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Significant developments in longitudinal train simulation and an overview of the approaches to train models and modelling vehicle force inputs are firstly presented. The most important modelling task, that of the wagon connection, consisting of energy absorption devices such as draft gears and buffers, draw gear stiffness, coupler slack and structural stiffness is then presented. Detailed attention is given to the modelling approaches for friction wedge damped and polymer draft gears. A significant issue in longitudinal train dynamics is the modelling and calculation of the input forces – the co-dimensional problem. The need to push traction performances higher has led to research and improvement in the accuracy of traction modelling which is discussed. A co-simulation method that combines longitudinal train simulation, locomotive traction control and locomotive vehicle dynamics is presented. The modelling of other forces, braking propulsion resistance, curve drag and grade forces are also discussed. As extensions to conventional longitudinal train dynamics, lateral forces and coupler impacts are examined in regards to interaction with wagon lateral and vertical dynamics. Various applications of longitudinal train dynamics are then presented. As an alternative to the tradition single wagon mass approach to longitudinal train dynamics, an example incorporating fully detailed wagon dynamics is presented for a crash analysis problem. Further applications of starting traction, air braking, distributed power, energy analysis and tippler operation are also presented.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the use of finite-element (FE) analysis to calculate the fatigue strength of a bogie frame, for the development of tilting trains in Korea. A multi-body dynamic analysis was performed to extract the load condition by tilting on curves. Using the results of the multi-body dynamic analysis and the load scenario setout in the UIC standard, FE analysis was performed to obtain the stress distribution and to calculate the fatigue strength. An attempt was made to minimize the weight of the bogie frame using a back-propagation artificial neural network (ANN). The results of this study reveal that the stresses at some nodes are near the fatigue limit in the Goodman diagram and by using back-propagation ANN, the weight of the bogie frame could be reduced by 4.7%.  相似文献   
确定旅客列车合理开车范围的代数方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文应用同余理论,提出一种解不等式组的代数方法,用以确定旅客列车的合理开车范围。并就若干具体情况,详细介绍了计算步骤,可供实际参考使用。  相似文献   
介绍了LKJ-93型列车运行监控记录装置记录系统的组成和数据的形成过程,并从软硬件两个方面论述了设计过程中的技术要点,如数据安全保护、文件管理、动态存储分配等关键技术。  相似文献   
地理信息系统及其在TMIS中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了GIS的基本概念及特点,详细论述了当前广泛应用的开发工具,重点介绍了Maplnfo开发平台及设计方法,研究并提出了在现有TMIS系统基础上构建货车追踪地理信息系统的设想及方案。  相似文献   
高速列车制动模式探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
高速列车的功能比普通列车的大几倍,而高速下轮机间的粘着系数及闸瓦与动轮之间的摩擦系数都降低了一个数量级,故高速列车必须采用新的制动体系,电阻制动技术成熟,而再生制动能回收大部分动能,且制动特性较好,在直流牵引电动机和交流同步,异步电动机驱动中得到广泛应用。盘形制动在高速车辆上是必不可少的。在非粘着的电气制动中,磁轨制动的磨耗大,适用于紧急制动,而轨道涡流制动在80~300km/h速度内,制动特性平  相似文献   
摆式列车是既有线路提速的一种有效方式,其关键技术是倾摆控制系统,而倾摆控制系统的维护是保障摆式列车安全运行的重要措施。文章介绍了机电式摆式列车倾摆控制系统各关键部件的故障,设计了相应的维护软件。该软件利用VB实现主控计算机与便携式PC机间的串行通讯,将主控计算机存储的故障信息传送到便携式PC机,通过该软件直接分析系统状态信息,从而方便实现倾摆控制系统的维护。  相似文献   
介绍了动力集中式200 km /h 电动车组微机控制系统、列车总线及控制、诊断功能,重点介绍电动车组微机系统的新功能和新特点。  相似文献   
我国高速列车动力相对分散方式方案初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过深入分析主速列车动力集中与动力分散两种动力配置方式的特点。阐明了动力分散配置方式也能适应中国国情的观点。  相似文献   
TM1型机车的微机控制系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
向伊朗出口的TM1型机车与双层客车组成两动十拖的推挽式动车组,两台机车配置在首尾两端。文章介绍了机车微机系统的三级控制及由列车总线、车厢总线、控制器总线组成的计算机网络,以及实现机车重联控制的技术关键。  相似文献   
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