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模糊逻辑推理在消除交通流诱导负效应中的应用   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
针对交通流诱导可能产生的负效应问题,提出了诱导负效应消除的原理和模糊逻辑推理方法。在原理设计中,考虑了出行者的出行行为对网络交通流分配的影响;在实现方法上,应用模糊推理技术对分流交通量进行了预测,并设计了路线交叉口信号灯配时方案调整的模糊控制算法,模拟结果验证了模糊逻辑推理技术的有效性。研究表明:交通流诱导负效应的产生主要是由于信息条件下的道路出行者路线选择行为的不确定性引起的,而且交通流诱导与控制同时进行是消除交通流诱导负效应产生的关键。  相似文献   
铁路运输中旅客购票行为是铁路客运运营策略制定的重要基础.旅客购票行为直接影响着列车能力的占用过程,是铁路客运票额组织的重要依据.根据贵阳—广州高速铁路的旅客购票统计数据,以高铁购票旅客为样本,运用主成分分析法购票行为的特征属性进行综合分析,获得购票行为中重要特征变量.结合单次购票强度提出基于模糊C均值的双重聚类算法,对购票旅客进行聚类,并利用模糊聚类有效性指标Xie-beni和分离系数法确定最佳聚类数.结果表明,高铁旅客购票行为的关键特性为单次出行旅客人数、购票提前天数、出行OD城市人均GDP和购票渠道;不同旅客类型的购票行为有明显特性.  相似文献   
王辉  肖建 《机车电传动》2002,(3):19-23,43
简要讨论了目前机车空转识别方法和主要的防空转,粘着控制方法,提出了一种转趋势识别方法;基于此方法,利用模糊控制理论进行了优化着模糊控制的研究,仿真结果表明,上述方法能在发生空转前及时抑制空转发生,并最大限度利用粘着力,实现了优化粘着控制。  相似文献   
Two typical criteria for good vehicle suspension performance are their ability to provide good road handling and increased passenger comfort. The main disturbance affecting these two criteria is terrain irregularities. Active suspension control systems reduce these undesirable effects by isolating car body motion from vibrations at the wheels. This paper describes fuzzy and adaptive fuzzy control (AFC) schemes for the automobile active suspension system (ASS). The design objective is to provide smooth vertical motion so as to achieve the road holding and riding comfort over a wide range of road profiles. The efficacy of the proposed control schemes is demonstrated via simulations. With respect to the optimal linear quadratic regulator (LQR), it is shown that superior results have been achieved by the AFC.  相似文献   
A grey prediction fuzzy controller (GPFC) was proposed to control an active suspension system and evaluate its control performance. The GPFC employed the grey prediction algorithm to predict the position output error of the sprung mass and the error change as input variables of the traditional fuzzy controller (TFC) in controlling the suspension system to suppress the vibration and the acceleration amplitudes of the sprung mass for improving the ride comfort of the TFC used; however, the TFC or GPFC was employed to control the suspension system, resulting in a large tire deflection so that the road-holding ability in the vehicle becomes worse than with the original passive control strategy. To overcome the problem, this work developed an enhancing grey prediction fuzzy controller (EGPFC) that not only had the original GPFC property but also introduced the tire dynamic effect into the controller design, also using the grey prediction algorithm to predict the next tire deflection error and the error change as input variables of another TFC, to control the suspension system for enhancing the road-holding capability of the vehicle. The EGPFC has better control performances in suppressing the vibration and the acceleration amplitudes of the sprung mass to improve the ride quality and in reducing the tire deflection to enhance the road-holding ability of the vehicle, than both TFC and GPFC, as confirmed by experimental results.  相似文献   
The traction control system (TCS) might prevent excessive skid of the driving wheels so as to enhance the driving performance and direction stability of the vehicle. But if driven on an uneven low-friction road, the vehicle body often vibrates severely due to the drastic fluctuations of driving wheels, and then the vehicle comfort might be reduced greatly. The vibrations could be hardly removed with traditional drive-slip control logic of the TCS. In this paper, a novel fuzzy logic controller has been brought forward, in which the vibration signals of the driving wheels are adopted as new controlled variables, and then the engine torque and the active brake pressure might be coordinately re-adjusted besides the basic logic of a traditional TCS. In the proposed controller, an adjustable engine torque and pressure compensation loop are adopted to constrain the drastic vehicle vibration. Thus, the wheel driving slips and the vibration degrees might be adjusted synchronously and effectively. The simulation results and the real vehicle tests validated that the proposed algorithm is effective and adaptable for a complicated uneven low-friction road.  相似文献   
提出了一种改进的模糊极小极大(Fuzzy Min-Max,FMM)神经网络算法,并结合无师训练FMM神经网络的聚类,给出了一种基于FMM神经网络的多雷达多目标航迹跟踪方法.仿真实验结果表明,这种方法能够有效地完成多雷达多目标的数据融合,并较好地实现了多雷达多目标的航迹相关.  相似文献   
李超  王金诺 《铁道学报》2004,26(3):36-40
建立了结构系统广义可靠性分析模型。根据随机变量可能同时具有随机性和模糊性的特点,分别提出了模糊强度—随机应力、随机强度—模糊应力和模糊强度—模糊应力情况下的模糊可靠性分析方法。同时,建立了结构系统为独立单元部件串联或并联组成的模糊可靠性分析模型。考虑到不同模糊随机变量组合下的可靠性积分一般不存在解析解的情况,提出了用仿真法计算可靠度数值解,并阐述了数值仿真的基本原理和步骤。通过实例介绍了方法的具体运用。  相似文献   
一种基于高斯函数的直方图规定化算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
肖斌  王晅  毕秀丽  王振邦 《铁道学报》2006,28(4):119-122
提出一种基于高斯函数的直方图规定化算法,本算法首先根据原图像的信息求出灰度平均值和灰度平均对比度,并利用这两个参数估计输出图像的灰度平均值和灰度平均对比度,然后利用输出图像的灰度平均值和灰度平均对比度构成高斯函数来规定输出图像的直方图,从而控制输出图像的灰度平均值和灰度平均对比度。此算法处理效果明显优于直方图均衡化算法,而且计算量小、处理速度快、不需要人工干预,可用于计算资源有限、实时性要求较高的场合。而且通过改变单一参量就可以控制输出图像的对比度,在工程应用中为用户提供了调控与选择手段。  相似文献   
采用模糊数学的方法构造模型,以南方某地铁为例,对开式、闭式及屏蔽门式等3种地铁环控方案,从社会、经济、技术、环境等几个方面进行综合评价。最终确定:在非炎热地区,可不设空调时,采用开式环空方案为最优;在其它一定要设空调的地区,采用屏蔽门方案为最优。  相似文献   
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