桩在地面处位移约为40 mm,桩顶累积变形量则分别达到90,50 mm,峰值弯矩达到1 120 kN·m;斜坡场地在坡顶位置最为不利,其加速度放大系数最高达到1.8左右,因此在低加速度峰值的输入波作用下,斜坡就会发生侧移,对桩基造成影响;在受地震影响的山区斜坡地段修建桥梁桩基,不能仅考虑边坡安全系数,而应计入地震作用下边坡永久位移对桩基的影响。  相似文献   
汪乐  王涛  宋磊 《隧道建设》2018,38(12):2006-2012
地铁明挖车站和市政桥梁合建时,为同时满足2种不同类型构筑物的安全和使用功能要求,需对其中的关键技术难题进行分析研究,以采取合理可行的结构形式。依托成都地铁白佛桥明挖车站与其上部市政桥梁的建设,总结国内类似工程经验,根据工程特点确定桥梁承台与地铁车站顶板进行固结连接,桥梁跨度与地铁车站框架柱跨进行匹配,同时桥墩避开地铁车站端头井、换乘节点等复杂结构受力区域进行布设; 建立三维荷载-结构模型,计算分析上部桥梁荷载对地铁车站结构构件内力及变形的影响,并根据计算结果,对桥墩影响范围内的车站顶底板和侧墙的厚度及配筋进行增强,桥墩轴线下方的地铁车站框架柱采用型钢-混凝土组合结构,以满足合建结构的承载能力、变形、裂缝控制等要求。另外,选取LS-DYNA软件,采用非线性时程分析法对合建结构进行抗震计算分析,计算结果显示: 车站板、墙、梁等构件在支座处出现应力集中现象,各结构构件的承载力强度及变形均满足规范要求。  相似文献   
基于推倒分析法的基本原理和实施步骤,对推倒分析中加载模式的选择和目标位移的求取、计算过程及其用途加以介绍,同时对该方法与一般的静力非线性分析方法和传统的弹性分析法作一比较,对于推倒分析方法在桥梁结构抗震分析中的良好应用有所帮助。  相似文献   
在混合交通中出行者对不同交通方式的行程时间存在着不同的可靠度要求,故有必要根据不同的可靠度要求追加不同冗余时间,以最优时间策略选择交通方式,从而构造混合随机交通模型及其求解算法,并利用具体实例对其有效性加以验证。  相似文献   
In order to analyze the failure data from repairable systems, the homogeneous Poisson process(HPP) is usually used. In general, HPP cannot be applied to analyze the entire life cycle of a complex, re-pairable system because the rate of occurrence of failures (ROCOF) of the system changes over time rather thanremains stable. However, from a practical point of view, it is always preferred to apply the simplest methodto address problems and to obtain useful practical results. Therefore, we attempted to use the HPP model toanalyze the failure data from real repairable systems. A graphic method and the Laplace test were also usedin the analysis. Results of numerical applications show that the HPP model may be a useful tool for the entirelife cycle of repairable systems.  相似文献   
为使对路面结构的分析和设计更加符合实际情况,需要考虑季节性的变化.针对某一柔性基层沥青路面结构进行分析,通过室内试验确定了各层沥青混合料的动态模量主曲线和时间温度换算因子,并确定了路面结构内温度场和动态模量的分布和变化,进而计算了路面结构关键响应随时间的变化情况.分析了路表弯沉、沥青层底拉应变和土基顶面压应变季节性波动情况,并在满足工程精度要求下,确定了响应的关键位置.  相似文献   
分析了常见的3种飞机防冰腔结构, 应用Gambit软件建立了双蒙皮防冰腔结构网格模型。采用Spalart-Allmaras湍流模型模拟热气在防冰腔内的流动状况, 采用Fluent软件进行传热效率分析, 建立了防冰腔结构参数对传热效率的重要性测度模型。通过随机响应面法建立防冰腔结构参数与传热效率的函数关系, 采用低分散性抽样法求解防冰腔结构参数的重要性测度, 建立了防冰腔结构参数的重要性测度分析流程。分析结果表明: 当笛形管中心到外蒙皮的距离从35.15mm增加到38.85mm时, 传热系数由0.505减小到0.463;当双蒙皮通道高度从2.85mm增加到3.15mm时, 传热系数由0.495减小到0.476;当射流孔孔径从1.90mm增加到2.10mm时, 传热系数从0.505减小到0.494;当射流孔角度从14.25°增加到15.75°时, 传热系数从0.476增加到0.494。防冰腔结构参数的重要性排序依次为射流孔角度、笛形管中心到外蒙皮距离、射流孔孔径、双蒙皮通道高度, 在防冰腔结构加工与装配过程中, 需要重点考虑射流孔角度与笛形管中心到外蒙皮距离这2个参数。  相似文献   
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