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选取福州市三环路的绿化带进行实验,主要以樟树与灌木、黄槐与灌木、刺桐与灌木、羊蹄甲与灌木绿化带作为研究对象,研究不同树种的郁闭度,在不同噪声强度下,各树种搭配衰减效果,进一步分析郁闭度与单位长度绿化带衰减效果的相关性。结果表明:刺桐与樟树绿化带郁闭度较高,黄槐次之,羊蹄甲郁闭度最低;黄槐的降噪效果最为明显,其次是樟树与刺桐,羊蹄甲的降噪效果最差,且噪声声级越高,绿化带衰减效果也越理想;郁闭度与噪声衰减值关系相关性较差,郁闭度需结合树木枝叶相关特征来分析整个树木的空间立体结构,进而建立与衰减效果之间关联。  相似文献   
Accessibility is a valuable indicator for assessing the effectiveness of a transport network. Nevertheless, its analysis can lead to very heterogeneous results depending on the method adopted, thus still struggling to be considered by policy makers and in planning processes. This article contributes to the development of an accessibility analysis as a planning tool, by proposing an alternative model to estimate the relative accessibility of a destination by public transport (PT). Indeed, PT is a mobility paradigm that has been supported to reduce the negative externalities produced by private transport, especially in environmentally fragile contexts. The model includes a set of eleven factors affecting public transport operation which refer to four macro topics: connectivity, multimodality, tariff/ticketing, and info-mobility. They are integrated into a Public Transport Accessibility index which analyses a series of nodes along a route and detects the progressive variation of accessibility. Eventual shifts are highlighted, including information about the factors feeding them. The model is tested for the Lana-Zurich (IT-CH) connection, showing how the most relevant issues are caused by difficulties in the transnational and transregional integration of the services. Through this process, the model aims at backing policy makers in the detection and understanding of public transport barriers and related causes.  相似文献   
为了明确路面平整度对道路交通标线逆反射亮度系数测试的静态影响机理,减小工程应用中的误差,针对手持式逆反射测量仪和车载式逆反射测量仪,在忽略仪器测量基准平面偏差的前提下,参考公路工程质量检验评定标准中路面平整度“最大间隙”的要求,分析路面平整度影响下的现场测试几何条件,提出逆反射标线板设计方案及其参考值赋值方法,开展手持式逆反射测量仪和车载式逆反射测量仪的测量偏差试验。在逆反射标线板参考值赋值过程中发现,反射照度随着入射角的增大而降低,同逆反射亮度系数随入射角变化产生的变化趋势呈非线性关系。手持式逆反射测量仪和车载式逆反射测量仪无法识别入射角产生的偏差,仅通过测得的反射信号强度计算得到逆反射亮度系数,因此其变化趋势和反射照度随入射角变化的趋势相近。入射角偏差对车载式逆反射测量仪测量结果引入的相对不确定度ur22为4.8%,对开放光路的手持式逆反射测量仪测量结果引入的相对不确定度ur12为7.4%。研究结果表明:入射角偏差对道路交通标线逆反射亮度系数的现场测量结果影响较大,在现场测量时应注意调整仪器的放置位置;车载式逆反射测量仪较手持式逆反射测量仪抗干扰的能力更强,在路面平整度较差的路段选用车载式逆反射测量仪并进行数据修正能够提高测量结果的可信度;建议车载式逆反射测量仪选取9 m内最大高程差不超过7 mm的路段进行现场自校准。  相似文献   
混凝土箱梁水化热温度试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究目的:温度应力已被认为是混凝土箱梁开裂的主要原因之一。为了掌握水化热温度沿箱梁截面的分布规律,并根据混凝土施工工艺状况,估算温差应力,特对混凝土箱梁进行了水化热温度试验,为箱梁设计与施工提供有益的参考。研究方法:水化热温度测试选取了梁体的跨中及端部截面,按照能够充分反映箱梁水化热变化情况的原则,分别在顶板、底板、腹板布置了内埋式温度传感器,从混凝土入模开始,量测水化热温度的变化情况。研究结果:根据温度测试结果,可以绘制出混凝土水化热温度随观测时间变化的曲线。通过对秦沈客运专线箱梁温度测试结果的总结分析,重点阐述了箱梁混凝土早期水化热温度发展的一般规律,其中包括水化热温度时程曲线的一般形式、温升基本规律、温降基本规律、混凝土的温度梯度、入模温度与温度峰值的关系等,并提出了防止温差过大而引起混凝土开裂的工程措施。  相似文献   
This paper analyses the external transport cost estimates that have been found in various European studies. These estimates seem at first glance to be highly dispersed, a fact which raises questions about their reliability. The article offers a list of the possible reasons for discrepancies between the various studies; differences in the specific situations studied, in the type of cost calculated, in the physical laws relating to emissions, in the measurement of values of external costs. It assesses the relative magnitude of each of these causes through a meta-analysis. It turns out that the main differences come from the specificity of the situation under review and the type of cost calculated. In comparison, differences in the laws and in the values methods have a lower importance. The conclusion is that the estimates of external costs are reliable for decision-making policies.  相似文献   
介绍采用竖向弹性地基梁法计算板桩码头的要点。  相似文献   
机车运行在任何场合器件结温不得超过额定值,这是整流机组正常运行的必要条件,以SS6型电力机车整流机组起动过程结温计算为例,提供了计算方法,供有关专业人员设计、计算、故障分析时参考。  相似文献   
根据深圳地处高温多雨地区的气候特点,结合滨海大道沥青路面工程的施工,系统研究了沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料的石料选择、配合比设计的标准和方法,及SMA的生产和施工工艺,提出了高温多雨地区SMA的级配范围及技术指标。  相似文献   
1IntroductionTheresearchesonthecalculatingapproachtodynamicair-conditioningloadshaveledtoatechnicalrevolutioninthefieldofair-condition-ing.Themethodssuchasthethermalresponsefactormethod(TRFM)andthez-transferfunc-tioncoefficientmethod(ZTFM)areknownbymoreandmoreresearchersandtechnicians.Thedynamicmethodscanbetterreflectthecharac-teristicsofpracticalobjectsthanthesteadymethods,andsomeachievementshavebeenmadeinthedynamiccalculationfield,buttherearestillmanyproblemsthatmustbesolved.Uptonow,ther…  相似文献   
光纤Bragg光栅温度和应力特性的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对光纤光栅的温度和应力特性进行了实验研究,表明光纤同的Bragg波长随温度和轴向应变的变化呈现出良好的线性关系,这一实验结果可以作为对光纤光栅进一步深入研究的参考。  相似文献   
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