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Travel Behavior Analysis of the Females in Beijing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In urban life, compared with the same age group of male contrast, the statistical indicators of female travel behavior show significant differences. According to the sample data of Beijing 2005 travel survey, the paper analyzes the female travel behavior in the travel rate, travel consumption, trip purpose, and travel mode. Furthermore, the paper introduces the concept of the trip chain, to construct a female morning commuter trip chain choice behavior model with noncollection theories and methods, to analyze 10 factors that influence a female individual's choice of a trip chain from the source. Subsequently, model parameters are estimated, to calculate the incidents that can help to quantitatively understand the impact of each factor on a female's choice of the trip chain. The results show that the travel rate of elderly women is far lower than that of elderly men. Female travel proportion in shopping and social activities is obviously higher than that of male travelers, and factors related to the structure of families create important constraints in their average travel time consumption. The main travel mode of the female is walking, which is far more than that of a male. Age, whether they hold licenses, monthly income, and transport ownership are dominant factors for the female's choice of the trip chain.  相似文献   
Variable speed limit (VSL) and ramp metering (RM) affect freeway traffic operations in different ways and, accordingly, result in different effects on system travel time. The primary objective of this study is to propose an analytical procedure to help determine which control measure should be selected given different freeway bottlenecks and traffic conditions. The bottlenecks considered included an isolated merge bottleneck, a merge bottleneck with a closely spaced upstream off-ramp, and a diverge bottleneck with a closely spaced upstream on-ramp. Two RM and a VSL control strategies were considered, including the ALINEA, ALINEA/Q and feedback based VSL. The maximum achievable improvements in system efficiency by various control measures were calculated and the results were tested using modified cell transmission models. A coordinated control strategy that combined ALINEA/Q and VSL control was also proposed. The effects of VSL and RM control on system travel time at different freeway bottleneck areas were compared to identify the applicable conditions of different control measures. The analytical procedure was proposed for the selection of control measures at different bottlenecks and the ex-ante estimation of control effects were also discussed.  相似文献   
The decision making of travelers for route choice and departure time choice depends on the expected travel time and its reliability. A common understanding of reliability is that it is related to several statistical properties of the travel time distribution, especially to the standard deviation of the travel time and also to the skewness. For an important corridor in Changsha (P.R. China) the travel time reliability has been evaluated and a linear model is proposed for the relationship between travel time, standard deviation, skewness, and some other traffic characteristics. Statistical analysis is done for both simulation data from a delay distribution model and for real life data from automated number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras. ANPR data give unbiased travel time data, which is more representative than probe vehicles. The relationship between the mean travel time and its standard deviation is verified with an analytical model for travel time distributions as well as with the ANPR travel times. Average travel time and the standard deviation are linearly correlated for single links as well as corridors. Other influence factors are related to skewness and travel time standard deviations, such as vehicle density and degree of saturation. Skewness appears to be less well to explain from traffic characteristics than the standard deviation is.  相似文献   
引入服务可靠性这一概念,以乘客出行成本和车行运营成本最小为目标建立随机需求下的 公交网络模型,并提出固定需求的服务方案模型和改进的二阶随机方案模型。该模型体现了乘客 公交出行的选择策略并反映了公交网络中不确定需求和服务可靠性的相互联系。在分析公交出行 网络中的服务设计,包括常规服务和特别服务的基础上,运用二阶下降法通过规定不确定的随机 变量(服务可靠性参数) 来求解二阶随机方案:首先在一阶段减少混合整数规划的数量以节省计 算时间,随后在二阶段中模拟出一个线性规划,以便有效地求解二阶随机方案。最后,通过实例 模型验证了该方案的可行性。  相似文献   
为统计旅游交通的客运量,分析公路交通运输需求,优化运输组织,合理构建“快进慢游”综合交通旅游网络,研究提出基于手机信令数据的游客识别与出行轨迹匹配方法。通过划定景区边界,设置停留时间阈值,识别手机用户的游客身份;同时,借助地图工具批量计算信令发生位置间的出行路线与行程时间,匹配实际公路网。实例分析结果表明,手机信令数据能呈现手机用户的出行轨迹,且信令数据的位置轨迹与公路线位走向结合密切。在人们越来越依赖地图导航软件规划出行路径的背景下,利用该方法能更准确地识别景区游客并估计游客往来景区的出行路径。  相似文献   
基于出行时长的大型活动停车换乘选择行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊萍 《城市交通》2009,7(2):22-27
以大型活动期间来自外省市的小汽车出行者为研究对象,对不同出行时长的停车换乘选择行为进行调查和研究。结果表明当日往返者和停留多日者对停车换乘的需求特征与选择行为存在差异:停车供应限制政策对前者利用小汽车出行的选择行为影响较大,对后者的影响较小;前者强调换乘公共交通的直达性和便捷性,对时间要求较高,后者则重视交通方式的灵活性。针对停留多日者的相关设施及政策还须统筹考虑全程出行链的需求,提出在郊区新城结合住宿情况设置停车换乘系统。  相似文献   
拥挤道路使用收费的理论构架   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
拥挤道路使用收费作为现代城市交通需求管理的有效措施在理论上和实践上都具有十分重要的意义。综述了拥挤道路使用收费的理论构架, 包括静态拥挤道路使用收费的涵义、分类、理论基础及动态收费理论, 这对进一步研究道路使用收费有一定的借鉴意义  相似文献   
为精细化把握城市建设项目在微观空间尺度下的停车需求规律,从空间视角探究停车需求与建成环境之间的关系.通过高峰小时建筑物单位面积的停车生成数表征停车需求,以土地利用混合度、路网密度、公交服务水平等9个因子描述建成环境,分别构建建成环境对停车需求影响的普通最小二乘(Ordinary Least Squares,OLS)模型...  相似文献   
城市中心区停车规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究城市中心区的停车特性以及停车特征,深入分析其供应和需求关系,正确处理好城市中心区的停车问题,对解决道路交通拥挤,减少交通事故,提高道路通行能力方面有重要的意义。该文根据停车调查数据,以重庆市南岸区南坪核心区的停车规划为例,研究停车配建指标、停车需求与停车供给之间的关系,分析近期、远期城市中心区的停车需求,提出相应的路内、路外停车规划方案,为停车规划实践上提供一套切实可行的方法,解决城市中心区的停车问题。  相似文献   
为了使枢纽辐射式航线网络能够适应不确定的交通需求, 分析了航空运输需求不确定的影响因素及长短距离交通需求分布特性, 提出需求不确定有容量限制的枢纽辐射式航线网络设计模型, 并将其转化为机会约束规划模型, 采用基于随机模拟的遗传算法对模型进行求解。以包含15个城市的中国航线网络规划为例, 进行了需求不确定情况下的枢纽辐射式航线网络设计。研究结果表明: 在合理的枢纽数量范围内, 需求确定与不确定的枢纽辐射式航线网络选址结果基本相同, 但与长距离交通出行相比, 短距离路径选择变化较大; 需求不确定的枢纽辐射式网络最小运输成本较低, 并更能真实地反映网络性能。  相似文献   
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