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The big paradigm for cities nowadays is to study the movement of pedestrians at the interface between metro and bus systems – metrobus interchanges. When these interchanges are not well designed, walking is inefficient and can be unsafe for pedestrians. This paper analyses, by means of a pedestrian microsimulation model, metrobus interchange spaces in order to propose planning guidelines for the city of Santiago de Chile. Specific objectives are (1) to identify the variables that provide efficiency and safety in those spaces; (2) to simulate different scenarios using the pedestrian simulation model LEGION; (3) to propose planning and design guidelines for pedestrian spaces at metrobus interchanges; and (4) to contrast the recommendations in the recently opened terminal station on Line 1 of Metro de Santiago: Los Dominicos Station.  相似文献   
In 1992, the Federal Highway Administration awarded small research contracts to four teams of transportation researchers to design alternative approaches for improving the urban travel demand forecasting process. The purpose of these contracts was to enable each research team to explain how transportation planning models could and should be improved to meet the new forecasting requirements brought on by recent legislation, to address the impacts of new transportation technology, and to exploit the travel behavior theories and methodologies that have developed over the past two decades.This paper presents a summary and synthesis of the ideas which emerged from the four research reports. Its purpose is to identify common themes suggested by several of the research teams, to point out what appear to be critical elements missing from some approaches, and to combine the best aspects of the four approaches into a research plan for improving the current generation of travel demand models.Abbreviations CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments - FHWA Federal Highway Administration - GIS Geographic Information System - IIA Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives - IT Information Technology - IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway System - SUE Stochastic User Equilibrium - TCM Transportation Control Measures - UTPS Urban Transportation Planning System - VMT Vehicle Miles of Travel The paper was prepared as a report for the Federal Highway Administration.  相似文献   
近年来,交通规划软件所使用的方法从对交通量的宏观分配转变为对单个车辆的微观仿真.这一方法论的改变意味着需要对委任交通工程项目、项目管理以及对其结果进行解释等的职能部门的指导方针进行更新,以便能反映微观仿真的独特能力.与之前的模型相比,微型仿真能够更完整和详细地反映道路交通状况的内在变化.位于苏格兰的SIAS交通规划咨询公司就此编写了《微观仿真最佳咨询项目指南》和《交通微观仿真分析指南》,以帮助交通从业人员从事微观仿真项目和解释其结果.这些指导方针是基于该公司进行项目咨询和开发S-Paramics微观仿真软件的经验基础上编写而成的.  相似文献   
Land border crossings in North America, such as those between Canada and U.S.A., are expected to experience severe imbalance of travel demand and capacity of processors. During peak travel periods, this is already the case at high traffic locations. The land border crossing authorities have to address problems of congestion, national security and environmental impacts in the operation of the existing systems and to continue to address these problems as a part of infrastructure expansion plans. There is a need to adapt the crossing system management in order to accommodate efficiency and productivity‐oriented priority crossing measures. From a methodological perspective, it is a challenge to evaluate the role of priority crossing measures within the complex border crossing system. This paper reports research on modelling priority crossing initiatives. A microsimulation approach was used to model and analyse integrated processors of the Peace Bridge crossing system between Fort Erie (Ontario) and Buffalo (New York) under different scenarios of travel demand, customs processing times, priority crossing and queue jump lanes for automobile and truck traffic. Findings show the extent to which a border crossing system with priority crossing and queue jump lanes is more efficient and productive than one without these innovations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The persistence of environmental problems in urban areas and the prospect of increasing congestion have precipitated a variety of new policies in the USA, with concomitant analytical and modeling requirements for transportation planning. This paper introduces the Sequenced Activity-Mobility Simulator (SAMS), a dynamic and integrated microsimulation forecasting system for transportation, land use and air quality, designed to overcome the deficiencies of conventional four-step travel demand forecasting systems. The proposed SAMS framework represents a departure from many of the conventional paradigms in travel demand forecasting. In particular, it aims at replicating the adaptative dynamics underlying transportation phenomena; explicitly incorporates the time-of-day dimension; represents human behavior based on the satisficing, as opposed to optimizing, principle; and endogenously forecasts socio-demographic, land use, vehicle fleet mix, and other variables that have traditionally been projected externally to be input into the forecasting process.  相似文献   
The primary objective of this paper is to provide a statistical relationship between traffic conflicts estimated from microsimulation and observed crashes in order to evaluate safety performance, in particular the effect of countermeasures. A secondary objective is to assess the effect of conflict risk tolerance and number of simulation runs on the estimates of countermeasure effects so obtained. Conflicts were simulated for a sample of signalized intersections from Toronto, Canada, using VISSIM microscopic traffic simulation and several crash–conflict relationships were obtained. A separate sample of treated intersections from Toronto was used to compare countermeasure effects from the integrated crash–conflict expression to a conventional, but rigorous crash-based Empirical Bayes before-and-after analysis that was already done, with the results published, for the same sites and treatment. The countermeasure considered for this investigation involved changing the left turn signal operation for the treated intersection sample from permissive to protected-permissive. The results support the view that countermeasure effects can be estimated reliably from conflicts derived from microsimulation, and more so when a suitable number of simulation runs and conflict tolerance thresholds are used in the crash–conflict relationship.  相似文献   
Network effects of intelligent speed adaptation systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu  Ronghui  Tate  James 《Transportation》2004,31(3):297-325
Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) systems use in-vehicle electronic devices to enable the speed of vehicles to be regulated automatically. They are increasingly appreciated as a flexible method for speed management and control particularly in urban areas. On-road trials using a small numbers of ISA equipped vehicles have been carried out in Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. This paper describes the developments made to enhance a traffic microsimulation model in order to represent ISA implemented across a network and the impact of this on the networks. The simulation modelling of the control system is carried out on a real-world urban network, and the impacts on traffic congestion, speed distribution and the environment assessed. The results show that ISA systems are more effective in less congested traffic conditions. Momentary high speeds in traffic are effectively suppressed, resulting in a reduction in speed variation which is likely to have a beneficial impact on safety. Whilst ISA reduces excessive traffic speeds in the network, it does not affect average journey times. In particular, the total vehicle-hours travelling at speeds below 10 km/hr have not changed, indicating that the speed control had not induced more slow-moving queues to the network. A statistically significant, eight percent, reduction in fuel consumption was found with full ISA penetration. These results are in accordance with those from field trials and they provide the basis for cost-benefit analyses on introducing ISA into the vehicle fleet. However, contrary to earlier findings from the Swedish ISA road trials, this study suggested that ISA is likely to have no significant effect on emission of gaseous pollutants CO, NOx and HC.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between field‐measured conflicts and simulated conflicts estimated from microsimulation model (PARAMICS) using the surrogate safety assessment model. An urban signalized intersection was selected for analysis. Automated video‐based computer vision techniques were used to identify field conflicts. The applicability of a two‐step model calibration procedure applied to VISSIM in a recent study was investigated using PARAMICS. In the first calibration step, the PARAMICS model was calibrated to ensure that the simulation gives reasonable results of average delay times. The second calibration step used a genetic algorithm procedure to calibrate PARAMICS parameters to enhance the correlation between simulated and field‐measured conflicts. Finally, the results obtained from PARAMICS were compared with results obtained from VISSIM. The comparison included three aspects: (i) the car‐following model and safety‐related parameters; (ii) the correlation between simulated and field‐measured conflicts; and (iii) the conflict spatial distributions. The results show that the default simulation model parameters give poor correlation with the field‐measured data, and therefore, using simulation models without a proper calibration should be avoided. Overall, good correlation between field‐measured and simulated conflicts was obtained after calibration for both models, especially at higher time‐to‐collision (TTC) values. At TTC threshold of 1.5 s, PARAMICS overestimates the number of conflicts and VISSIM underestimates it. Both models overestimated the number of conflicts at TTC threshold of 3.00 s. There were major differences between field‐measured and simulated conflicts spatial distributions for both simulation models. This indicates that despite the good correlation obtained from the calibration process, both PARAMICS and VISSIM do not capture the actual conflict occurrence mechanism. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes one of the first known attempts at integrating a dynamic and disaggregated land-use model with a traffic microsimulator and compares its predictions of land use to those from an integration of the same land-use model with a more traditional four-step travel demand model. For our study area of Chittenden County, Vermont, we used a 40-year simulation beginning in 1990. Predicted differences in residential units between models for 2030 broken down by town correlated significantly with predicted differences in accessibility. The two towns with the greatest predicted differences in land use and accessibility are also the towns that currently have the most severe traffic bottlenecks and poorest route redundancy. Our results suggest that this particular integration of a microsimulator with a disaggregated land-use model is technically feasible, but that in the context of an isolated, small metropolitan area, the differences in predicted land use are small.  相似文献   
Eco-Driving, a driver behaviour-based method, has featured in a number of national policy documents as part of CO2 emission reduction or climate change strategies. This investigation comprises a detailed assessment of acceleration and deceleration in Eco-Driving Vehicles at different penetration levels in the vehicle fleet, under varying traffic composition and volume. The impacts of Eco-Driving on network-wide traffic and environmental performance at a number of speed-restricted road networks (30?km/h) is quantified using microsimulation. The results show that increasing levels of Eco-Driving in certain road networks result in significant environmental and traffic congestion detriments at the road network level in the presence of heavy traffic. Increases in CO2 emissions of up to 18% were found. However, with the addition of vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-infrastructure communication technology which facilitates dynamic driving control on speed and acceleration/deceleration in vehicles, improvements in CO2 emissions and traffic congestion are possible using Eco-Driving.  相似文献   
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