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基于车车通信的城市轨道交通列车控制系统折返能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
列车折返过程是影响列车折返能力的关键因素.以基于车地通信的传统列车控制系统为比较对象,阐述了基于车车通信的列车控制系统的显著优点.结合实际车站情况,在站前折返和站后折返模式下,仿真计算了采用不同列车控制系统时的列车折返能力.仿真结果显示,采用基于车车通信的列车控制系统时列车折返能力明显更优.  相似文献   
车载无线通信设备为地铁全自动运行提供了车地无线通话功能、乘客紧急对讲功能及控制中心对列车的广播功能,是列车安全运行的关键设备.介绍了无线车载台的设备结构及功能,根据全自动运行特点描述了无线车载台自检过程.结合全自动运行线路实际场景分析,总结得出列车唤醒车载无线设备的自检项.  相似文献   
This paper examines some key aspects of a charging system for promoting railway transport, including charges reflecting a clear relationship with costs (transparency) and charges reflecting the quality of the infrastructure manager's service. Train running charges recover track-related costs and can help to develop a charging system that meets these requirements. To orient train running charges to the market, a method for processing track maintenance and renewal costs is proposed whereby the quality of the service provided by an infrastructure is measured according to its utility to the railway undertaking. To achieve transparency, a single indicator is used for cost planning and the subsequent levying of costs on railway undertakings. The paper includes an example of how proposed train running charges would be calculated according to data from 14 European countries. The example shows that short-distance trains generate the lowest maintenance and renewal costs, followed by long-distance trains and freight trains.  相似文献   
The paper presents a model for determining the practical capacity of a single track line, i.e. the maximum number of trains which can be run along it in a time unit under the condition that each train enters its bottleneck segment with a definite delay.

The input data used in the model are: geometrical characteristics of the bottleneck segment of the line under study, the intensity and structure of demand expressed by a number of trains which are run over the line in a given time unit, the scenario of traffic running over the line under study and the operational tactics of individual train categories processing on the bottleneck segment.

(Two tactics can be applied in the train processing on the line under study; first, the trains of individual categories are given different priorities in the processing, and second, all the trains have the same priority).

The output results of the model are average delays of trains of each category occurring within the train processing performed on the bottleneck segment of the line under study in a given time unit.  相似文献   
基于刚柔耦合多体动力学模型的配气机构计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过在配气机构多刚体模型中引入柔性体,描述了配气机构的动力学性能;建立了柔性体气门弹簧,分析了气门弹簧动刚度的非线性行为,并且依据模态技术计算得到其动态应力;该方法为优化设计配气机构等机械产品及对其进行疲劳性能研究提供了依据。  相似文献   
This paper addresses the use of finite-element (FE) analysis to calculate the fatigue strength of a bogie frame, for the development of tilting trains in Korea. A multi-body dynamic analysis was performed to extract the load condition by tilting on curves. Using the results of the multi-body dynamic analysis and the load scenario setout in the UIC standard, FE analysis was performed to obtain the stress distribution and to calculate the fatigue strength. An attempt was made to minimize the weight of the bogie frame using a back-propagation artificial neural network (ANN). The results of this study reveal that the stresses at some nodes are near the fatigue limit in the Goodman diagram and by using back-propagation ANN, the weight of the bogie frame could be reduced by 4.7%.  相似文献   
讨论目前CBTC系统中不同等级后备模式的工作原理及存在的功能缺陷,提出了一种在现有系统上增加站台区域车-地双向无线通信覆盖以实现站区紧急停车防护和站台屏蔽门控制的技术解决方案。  相似文献   
针对地铁客运高峰时段牵引供电系统直流馈线保护装置频繁过负荷跳闸的现象,提出考虑供电能力的列车运行调度优化策略。在列车自动监控系统中加入多车同时起动监控模块,对处于同一供电区间列车的起动时刻进行监控,当同一供电区间出现多车同时起动时,通过调整列车停站时间,避免多车同时起动,从而降低直流馈线峰值电流,消除直流保护过负荷跳闸隐患。通过对上海轨道交通某线部分区段进行仿真计算,验证了优化策略的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
给定新增列车理想始发时刻及初始利润,考虑始发时刻调整及全程停时延长造成的罚数,基于时空网络构建以全图运行线总利润最大为目标的整数规划模型,进行拉格朗日松弛,根据松弛解对偶信息设计启发式算法求解各运行线可行解,并通过更新拉格朗日乘子进行迭代优化.以京沪高铁为例进行了验证,结果表明:在算例条件下,相较以理想始发时刻推线求解,该方法能够多增铺6条运行线;随着始发时刻可调整度由10min增加至60min,CPLEX的求解时间快速增长,而拉格朗日松弛启发式算法能快速求得高质量的解,除始发时刻可调整度10min情景,求解效率均高于CPLEX;延长始发时刻可调整度至4h,最多增铺18条运行线,说明现有框架下京沪高铁能力已接近饱和.  相似文献   
列车运行状态信息系统作为铁路调度生产和辅助决策的重要支撑手段,是提高机车运用效率、保障列车运行安全、充分发挥运用与检修一体化管理模式的优势、提高铁路运营管理能力的必不可少的重要环节。建立符合我国国情和安全装置现状要求并具有高度扩展性的"车对地"、"地对车"、"地对地"的机车运行安全监控闭环系统,全面实现列车实时状态追踪,为运输组织和机车管理提供及时、可靠的指挥依据,为维修、救援等提供决策支持,充分利用现代化的技术手段实现对列车运行状态的监控。收稿日期  相似文献   
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