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透平发电机组在实际运行过程中,一方面为乙烯装置提供不同压力等级的蒸汽动力,一方面又将热能转化为电能。因此,透平发电机组的自动控制对整个乙烯装置的平衡运行都非常重要。而透平发电机组要完成减温减压和发电两个任务,常规控制仪表是很难实现的,完成这两个任务主要是由DG505E电子自动高速速器来完成的。文中在简单介绍透平发电机组工艺原理基础上,着重讨论了透平发电机的自控制系统、联锁保护系统的设计方案。  相似文献   
车桥系统气动特性的节段模型风洞试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
侧向风作用下的车桥耦合振动分析需要考虑相互气动影响的车辆和桥梁各自的气动参数。为考虑车辆和桥梁的相互气动影响,在常规桥梁节段模型三分力测试装置的基础上研制了一种三分力分离装置———交叉滑槽系统。该系统利用环形滑槽和直线滑槽交叉点位置的变化来调整车辆和桥梁间的相对几何关系,并能实现车桥系统的同轴转动,从而方便地进行不同攻角情况下气动力的测试。利用交叉滑槽系统通过节段模型风洞试验对车桥系统的气动特性进行了多工况对比研究,讨论了车桥系统的雷诺数效应,分析了车桥间的相互气动作用,比较了车辆在桥上位置的影响。试验结果表明,基于交叉滑槽系统的节段模型风洞试验测试是可行的;车桥间的相互气动作用对车辆和桥梁的气动力有较明显的影响。  相似文献   
斜拉索由于具有自身质量轻、结构刚度差、结构阻尼小和自身长细比大的特点,极容易发生风(雨)致振动,对桥梁结构的安全性能产生很大的影响,而斜拉索作为斜拉桥的重要受力构件,准确掌握其风荷载对于桥梁抗风设计具有重要意义,特别是斜拉索在生产、运输和安装过程中表面可能受到损伤,该斜拉索在临界雷诺数区的气动力特性和流场特性更是值得研究的问题。针对此种状况,通过同步测力风洞试验,对表面无损伤斜拉索模型和表面损伤斜拉索模型在不同风攻角下的升力系数进行时程分析,得到边界层转捩的3个区域;将升力系数时程进行快速傅里叶变换计算得到升力时程频谱图,并通过频谱图分析随机信号的频域特征;对比从雷诺数亚临界、临界到超临界区表面无损伤和表面损伤斜拉索的流场变化,并从周围流场变化的角度分析雷诺数临界区斜拉索气动稳定性及可能的机理。研究结果表明:表面无损伤和表面损伤模型的升力系数随雷诺数的变化规律基本一致,二者的升力时程在TrBL0向TrBL1阶段和TrBL1向TrBL2阶段过渡过程中会出现双稳态现象,损伤会影响斜拉索尾流区旋涡脱落的情况,进而对不同雷诺数下的Strouhal数值变化产生一定的影响。  相似文献   
横向风与列车风联合作用下车桥系统绕流分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用3维定常不可压缩雷诺平均N-S方程,结合RNGk-ε湍流模型,利用多重参考系法,对横向风作用下ICE高速列车在日本屋代南桥上运行的绕流进行分析。结果表明:列车风对流场的影响主要表现在对列车表面附近、桥面、挡风墙间的局部流场的影响;列车运行时对头部、尾部附近的空气有排挤、拖曳作用;列车尾部靠迎风侧有一个很强的旋涡;列车风对列车中部附近流场的影响很小,对列车的阻力、横向力、升力、摇头力矩影响较大;列车风的作用使整个列车产生一种向上提升和沿横风向摇头的作用,列车风对列车附近区域桥梁的气动力有明显影响。  相似文献   
林波  宋平岗  赵芳 《船电技术》2008,28(2):108-111
文中简要介绍了双馈电机变速恒频风力发电系统的基本结构和运行原理,对双馈电机变速恒频风力发电技术进行了概述,其中包括交流励磁电路拓扑、控制策略、并网控制,展望了双馈电机变速恒频风力发电技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   
The wind pressure distribution and wind-induced vibration responses of long-span spatial groined latticed vaults (SGLVs) were numerically simulated, which always are ones of the most important problems in the structural wind resistance design. Incompressible visco-fluid model was introduced, and the standard k-εtwo equation model and semi-implicit method for pressure linked equation (SIMPLE) were used to describe the flow turbulence. Furthermore, the structural dynamic equation was set up, which is solved by Newmark-β method. And several sort of wind-induced vibration coefficients such as the wind-induced vibration coefficient corresponding to the nodal displacement responses and wind loads were suggested. In the numerical simulation where the SGLV consisting of the cylindrical sectors with different curved surface was chosen as the example,the influence on the relative wind pressure distribution and structural wind-induced vibration responses of the closed or open SGLV caused by such parameters as the number of cylindrical sectors, structural curvature and the ratio of rise to span was investigated. Finally, some useful conclusions on the local wind pressure distribution on the structural surface and the wind-induced vibration coefficients of SGLV were developed.  相似文献   
Assessment of the vibration of high-speed trains negotiating complex sections of terrain under strong wind conditions is very important for research into the operation safety and comfort of passengers on high-speed trains. To assess the vibration of high-speed trains negotiating complex sections of terrain under strong wind conditions, we performed a field measurement when the train passes through typical sections of complex terrain along the Lanzhou–Xinjiang high-speed railway in China. We selected the lateral vibration conditions, including the roll angle and lateral displacement of car-body gravity centre through two typical representative sections (embankment–tunnel–embankment and embankment–rectangular transition–cutting) for analysis. The results show that the severe car-swaying phenomenon occurs when the high-speed train moves through the test section, and the car-body lateral vibration characteristic is related significantly to the state of the terrain and topography along the railway. The main causes for this car-swaying phenomenon may be the transitions between different windproof structures, and the greater the scale of the transition region between different windproof structures or landform changes, the more obvious the car-swaying phenomenon becomes. The lateral vibration of the car-body is relatively steady when the train is running through terrain with minor changes in topography, such as the windbreak installed on the bridge and embankment, but the tail car sways more violently than the head car. When the vehicle runs from the windbreak installed on the embankment into the tunnel (or in the opposite direction), the tail car sways more intensely than the head car, and the head car runs relatively stable in the tunnel.  相似文献   
二级增压系统压气机效率的优化策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对配置在1台重型车用柴油机上的二级增压系统进行了性能研究。结果表明:放气阀开启的二级增压系统存在进气能力不足、压气机效率低的问题;关闭二级增压放气阀后,在中、低转速低负荷工况仅采用高压级增压器,而其余工况借助高压级涡轮旁通阀实现进气压力可调,增压系统压气机效率均可超过60%,且最大进气压力可达334kPa;针对不同工况采用不同增压形式,通过控制涡轮旁通阀开度使二级增压系统进气压力及压比分配得到有效调节,可以改善压气机效率及燃油经济性,为二级增压系统与重型柴油机的性能匹配提供技术参考。  相似文献   
以某大跨度公轨两用钢桁梁斜拉桥为工程背景, 通过车桥组合节段模型风洞试验, 测试了不同状态下车辆和桥梁各自的气动力系数, 采用自主研发桥梁分析软件BANSYS, 分析了不同风速、车速、车载状态下的风-车-桥系统, 研究了车辆位置和双车交会对系统响应的影响。计算结果表明: 当风速为25m.s-1, 车速达到100km.h-1时, 车辆的轮重减载率超过了行车安全性限值, 且当车速达到120km.h-1时, 车辆的竖向加速度超过了行车舒适性限值; 风速较高时沿迎风侧轨道运行车辆的轮重减载率是系统的控制因素; 车辆在空载状态下的各项响应均比在超员状态下的要大; 由于迎风侧车的遮风效应, 在双车交会开始和结束时车辆横向加速度出现突变。  相似文献   
  目的  为了梳理燃气轮机热障涂层服役过程中的高温腐蚀问题,  方法  对燃气轮机热障涂层腐蚀类型和提高抗腐蚀性能的方法分别进行了归纳分析,并展望了提高热障涂层抗腐蚀性能的发展方向。  结果  经归纳分析,燃气轮机热障涂层腐蚀类型主要包括:陶瓷层高温相变、粘结层氧化、盐雾腐蚀、CMAS腐蚀以及燃料杂质腐蚀。提高热障涂层抗腐蚀性能的方法主要有:发展新的抗高温腐蚀涂层材料、进行涂层表面防腐处理、改变涂层系统结构以及提高燃气轮机辅助清洁功能。  结论  未来开发性能优异的新材料仍是提高热障涂层抗腐蚀性能的主要方向,而改进涂层结构设计、材料纳米化对提升热障涂层抗腐蚀性能有很大潜力。随着陶瓷基复合材料的发展,对涂层的高温腐蚀研究将逐步从热障涂层转向环境障涂层(EBC)。  相似文献   
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