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中国经济快速发展及对化学品的需求增大,海上化学品运输量越来越大,但我国海上化学品运输发展相对滞后,制约了化学品贸易.本文从多个方面分析了制约我国海上化学品运输发展的不利因素,并从发展船队、完善相关设施和法律、加强海上航行安全等方面提出一些建议性对策.  相似文献   
The integration of internet and mobile phones has opened the door to a new wave of utilizing private vehicles as probes not only for performance evaluation but for traffic control as well, gradually replacing the role of traffic surveillance systems as the dominant source of traffic data. To prepare for such a paradigm shift, one needs to overcome some key institutional barriers, in particular, the privacy issue. A Highway Voting System (HVS) is proposed to address this issue in which drivers provide link- and/or path-based vehicle data to the traffic management system in the form of “votes” in order to receive favorable service from traffic control. The proposed HVS offers a platform that links data from individual vehicles directly with traffic control. In the system, traffic control responds to voting vehicles in a way similar to the current system responding to prioritized vehicles and providing the requested services accordingly. We show in the paper that the proposed “voting” system can effectively resolve the privacy issue which often hampers traffic engineers from getting detailed data from drivers. Strategies to entice drivers into “voting” so as to increase the market penetration level under all traffic conditions are discussed. Though the focus of the paper is on addressing the institutional issues associated with data acquisition from individual vehicles, other research topics associated with the proposed system are identified. Two examples are given to demonstrate the impact of the proposed system on algorithm development and traffic control.  相似文献   
It is generally presupposed that the infrastructure and availability of services of general interest (like schools, medical care, social services and also public transport) impact on present demographic development in rural areas, namely depopulation and aging. Such services affect the quality of life of local people and sometimes they perform a vital necessity. It is possible to say that the absence of the mentioned services should be compensated by an effective system of public transport. In other case, especially those people who are not able to use individual cars due to the age, health, legal conditions or financial situation are bequeathed on an assistance of the family or neighbors or they stay cut off and excluded. This paper is aimed at the verification of the presupposition in the case of the South-Moravian Region – NUTS 3 region occupying the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic, bordering with Austria and Slovakia. The research method lies in analysis of the frequency, travel time and fare of public transport system and its comparison with demographic development in rural areas, especially in the peripheral ones. The results are discussed in view of the system of central places in the region and present urbanization processes like suburbanization, counterurbanization and reurbanization.  相似文献   
财富积累与可持续发展:华村的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
财富的积累与社会的变迁相联系。华村集体与村民财富的积累得益于城市化和市场经济的机遇。经济精英的创新作为是华村可持续发展的主体动因。  相似文献   
西安至韩城城际铁路线路走向方案研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
西安至韩城城际铁路是关中城市群城际铁路网中的重要项目,线路方案受沿线城镇布局、城市规划、环境保护区、煤矿采空区、旅游开发区等多种因素影响。从规划选线、环保选线、地质选线、工程选线以及站位选线等不同方面,以综合选线的研究方法在众多的控制因素中通过技术经济比选和利益平衡选择出一个能够满足各方利益诉求的线路方案。目前本项目已经通过预可行性研究初步评审,评审专家和沿线地方政府均对推荐的线路方案予以肯定。  相似文献   
客运专线铁路隧道高陡坡洞口开裂整治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以宝兰客运专线塔稍村隧道为依托,分析隧道进口边坡及洞内裂缝的成因,评价边坡的稳定性,并提出具体的处理措施。对该隧道地层岩性、构造属性、围岩等级等进行阐述,针对该边坡建立系统的地表及洞内变形监测网并进行钻孔内位移测量工作,结合详细的地质调查,查明隧道进口处边坡、洞口挡墙、隧道内二衬裂缝的成因和基本特征,结合区段的工程地质特征,提出合理的工程处理措施,为类似工程的调查与处理提供参考。  相似文献   
王晓娟 《时代汽车》2022,(4):107-108
随着全球能源和生态环境面临严峻挑战,节能和新能源汽车是解决中国能源和环境问题的关键措施,那么新能源汽车的推广也就会越来越广泛。对于不同技术的前景,产业界和学术界尚未达成共识。本文首先介绍了新能源汽车的概念和发展历史,讲述了我国纯电动汽车、插电式混合动力汽车和燃料电池汽车的发展现状,并进一步分析了目前新能源汽车产业的发展机遇,并对其未来发展前景进行展望。最后,针对新能源汽车动力电池技术、安全性、基础设施建设等方面存在的问题,提出发展建议。  相似文献   
为充分发挥多功能优势,APAR雷达采用了高效控制手段,对雷达信号收/发时间和能量进行综合管理,综合平衡二者系统资源开支。APAR雷达波形设计还综合考虑了包括作战需求、接收信号特征、技术特征和参数等在内的各种因素。APAR雷达在系统设计、系统工程、详细设计与评估测试等方面均进行了总体规划,并很好地吸收了已有的技术积累,保证了系统最终成功。  相似文献   
对水泥混凝土工程中常见的裂缝问题进行分析,提出了一些预防、控制及处理措施。  相似文献   
通过对呼和浩特市城市公共交通现状的分析,指出呼和浩特市公共交通存在的问题,进一步说明保证呼和浩特市公共交通优先发展在缓减交通压力、提高城市公共客运效益、环境保护方面的重要意义,同时提出呼和浩特市优先发展公共交通应采取的措施.  相似文献   
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