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This paper illustrates how to estimate a wave source generating a wave system, including local waves, with the assumption of linear dispersive waves of two dimensions. The estimation of wave source is realized by using an inverse problem. Unfortunately, the inverse problem is ill-posed in the sense of stability, since the wave source information included in local waves diminishes as the distance from the wave source increases. In the area of applied mathematics, there are well-developed methods to tackle ill-posed problems, which are called regularizations. In this paper, three different regularizations which are well known in applied mathematics are introduced and investigated to learn whether they are applicable to the present problem of the estimation of wave source. From the numerical experiments, it is shown that the estimation is realized by the regularizations introduced in this study, so that they can be applied to the determination of a wave source generating a wave system including local waves. Received: June 6, 2000 / Accepted: February 7, 2001  相似文献   
外高桥集装箱码头的无线网络系统采用一网式的设计,即采用全2.4GHz直序扩频技术,符合IEEE802.11b标准。此系统的设计最大优点在于节省投资,维护简便,充分利用2.4GHz直序扩频技术的带宽,使应用界面图形化成为现实。  相似文献   
梁爽 《造船技术》2013,(6):22-23,41
船底基线是船舶水尺和载重线堪划的基准,船底基线的挠度也是检验船体建造精度的重要指标之一.如果测量的挠度值超过了允许极限,除了需向船东解释超差的原因外,还要提出合理的修正措施.选用最小二乘法对超差的船底基线挠度进行修正是一种值得推荐的方法.  相似文献   
本文提出一种基于惯性吸振器的船舶管路主动吸振器。首先介绍惯性吸振器的特点和工作原理,给出惯性吸振器的力学模型及其传递函数;其次,介绍控制系统的控制算法,控制系统采用基于线性调频Z变换(Chirp Z Transform,CZT)的频谱细化算法,并使用自适应控制算法。最后,使用Matlab进行仿真,仿真结果显示该系统能够较好地减弱管路系统的振动,目标频率的振动幅值能够减小10~25 dB。  相似文献   
In this paper, we address the optimization problem of allocation of Electric Vehicle (EV) public fast charging stations over an urban grid network. The objective is to minimize Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) under multiple constraints including a limited agency budget, accessibility of charging stations in every possible charging request and charging demands during peak hours. Additionally, we address bi-criteria problems to consider user costs as the second objective. A convex parsimonious model that depends on relatively few assumptions and input parameters is proposed and it is shown to be useful for obtaining conceptual insights for high-level planning. In a parametric study using a hypothetical urban network model generated based on realistic parameters, we show that GHG emissions decrease with agency budget, and that the reductions vary depending on multiple factors related to EV market and EV technologies. The optimal solutions found from the bi-criteria problems are shown to be close to the solution minimizing GHG emissions only, meaning that the emission minimizing policy can also minimize user costs.  相似文献   
在工程项目的生命周期内,将遭遇大量的风险因素,这些风险性因素通常难以用准确的定量方法去描述,必需借助于和概率统计相关的一些数学工具才能完成.采用有效的方法对风险进行分析、度量,可以提高工程效益.在阐述项目风险固有因素的基础上,运用模糊综合评估方法来分析、度量项目的风险,从而为项目风险的分析和度量提供了定性和定量相结合的综合评价方法.通过对施工单位能力评价的实例演示,证明了该方法的科学性和可行性.  相似文献   
Hub‐and‐spoke networking is a key feature of current aviation markets in which hubs, as connecting points, function to consolidate and redistribute flows. This indicates that observation of traffic on a segment does not necessarily convey information about the origin to destination routing of passenger journeys because of the unavoidable detours in the system. This paper examines the heterogeneity of the flow composition in domestic and international US markets, which in turn allows us to observe the variation of operations across major hubs. A modified Route Flow Estimator for origin–destination synthesis (or origin–destination matrix estimation) is designed to decompose the segment traffic into itinerary‐based passenger trips. Several public and commercial databases, which are easily accessible, are exploited (and reconciled) for the model in order to (i) generate possible trip itineraries using those segment markets, and (ii) link data‐driven operational conditions with the underlying segment flows. The results are validated with US domestic trip observations and empirical knowledge related to the air transportation system. Then, the variability of the hub operations is examined based on sensitivity tests using the model parameters. From the resolution of itinerary‐based estimates, we observe that major airports' hub operations are spatially uneven, particularly with respect to domestic and international connecting passengers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
混合动力汽车的动力耦合系统结构和参数匹配影响整车性能,通过对动力耦合系统的结构选择、参数匹配和控制策略的研究,以传统汽车的差速器作为动力耦合器并建立模型,并对此模型进行参数匹配,通过使用ADVISOR软件中修改控制策略模块,并将修改后的Simulink模型嵌入ADVISOR软件中进行仿真,验证选择方案对于改善汽车动力性和燃油经济性的有效性。  相似文献   
公路工程项目经济评价指标计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对含有模糊基础数据和参数的公路工程项目方案进行有效评价, 建立了评价指标体系, 将评价指标分为梯形与三角形模糊变量, 在同一可能空间上或不同可能空间上进行模糊运算, 由Zadeh扩展原理得到模糊变量的隶属度, 利用模糊模拟技术计算模糊变量的可信值、关键值与期望值, 并利用计算值对项目进行了评价。评价结果表明: 评价项目的模糊期望净现值大于0, 可信值达到100%, 说明项目可行, 评价结果客观。  相似文献   
随着越来越严格的排放法规的出台和微电子技术的迅猛发展,柴油机的电子控制技术也取得了长足的进步。尤其是高压共轨燃油喷射系统以其精确的控制、可靠的性能、具有故障自诊断功能和通用性较强等优点得到了广泛的应用。本文以卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)公司的HEUI系统为例进行阐述。  相似文献   
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