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为刻画托运人对港口、运输方式及陆港的联合选择行为,将港口费用、等待时间、班轮频率、货物价值、单次运量、运输成本、运输及通关时间、准班率、陆港服务作为效用变量,构建港口选择位于上层、运输方式及陆港选择位于下层的巢式Logit模型.基于辽宁部分城市集装箱托运人的RP/SP调查数据,对模型参数进行估计和检验.结果表明,低运量倾向选择公路运输,托运人对多式联运的运输成本、运输及通关时间比公路运输的更重视,对公路运输的准班率比多式联运的更重视,陆港服务对多式联运具有显著正向影响,巢式Logit模型比MNL模型具有更优的统计学特征.  相似文献   
Travel to and from school can have social, economic, and environmental implications for students and their parents. Therefore, understanding school travel mode choice behavior is essential to find policy-oriented approaches to optimizing school travel mode share. Recent research suggests that psychological factors of parents play a significant role in school travel mode choice behavior and the Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model has been used to test the effect of psychological constructs on mode choice behavior. However, little research has used a systematic framework of behavioral theory to organize these psychological factors and investigate their internal relationships. This paper proposes an extended theory of planned behavior (ETPB) to delve into the psychological factors caused by the effects of adults’ cognition and behavioral habits and explores the factors’ relationship paradigm. A theoretical framework of travel mode choice behavior for students in China is constructed. We established the MIMIC model that accommodates latent variables from ETPB. We found that not all the psychological latent variables have significant effects on school travel mode choice behavior, but habit can play an essential role. The results provide theoretical support for demand policies for school travel.  相似文献   
This paper examines the activity engagement, sequencing and timing of activities for student, faculty and staff commuter groups at the largest university in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. The daily activity patterns of all university community groups are modeled using the classification and regression tree classifier algorithm. The data used for this study are derived from the Environmentally Aware Travel Diary Survey (EnACT) conducted in spring 2016 at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia. Results show that there are significant differences in activity and travel behavior between university population segments and the general population in the region, and between campus groups. For example, students participate in more recreation activities compared to faculty and staff. They also take more trips to and from campus, and are more flexible in their scheduling of trips. The insights gained from this study will provide helpful information for promoting sustainability across university campuses, and for development of campus-based travel demand management strategies.  相似文献   
利用能量变分法推导出均布线荷载作用下新型GFRP组合梁翼缘有效分布宽度的理论公式,通过有限元数值模拟验证理论公式可靠性。并借鉴传统钢-混凝土组合梁分析方法,对新型GFRP组合梁翼缘有效分布宽度各种影响因素进行了参数分析。  相似文献   
This paper examines the out-of-home, weekend, time-use patterns of children aged 5–17 years, with a specific emphasis on their physical activity participation. The impact of several types of factors, including individual and household demographics, neighborhood demographics, built environment characteristics, and activity day variables, on physical activity participation is analyzed using a joint nested multiple discrete–continuous extreme value-binary choice model. The sample for analysis is drawn from the 2000 San Francisco Bay Area Travel Survey. The model developed in the paper can be used to assess the impacts of changing demographics and built environment characteristics on children’s physical activity levels.  相似文献   
驾驶行为研究模拟舱实验整体方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍AutoSim模拟舱的基本组成、功能的基础上,从交通系统组成的人、车、路的角度,提出了利用驾驶模拟舱进行驾驶行为研究的参数选择、数据库的结构、场景定制等关键技术,并提出了可行的技术路线和实验方案。  相似文献   
以苏丹喀土穆州布瑞大桥主桥加固工程为工程背景,采用通用有限元软件ANSYS对体外预应力加固T形刚构桥的振动特性进行研究,提出避免结构发生共振的措施,对于指导工程实践有实用价值。  相似文献   
沥青路面的结构行为方程为基于性能的沥青路面结构设计方法奠定了良好的理论基础,但先前的研究仅较好地考虑了荷载、环境和结构等因素对沥青路面使用性能的影响,而对材料因素的影响考虑得较为粗略。鉴于材料影响的复杂性,论文从较为宏观的角度通过改性沥青和普通沥青结构行为方程和现场疲劳方程的建立给出改性沥青影响系数与改性-普通沥青寿命比值的关系,从而利用此关系以及通过试验获得的改性沥青和普通沥青混凝土的疲劳方程即可确定结构行为方程中的材料影响系数。  相似文献   
为了解砂卵石地层隧道围岩和支护结构的应力应变特性,以青海循隆高速公伯峡隧道为依托,借助PFC3D离散元软件对公伯峡隧道穿越砂卵石地层进行三维模拟,重点研究以密排短管棚预支护为根本前提,以三台阶预留核心土为施工方法的砂卵石地层围岩和支护结构的应力应变特性,并与现场实测进行对比分析。研究结果表明: 隧道台阶开挖时,围岩应力集中范围逐渐从拱顶过渡到拱腰,直到拱脚,对应的塑性区范围不断扩大,且密排短管棚对塑性区的发展有一定的“遮拦效应”; 围岩横纵向变形规律一致,主要是向隧道临空面产生收敛变形,且密排短管棚形成的梁拱效应限制了掌子面前方位移发展; 2种方法得到的初期支护变形规律一致,均呈阶段性变化,拱顶下沉累计值大于周边收敛累计值,且两者的最终变形量均满足规范限值要求。  相似文献   
在矢量化纸海图时,由于基准点的采样误差,导致转换参数的误差,最终导致电子海图的空间对象的精度不高。本文应用最小二乘法对基准点的采样误差实施平差,提高转换参数的精度,最终可较大幅度地提高电子海图中空间对象的精度  相似文献   
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