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The hunting motion of a passenger coach is investigated using a multibody system in which the wheelsets and the rails can be modelled as flexible bodies. By comparing the results for different model variants, in which the structural flexibilities of the wheelsets and of the rails are either taken into account or neglected, the impact of the flexibilities is analysed. It turns out that the flexibilities of both the wheelsets and the rails have a significant impact on the hunting behaviour by increasing the lateral motions of the wheelsets and lowering the critical speed. In order to investigate the impact of the flexibilities under different operating conditions, the calculations are carried out for track geometries using different rail profiles (60E1, 60E2) and different rail cants (1:40, 1:20) and for different values for the friction coefficient (0.25…0.4) at the wheel–rail contact. The results show that the influence of the flexibilities is the strongest for high lateral forces, which occur e.g. for contact geometries leading to high hunting frequencies and for high values of the friction coefficient. The results also show in some cases a strong impact of the flexibilities on the position of the wheel–rail contact on the running surface of the rail, which is of particular interest with respect to wear simulation.  相似文献   
利用多Agent技术,研究进出港航班滑行路径的优化问题,为刚降落和即将出港的航班规划最短滑行路径,判断航班在规划的滑行路径上是否会发生对头相遇.由于多Agent技术更能体现人类的社会智能,更适合开放的、动态的社会环境,因此引进这一技术对进出航班滑行路径进行优化.文中将每架飞机被看作是一个Agent;将跑道,滑行道,停机位等看作是资源Agent;在多Agent环境下,优化出最佳的滑行路径.  相似文献   
低动力作用货车转向架动力性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨低动力作用货车转向架的原理及其动力性能的计算和评估方法。首先定义9项指标,作为衡量车辆对轨道动力作用的标准。然后研究这些指标的诸因素。在此基础上总结出实现低动力作用的基本途径。本文还应用这些研究成果,提出4种低动力作用货车转向架的设计方案,并通过数值计算,同国内、外主型货车转向架对比,从而论证其在我国铁路采用的可行性。  相似文献   
为提高城市重型环卫货车的NOx排放测算精度,本文提出一个基于工况分布的重型环卫货车NOx排放模型.首先,根据基于实测逐秒速度数据分析的环卫重型货车工况特征和 NOx排放特性对不同负载货车的 VSP区间进行划分;其次,结合货车瞬时速度建立不同负载的环卫重型货车运行模式区间划分方法,并对不同负载货车NOx排放因子进行测算.结果显示,空载货车在速度区间[0, 20) km/h 上,NOx排放因子大于满载,其他速度区间上相反.与基于 MOVES模型测算结果对比,在不同速度区间上,基于 MOVES的测算结果均比本文提出模型的测算结果偏低,如在低速区间[0,20) km/h,中速区间[20,50) km/h,高速区间[50,+∞) km/h:空载行驶时,分别低24.67%、6.82%和23.81%;满载行驶时,分别低12.38%、18.81%和26.43%.  相似文献   
阐述温福客专铁路现行区间信号设备维修作业组织方式及所遇到的困难,通过比较说明使用轨道车进行区间信号设备检修作业的优越性;提出电务共用工务轨道车的3种方案并进行优劣性比较探讨。  相似文献   
城市排水规划是城市建设的重要组成部分,要编制出适应城市近期和远期的发展,符合国家节能减排的原则,能充分发挥排水设施作用,保证城市水环境不受污染的排水规划,需要掌握城市建设发展、城市现状、存在的问题等情况,并提出合理的解决对策。该文介绍了编制城市排水规划应注意的一些要点、雨水和污水规划方案制定的方法、近期改善城市环境的措施,为今后城市排水规划的制定提供了参考意见。  相似文献   
针对铁路选线设计是项目前期研究的难点和重点,直接关系到项目建设的经济性及可靠性,考虑国内新建铁路的设计需要,结合西成客运专线沿线特点,有针对性地从满足复杂地形、地质、环保及安全等需要,综合分析选线设计中的重、难点,提出选线设计的原则、方法以及体会,对类似铁路选线设计提供参考。  相似文献   
在轨道交通建设过程中,50Hz单轨条轨道电路得到了广泛使用。讨论了单轨条轨道电路混电故障的原因以及解决方案。  相似文献   
A range of tangential forces is generated within the contact patch when a wheelset moves on the rail. These forces are intensified when incorporating curved tracks and motored axle rail vehicles [Arrus, P., de Pater, A.D. and Meyers, P., 2002, The stationary motion of a one-axle vehicle along a circular curve with real rail and wheel profiles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 37(1), 29–58]. The wheelset is subject to flange contact if an unbalanced force remains in a curve towards the high rail gauge face. The resultant force in the transverse direction includes the lateral force, the radial force, and the creep forces in addition to the effect of the frequent wheelset displacement due to the kinematic oscillation [Iwnicki, S., 2003, Simulation of wheel–rail contact forces. Fatigue Fracture Engineering Material Structure, 26, 887–900]. This article has focused on a potential variation in some of the forces cited when the wheelset is subject to backward and forward movements. A severe wear rate observed within the wheel flange region in Iranian Railways was investigated by operating a test bogie on a curvaceous track. An obvious improvement in the wear rate and wear pattern of the wheels was attained when the second test bogie encountered a bogie direction reversal procedure. This enhancement is considered in this article from the force analysis standpoint.  相似文献   
王进  魏星  高彦超 《城市道桥与防洪》2020,(1):12-14,33,M0005
对公交专用道设置的重要影响因素进行交通工程学分析,确定各因素基本阈值。以设置规模为约束条件.建立南昌市交通模型,对各影响因素进行组合分析,以此确定各类组合条件阈值.形成南昌市公交专用道设置标准。  相似文献   
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