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文章介绍车辆排放后处理系统-SCR(发动机排气催化净化技术)技术发展必要性及SCR技术原理。本篇文章是对SCR的一个基本介绍,SCR系统会随着车辆及发动机在硬、软件上配置的变化而发生改变。  相似文献   
交通拥堵和交通污染问题是近年来引人关注的问题,特别是交通碳减排已成为发达国家碳减排的重点领域,而优先发展公交系统对解决上述问题具有重大的现实意义。在总结和阐述公交优先发展的内涵和意义的基础上,以清远市公交系统为研究对象,总结和分析了"公交优先"战略下清远市公交发展现状和问题,提出了清远市公交优先发展的思路与具体做法,并根据现有情况规划了三种不同水平的公交优先发展情景方案,计算了三种方案下二氧化碳的排放量。结果显示:公交很高吸引力的方案比一般吸引力的方案每年少排二氧化碳38.9万t,年度减排直接效益为2 723万元,节约能源的直接效益为12.5亿元。最后提出了清远市公交优先发展的政策建议。  相似文献   
集装箱在海铁联运过程中容易受到各种不确定因素的影响, 导致运输时间波动, 进而影响货物的送达准点率。为有效降低不确定运输时间的影响, 兼顾运输过程的经济性和绿色可持续性优化集装箱海铁联运箱流径路。采用随机机会约束规划构建运输总费用最少和碳排放量最低的多目标模型。在约束条件中引入铁路和海洋期望运到时间, 并对超过期望运到时间的径路进行惩罚处理, 保证运输径路的优越性。考虑一站直达和中转换装这2种运输组织模式, 克服现有研究未考虑货源是否充足的缺陷。运用不确定及概率论相关理论知识将不确定约束转化为线性约束。以西安至洛杉矶的集装箱货物出口径路优化为案例背景, 采用NSGA-Ⅱ算法求解, 并通过贪心算法改进初始化种群以及基于logistics分布的概率选择算子改进精英选择算子。通过对比分析得到以下结果: ①算法优化后运输总费用减少23.15万美元, 碳排放减少6.69 t, 同时算法求解速度提高了75.36%;②将本文模型选用的随机规划和模糊规划进行对比, 发现随机规划解集数量多于模糊规划, 且二者在相同输送径路中的运输总费用和碳排放量均优化了10.65%。因此本文模型和算法具有良好的优化效果。进行灵敏度分析, 观察置信水平以及时间影响系数对目标函数和货物送达准点率的影响。结果表明: ①较高的铁路和海洋运输置信水平会提高货物的运输总费用。②时间影响系数和货物送达准点率呈负相关, 影响系数越大货物送达准点率越低。  相似文献   
This paper suggests a methodological approach for the forecasting of marine fuel prices. The prediction of the bunker prices is of outmost importance for operators, as bunker prices affect heavily the economic planning and financial viability of ventures and determine decisions related to compliance with regulations. A multivariate nonstationary stochastic model available in the literature is being retrieved, after appropriate adjustment and testing. The model belongs to the class of periodically correlated stochastic processes with annual periodic components. The time series are appropriately transformed to become Gaussian, and then are decomposed to deterministic seasonal characteristics (mean value and standard deviation) and a residual time series. The residual part is proved to be stationary and then is modeled as a Vector AutoRegressive Mooving Average (VARMA) process. Finally, using the methodology presented, forecasts of a tetra-variate and an octa-variate time series of bunker prices are produced and are in good agreement with actual values. The obtained results encourages further research and deeper investigation of the driving characters of the multivariate time series of bunker prices.  相似文献   
The application of public–private partnerships (P3’s) in the transportation sector has grown in popularity worldwide. Despite this important shift in the provision of transportation service, there are clear gaps in knowledge about the impacts of P3 projects, especially on emissions from transportation systems as a whole. Not only should policy makers evaluate the emissions impacts from P3 projects, but they should also think about innovative models that address or charge for emissions into P3 contracts. This addition to P3 contracts could provide a new solution to the long-existing property right paradox: who owns (is responsible for) emissions from transportation systems? This study attempts to fill the research gap by analyzing these innovative models. Using the road network of Fresno, California, as our case study, we offer a number of interesting insights for policy makers. First, average peak emissions costs range from 1.37 cents per mile (the do-nothing case) to 1.20 cents per mile (profit-maximizing cases) per vehicle. Although emissions costs from the P3 projects are lowest for the profit-maximizing cases, the system-wide emissions costs of these cases are highest because of spillover effects. Second, charging project owners for the emissions costs of P3 projects is not an effective way to reduce emissions or the total costs of travel, especially on a VMT basis. Instead, the public sector should implement emissions-included social cost-based price ceilings. When employing these limits, project owners could still be charged for the emissions costs. Finally, using total travel time as the only objective function for evaluating P3 projects can be misleading. Several P3 projects have shown better outcomes using total travel cost with the inclusion of emissions and fuel consumption costs, instead of using total travel time as the only objective function.  相似文献   
To support the development of policies that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by encouraging reduced travel and increased use of efficient transportation modes, it is necessary to better understand the explanatory effects that transportation, population density, and policy variables have on passenger travel related CO2 emissions. This study presents the development of a model of CO2 emissions per capita as a function of various explanatory variables using data on 146 urbanized areas in the United States. The model takes into account selectivity bias resulting from the fact that adopting policies aimed at reducing emissions in an urbanized area may be partly driven by the presence of environmental concerns in that area. The results indicate that population density, transit share, freeway lane-miles per capita, private vehicle occupancy, and average travel time have a statistically significant explanatory effect on passenger travel related CO2 emissions. In addition, the presence of automobile emissions inspection programs, which serves as a proxy indicator of other policies addressing environmental concerns and which could influence travelers in making environmentally favorable travel choices, markedly changes the manner in which transportation variables explain CO2 emission levels.  相似文献   

This paper investigates strategies that could achieve an 80% reduction in transportation emissions from current levels by 2050 in the City of Philadelphia. The baseline daily lifecycle emissions generated by road transportation in the Greater Philadelphia Region in 2012 were quantified using trip information from the 2012 Household Travel Survey (HTS). Emissions were projected to the year 2050 accounting for population growth and trends in vehicle technology for both the Greater Philadelphia Region and the City of Philadelphia. The impacts of vehicle technology and shifts in travel modes on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2050 were quantified using a scenario approach. The analysis of 12 different scenarios suggests that 80% reduction in emissions is technically feasible through a combination of active transportation, cleaner fuels for public transit vehicles, and a significant market penetration of battery-electric vehicles. The additional electricity demand associated with greater use of electric vehicles could amount to 10.8 TWh/year. The use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) shows promising results due to high reductions in GHG emissions at a potentially manageable cost.  相似文献   
The paper evaluates the effectiveness of various traffic calming measures from the perspectives of traffic performance and safety, and environmental and public health impacts. The proposed framework was applied to four calming measures – two types of speed humps, speed tables, and chicanes – to demonstrate its usefulness and applicability. A field experiment using probe vehicles equipped with global positioning system devices was conducted to obtain vehicle trajectory data for use in more realistic simulations. In addition, a recently developed vehicle emissions model was used for more accurate evaluation of environmental and public health impacts. The results show that chicane is better than the other types of traffic calming measures considered, except in terms of vehicle emissions.  相似文献   
集装箱班轮运输业如何在追求成本经济性和服务可靠性的同时做好环境可持续性,对航运企业、港口运营商以及政府组织都提出了新的挑战。围绕集装箱班轮运输在环境层面实现可持续发展的目标,本文分别从战略、战术和运营等3个层面就措施、技术和规章制度等所做的研究进行文献综述、分析发展趋势。战略层面,从市场减排机制和政策的制定、绿色政策、...  相似文献   
为降低干线道路系统的交通排放量,基于机动车比功率改进红绿灯期间排放因子的标定方法,进而以相位有效绿灯时间为决策变量,构建使机动车排放总量最小化的干线交叉口群时空资源优化模型.分析相邻交叉口间车队延误与相位差的关系,改进以车队延误最小为目标的相位差优化模型.为验证模型,设计一个案例,根据传统方法获得参考配时方案,借助Vissim软件标定红绿灯期间的排放因子,并使用所提方法获得优化配时方案.结果显示,每种污染物绿灯期间的排放因子均明显高于红灯期间;与参考配时方案相比,优化配时方案下各交叉口车辆延误和排放量均减少8~11%.所提模型能同时降低干线交叉口群的车辆延误和交通排放量,可用于优化干线协调信号控制方案,进而缓解交通拥堵.  相似文献   
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