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某柴油发动机齿轮室盖在试验中振动较大,为解决这一问题,文章采用声学振动测试与CAE模态分析相结合的方法,对齿轮室盖进行优化设计,并进行试验验证。结果证明通过在齿轮室盖薄弱位置处添加加强筋,可以有效提高其固有频率,避开发动机在3600r/min转速下的主要贡献频率,改善齿轮室盖的振动情况。CAE模态分析方法能够有效识别结构件的薄弱区域,通过加强局部刚度,改善振动性能。  相似文献   
The traction control system (TCS) might prevent excessive skid of the driving wheels so as to enhance the driving performance and direction stability of the vehicle. But if driven on an uneven low-friction road, the vehicle body often vibrates severely due to the drastic fluctuations of driving wheels, and then the vehicle comfort might be reduced greatly. The vibrations could be hardly removed with traditional drive-slip control logic of the TCS. In this paper, a novel fuzzy logic controller has been brought forward, in which the vibration signals of the driving wheels are adopted as new controlled variables, and then the engine torque and the active brake pressure might be coordinately re-adjusted besides the basic logic of a traditional TCS. In the proposed controller, an adjustable engine torque and pressure compensation loop are adopted to constrain the drastic vehicle vibration. Thus, the wheel driving slips and the vibration degrees might be adjusted synchronously and effectively. The simulation results and the real vehicle tests validated that the proposed algorithm is effective and adaptable for a complicated uneven low-friction road.  相似文献   
In this study, in order to examine the effects of a wheelset driving system suspension parameters on the re-adhesion performance of locomotives, the stick–slip vibration was analysed according to theoretical and simulation analysis. The decrease of the slip rate vibration amplitude improved the stability of the stick–slip vibration and the re-adhesion performance of locomotives. Increasing the longitudinal guide stiffness of the wheelset and the motor suspension stiffness were proposed as effective measures to improve the re-adhesion performance of locomotives. These results showed that the dynamic slip rate was inversely proportional to the series result of the square root of the longitudinal guide and motor suspension stiffness. The larger the motor suspension stiffness was, the smaller the required longitudinal guidance stiffness was at the same re-adhesion time once the wheel slip occurred, and vice versa. The simulation results proved that the re-adhesion time of the locomotive was approximately proportional to amplitude of the dynamic slip rate. When the stick–slip vibration occurred, the rotary and the longitudinal vibrations of the wheelset were coupled, which was confirmed by train's field tests.  相似文献   
高速铁路无砟轨道精调质量控制技术研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
由于轨道设备状态"记忆"特性和生命周期管理的需要,在施工建设阶段开展轨道精调质量控制、提高轨道几何状态平顺性已成为能否进行联调联试、实现高速行车的关键。针对目前无砟轨道精调作业中的不足提出"绝对+相对"精密测量模式和"先基准后非基准"精细调整模式,在杭长高速铁路的轨道精调作业中开展实践,效果良好,全线的轨道质量指数(TQI)为2.1 mm,所采取的轨道精调控制技术可为今后无砟轨道精调质量控制提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Excitation force spectra are necessary for a realistic prediction of railway-induced ground vibration. The excitation forces cause the ground vibration and they are themselves a result of irregularities passed by the train. The methods of the related analyses – the wavenumber integration for the wave propagation in homogeneous or layered soils, the combined finite-element boundary-element method for the vehicle–track–soil interaction – have already been presented and are the base for the advanced topic of this contribution. This contribution determines excitation force spectra of railway traffic by two completely different methods. The forward analysis starts with vehicle, track and soil irregularities, which are taken from literature and axle-box measurements, calculates the vehicle–track interaction and gets theoretical force spectra as the result. The second method is a backward analysis from the measured ground vibration of railway traffic. A calculated or measured transfer function of the soil is used to determine the excitation force spectrum of the train. A number of measurements of different soils and different trains with different speeds are analysed in that way. Forward and backward analysis yield the same approximate force spectra with values around 1 kN for each axle and third of octave.  相似文献   
建立适合磁浮交通领域"桥-建"合一车站振动的评价标准,对不同工况下的激励源、激励输入进行研究,并建立磁浮列车-轨道梁耦合振动分析模型以及站房结构动力分析模型。以磁浮朗木梨站为分析对象,对不同工况不同区域的结构振动舒适性及结构安全性进行评价,仿真分析评价结果表明:一线制动一线启动工况下站房结构振动响应最大;轨行区结构振动响应明显大于站台区结构振动响应;在本研究所列不同工况下结构的振动舒适性及安全性是有保证的。  相似文献   
在结合京沪高速铁路天津特大桥水泥乳化沥青砂浆施工经验的基础上,详细阐述了CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道水泥乳化沥青砂浆的施工质量控制措施。介绍原材料进场检验、储存及管理,砂浆车选型、计量及维护,施工前准备(清洗、紧压、封边、排气孔设置、预湿),砂浆的拌制、灌筑、养护及其质量控制措施。  相似文献   
为适应高速铁路对轨道结构的要求,无砟轨道这一结构形式在国外已被广泛应用。借鉴国外先进的技术,我国也逐渐在铁路网的建设中使用无砟轨道,但是如何对无砟轨道的应用进行科学、系统的评价却是值得探讨的问题。本文通过运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价相结合的方法,综合考虑各种影响无砟轨道结构的因素,通过模糊模型从系统的角度,全面、综合地对无砟轨道的应用进行了评价,最后得出无砟轨道的应用现状较好,为无砟轨道结构在我国的推广提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
通过对京通线银镇沟桥的现场振动测试 ,得到该桥的横向振动特性 ,给出桥上列车轮轨作用力的典型时程曲线和列车的脱轨系数及轮重减载率 ,为进一步研究矩形桥墩的横向振动提供实测数据。  相似文献   
遂渝铁路无碴轨道工程技术创新研究与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年,铁道部决定建设遂渝铁路无碴轨道试验段,系统试验研究无碴轨道结构、轨道电气特性、扣件系统、路桥线下工程、100m长定尺钢轨铺设、无碴轨道施工及长期测试等关键技术,通过成区段铺设无碴轨道并进行实车试验,取得无碴轨道工程成套技术和科学数据。遂渝铁路无碴轨道试验段有目的地设计了CRST-I型平板式、框架型板式、纵连板式轨道和CRST-II型双块式无碴轨道等多种类型。试验段于2007年1月进行了实车试验,动车组试验最高速度232km/h,货物列车最高试验速度141km/h。这标志着我国铁路具有自主知识产权的无碴轨道试验段建设成功,并为我国客运专线无碴轨道技术再创新打下了基础。  相似文献   
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