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嵌入式实时操作系统的调度策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在资源有限的嵌入式系统中,任务调度器的好坏很大程度上决定了系统的性能.本文分析了实时系统中有代表性的静态以及动态调度算法,并总结了各自的优缺点,在此基础之上,对嵌入式实时内核μc/os-Ⅱ的调度算法进行了优化.  相似文献   
新加坡公共交通发展经验及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过实际考察和走访咨询,系统地总结了新加坡的公共交通发展经验。首先介绍了新加坡对小汽车和公共交通发展采取的"推、拉策略",以及新加坡公共交通的发展历程。在此基础上,对新加坡公共交通发展的成功经验进行了归纳和总结,包括管理机制、公共交通设施建设、公共交通运营系统、政策法规等方面的内容。结合我国城市交通发展的现状和特点,对城市公共交通的发展提出了措施和建议。  相似文献   
为了提高装备临抢修业务工作的科学性和准确性,论文利用Petri网建模的优势,将排队系统运用到装备临抢修业务流程建模研究中,利用库所优先级实现对故障装备按重要程度进行优先修理。论文讨论了将排队系统转化为HTCPN模型的建模规则,这种方法既可以给出简单直观的模型顶层结构,又可以根据实际情况对模型进行细化,并有利于对模型进行分析和仿真。最后利用CPN Tools工具对所建立的模型进行了性能分析,验证了模型的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   
2004年7月1日,首尔市政府在全市开展了深刻的针对公交系统的整合性改革,这一举措成为迈向可持续性城市交通的重要一步。这次公交改革成功实施的关键在于它将管理机构、创新技术、基础设施的建设以及公交的组织和运营融为一体。经过一系列改革之后,首尔的交通面貌焕然一新:通过进一步协调交通运输容量和需求之间的矛盾,提高了运营效率,增加了乘客人数,使公交运营商的收入自启动集成收费系统之后得到增加。  相似文献   
民事优先权的种类是构建民事优先权制度的核心问题.本文从厘清民事优先权的含义着手,分析了我国民事优先权的立法现状,最后结合国外的立法例及我国学者提出的相关建议稿,对我国《物权法》上民事优先权种类的设置提出若干立法建议.  相似文献   
对招聘过程中多个定性因素,采用了模糊语言评估,用等级测评法将各类指标模糊量化;运用了多属性决策中的目标规划,引入权重对同一优先级上的不同评价指标进行综合分析,从而解决了不同优先级上各级的择优选择问题;并针对不考虑应聘者志愿和考虑应聘者志愿两种不同情况,分别给出了两种录用分配方案。  相似文献   
Analytical Approach to Evaluating Transit Signal Priority   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Successful deployment of transit signal priority (TSP) systems requires thorough laboratory evaluation before field implementation. Traffic simulation is a powerful tool in this regard; however, it requires tremendous efforts toward network coding, data collection, and model calibration. Besides, simulation models tend to be project specific, and the models developed for one project are often discarded upon the completion of that project. In this paper, it is shown that the impacts of two fundamental TSP strategies (early green and extended green) can be evaluated using an analytical approach. The impacts of the above two strategies on both the prioritized and the nonprioritized approaches are illustrated using graphical as well as analytical methods. A simulation study is then conducted for comparison analyses, followed by a statistical approach for the test of generality.  相似文献   
为研究公交信号优先策略对交叉口公交车及社会车辆的影响,建立公交信号优先控制模型及延误模型,以采取公交优先方式后交叉口所有车辆的人总延误减小为控制目标,引入效益指数PI,以信号交叉口优先相位获得的效益与非优先相位损失效益的差值来衡量整体效益,使得每一次采取的公交优先策略都能提高信号交叉口的整体效益。结果表明:在信号交叉口采取信号优先控制策略后,交叉口车辆的人总延误显著降低。本研究成果对其他信号优先控制方式模型、交叉口群公交优先协调控制等具有一定的参考价值和理论意义。  相似文献   
以交叉口人均延误最小为目标,考虑公交专用道影响因素,利用延误偏差优度指数建立信号配时优化模型。结合实例,实现定时控制交叉口参数确定过程,并得到参数与延误偏差优度指数的关系。该配时方案能有效减少人均延误,为进一步发展公交优先及提高交叉口通行能力提供理论依据。  相似文献   
A rising trend in state and federal transportation finance is to invest capital dollars into projects which reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, a key metric for comparing projects, the cost-effectiveness of GHG emissions reductions, is highly dependent on the cost-benefit methodology employed in the analysis. Our analysis comparing California High-Speed Rail and three urban transportation projects shows how four different accounting framings bring wide variations in cost per metric tonne of GHG emissions reduced. In our analysis, life-cycle GHG emissions are joined with full cost accounting to better understand the benefits of cap-and-trade investments. Considering only public subsidy for capital, none of the projects appear to be a cost-effective means to reduce GHG emissions (i.e., relative to the current price of GHG emissions in California’s cap-and-trade program at $12.21 per tonne). However, after adjusting for the change in private costs users incur when switching from the counterfactual mode (automobile or aircraft) to the mode enabled by the project, all investments appear to reduce GHG emissions at a net savings to the public. Policy and decision-makers who consider only the capital cost of new transportation projects can be expected to incorrectly assess alternatives and indirect benefits (i.e., how travelers adapt to the new mass transit alternative) should be included in decision-making processes.  相似文献   
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