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在研究总结目前流行的三角形网格自动生成法的基础上,提出前沿生成与Delaunay三角化组合起来的三角形自动生成方法。该方法解决了Delaunay法中离散点域的构造问题,不会产生重合点,不用进行点集排序和坏点剔除,同时避免了前沿生成法中过多的校验。该法计算效率高,对复杂边界适应性好,可实现三角形尺度的渐变过渡。应用该方法成功进行了三峡电站日调节数学模型计算域的自动剖分。  相似文献   
A numerical method was developed to predict the water impact pressure caused by green water phenomena. The density function method was employed in the framework of a locally refined overlapping grid system. The simple problem of a rectangular body placed in regular waves was considered and the simulation results were compared with tank experiments. Good agreement with experiment was shown for wave–body interactions and for the pressure values at three different positions on the body. The case of a rectangular body with a vertical wall on the deck was also considered and the comparison showed satisfactory agreement. It was demonstrated that this method could be extended to a moving body problem, in which the body was free to undergo heave, pitch, and surge motions.  相似文献   
党军鹏  孙小潍 《船舶工程》2020,42(S1):402-404
船舶舱室透气有各种不同的方式,尤其在特种运输船舶的设计中,通过对几种通常采用的透气方式进行走向,布局分析,结合在实际应用和透气系统本身的工作原理及规范要求研究,总结出各种方式的优缺点,为后来类似项目设计提供可参考和借鉴的依据,使设计优化,系统运行顺畅。  相似文献   
船舶在冰区航行时,存在冰晶颗粒混合海水流入船舶冷却系统现象。基于颗粒动力学理论,建立适用于海水-冰晶两相流的欧拉-欧拉双流体模型,耦合相间传热传质模型对海水-冰晶两相流在水平直管内流动及传热特性数值模拟。研究表明,冰晶颗粒流动过程中,在管道上部位置R=8~10mm处冰晶体积分数达到最大值,且随着速度增加而增大;当入口含冰率(IPF)为4%时,冰晶速度的最大值出现在管道中心轴线上方。当入口速度为1.0~3.0 m·s-1,含冰率4%~30%时,局部传热系数随入口速度及含冰率增大而增加。  相似文献   
求解多峰性函数全局最优解的进化算法及其应用研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本又针对简单遗传算法(SGA)在解决多峰性函数最优化问题存在的不足,提出了一种分配区间型进化算法,能够求出多峰性函数所有全局最优解及多个局部最优解。通过十几个多峰性函数与工程实例的数值实验,验证了算法的正确性。对简易海洋平台进行了疲劳可靠性优化设计为算例,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   
本文利用Patanker求解紊动输运方程标准的SIMPLEC计算程式,对小尺度丁坝绕流进行了模拟计算,取得了与水槽试验一致的流速分布结果。为了探讨大尺度水域紊动量K、ε壁面边界条件的给定,本文将水槽看成是一种比尺模型,将水槽试验流速分布按重力相似和阻力相似准则延伸到大尺度水域,并以此研究k—ε模型模拟大尺度回流的置信水平。计算结果表明通过选择合适的紊动量壁面边界条件,该模型对大尺度回流计算也能取得较好的结果。  相似文献   
为加强轮机人员对电力系统知识的掌握,根据现代大型集装箱船电力系统的特点,详细介绍了船舶应急电系统受控的逻辑关系,特别指出联络开关的意义和作用,可为船舶电站设计、轮机设备维护管理及故障分析提供指导。  相似文献   
The airside heat transfer and friction characteristics of seven interrupted fin-and-tube heat exchangers with hydrophilic coating under dehumidifying conditions are experimented. The effects of number of tube rows, fin pitch and inlet relative humidity on airside performance are analyzed. The test results show that the influence of fin pitch on the friction characteristic under dehumidifying conditions is similar to that under dry surface, and the friction factors decrease slightly with the increase of number of tube rows. The heat transfer performance decreases as fin pitch and number of tube rows increases. The heat transfer performance and the friction characteristic are independent of inlet relative humidity. Based on the test results, heat transfer and friction correlations in terms of the Colburn j factor and Fanning f factor, are proposed to describe the airside performance of the interrupted fin geometry with hydrophilic coating under dehumidifying conditions. The correlation of the Colburn j factor gives a mean deviation of 9.7%, while the correlation of the Fanning f factor shows a mean deviation of 7.3%.  相似文献   
通过实验及计算得到散热器传热系数的实验值及理论值,对平片型平直翅片管散热器、螺旋形翅片圆管散热器与整体式梳状翅片管散热器在同一工况下的散热性能进行了比较.通过实验导出平片型平直翅片管散热器和整体式梳状翅片管散热器的气侧传热因子二次拟合式.由二次拟合式计算出的2种散热器的传热系数与理论计算系数相比误差较小.  相似文献   
引入了关于图的符号圈点控制概念,给出了图G的符号圈点控制数γsc(G)的一个下界,即证明了对于任意n阶图G,若其最小度δ=δ(G)≥2,则有γsc(G)≥2δ-n成立,并且此下界是最好可能的。此外,还确定了几类特殊图的符号圈点控制数。  相似文献   
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