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重箱堆场地下管网施工   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
重箱堆场作为集装箱码头后方的存储腹地,对集装箱的储运起着十分重要的作用。文章表明,在重箱堆场施工过程中,对地下管网施工,如何选择有效的施工方法,安排控制好相关工序的衔接,是保证重箱堆场工程有条不紊进行,确保施工进度与质量的重中之重。  相似文献   
提出一种大型船舶开放性工作面涂装爬壁机器人系统理论设计与应用方法,研究系统本体运行机理并获得满足工作特性的两项必要条件,即轮辐磁吸力及双轮驱动力矩的极小值条件。建立涂装机器人系统的功能组成及控制机理,并结合开放性工作面开展无线定位及自主规划方法研究,形成能够适应喷涂作业的机器人在线路径规划算法。并结合实际开展涂装系统集成应用测试,检测并采集系统运行过程中动力学参数,系统空间坐标轨迹路线等,实现了涂装工作路径的实时在线规划。通过试验验证了文中的系统力学特性分析及定位方法的有效性。  相似文献   
The hunting motion of a passenger coach is investigated using a multibody system in which the wheelsets and the rails can be modelled as flexible bodies. By comparing the results for different model variants, in which the structural flexibilities of the wheelsets and of the rails are either taken into account or neglected, the impact of the flexibilities is analysed. It turns out that the flexibilities of both the wheelsets and the rails have a significant impact on the hunting behaviour by increasing the lateral motions of the wheelsets and lowering the critical speed. In order to investigate the impact of the flexibilities under different operating conditions, the calculations are carried out for track geometries using different rail profiles (60E1, 60E2) and different rail cants (1:40, 1:20) and for different values for the friction coefficient (0.25…0.4) at the wheel–rail contact. The results show that the influence of the flexibilities is the strongest for high lateral forces, which occur e.g. for contact geometries leading to high hunting frequencies and for high values of the friction coefficient. The results also show in some cases a strong impact of the flexibilities on the position of the wheel–rail contact on the running surface of the rail, which is of particular interest with respect to wear simulation.  相似文献   
SK?2型双块式混凝土轨枕是高速铁路无砟轨道结构中的重要预制件,单一生产厂日均产量达到800~1400根,但目前的人工检测方式无法满足双块式轨枕的出厂检验要求。本文提出的双块式轨枕外形质量快速检测系统可满足TB/T 3397—2015《CRTS双块式无砟轨道混凝土轨枕》的出厂检验要求,与双块式轨枕生产线相匹配,大大提高了检测效率,实现了双块式轨枕全参数、自动化、智能化检测。检测数据自动上传至生产管理平台,可对双块式轨枕生产质量进行跟踪管理。  相似文献   
为了填补大中型农机难以进入山区田地的缺陷,微型农机的设计研究是非常必要的,微型农机具有节约能源资源,促进农业增产,降低农民的劳动强度提高农业生产的效率的特点,目前自行走微耕机多采用履带式行走机构,该行走机构绝大多数采用整体式橡胶履带,由驱动轮带动橡胶履带板,从而实现整机得移动,前进后退及差速转弯。  相似文献   
杨忠凯  仲伟波  冯友兵  孙彬 《中国舰船研究》2021,55(1):121-127, 135
  目的  无人艇(USV)在复杂环境情况下会出现偏离目标航线的情况,为提高水面无人艇的抗干扰能力及实际航行的稳定性,实现对航迹的准确控制,提出一种改进的无人艇航迹控制方法。  方法  根据导航信号受环境影响的情况,对GPS信号有效和无效2种情况下的航迹控制分别进行分析,在自主可控平台上设计并实现了基于模糊控制可变船长比的视线导引算法(LOS)和自抗扰航向控制器(ADRC)相结合的航迹控制方法,并开展了双桨双舵无人艇湖上试验。  结果  仿真结果表明:该方法可满足航迹控制的要求,转弯后航向能够快速保持稳定,无频繁摆舵现象,且该方法能够完成真实环境下的航迹控制,航迹贴线误差均值约为0.1 m,方差约为0.03。  结论  湖上试验结果验证了该算法在实际工程应用中的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
导管架由驳船上滑移下水,首先在倾斜的驳船上由外力(液压缸或绞车)推动克服滑靴与滑道间的静摩擦力,其后在倾斜的滑道上靠自身重力的作用滑移,最后通过下水驳船的摇臂滑入水中。在此过程中,应考虑到导管架的运动轨迹是否安全稳定(如导管架和泥面的安全间隙)、导管架是否以安全的方式脱离摇臂、导管架最终的漂浮位置是否稳定以及驳船的倾角等方面。采用时域分析法对导管架重心的轨迹进行计算和分析。  相似文献   
提出一种适用于无人帆船循迹航行的控制器,并应用于一条1.5m长风帆艇的湖上航行测试。该控制器包含三个独立模块,局部路径策略模块决定帆艇的转向过程;帆自动控制模块根据帆位角和相对风向角的对应关系获取最佳推进力;舵自动控制模块基于从航海经验中提炼的245条模糊控制规则实现航迹调整。1.5m帆艇的湖上测试结果表明,该控制器在多种风场条件下都可有效完成帆艇的循迹航行,具有在无人帆船上实现长程航行的应用前景。  相似文献   
This paper examines some key aspects of a charging system for promoting railway transport, including charges reflecting a clear relationship with costs (transparency) and charges reflecting the quality of the infrastructure manager's service. Train running charges recover track-related costs and can help to develop a charging system that meets these requirements. To orient train running charges to the market, a method for processing track maintenance and renewal costs is proposed whereby the quality of the service provided by an infrastructure is measured according to its utility to the railway undertaking. To achieve transparency, a single indicator is used for cost planning and the subsequent levying of costs on railway undertakings. The paper includes an example of how proposed train running charges would be calculated according to data from 14 European countries. The example shows that short-distance trains generate the lowest maintenance and renewal costs, followed by long-distance trains and freight trains.  相似文献   
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