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毂帽鳍是一种通过回收螺旋桨毂涡旋转能量来达到节能效果的船舶桨后节能装置。本文针对我公司承建的37500方LEG运输船,运用CFD软件对粘性流场中毂帽鳍的敞水性能进行了计算研究,着重考察了毂帽鳍的根部螺距角、错位角、直径比及纵向位置等因素对效率的影响,通过多方案优选设计了适用于该船的毂帽鳍方案,并对该方案进行了模型试验验证。结果表明:在螺旋桨工作点时,螺旋桨效率提高了1.26%。考虑到模型试验的尺度效应,在实船应用时其节能效果将更加显著。  相似文献   
爆炸载荷作用下舰船板架的变形与破损   总被引:35,自引:6,他引:35  
本文用能量法推导了一个计算爆炸载荷作用下舰船板架塑性变形及破损的公式,考虑了大变形时的应变关系及中面膜力的影响,并对国内外的有关试验进行了计算比较,结果表明此公式具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   
近年来,电能逐渐取代传统动力成为船舶的主要推进能源。作为船舶综合电力系统的核心部分之一,船舶综合电力系统的能量管理控制策略设计及其仿真研究得到越来越多的关注。首先,本文从经济性的角度,设计了船舶能量管理系统的控制策略;其次,本文引入储能单元,利用其灵活性强和响应速度快等优点并结合能量管理控制策略减小负荷波动对电网的影响;最后,为验证能量管理控制策略的功能与有效性,建立综合电力系统简化模型。仿真结果表明,采用本文提出的能量管理控制策略可以使机组运行在最佳油耗范围内,并且提出的简化仿真模型可以验证能量管理系统控制策略的功能。  相似文献   
在政府主导下的新能源汽车发展热潮中,我国新能源汽车零部件受整车带动,技术水平得到一定提升,市场规模得以扩大,产业化取得一定进展。文章指出,我国新能源汽车总体上与国际先进水平仍有一定差距,特别是在关键材料和零部件的配套能力方面、关键技术的研发水平以及整车的性能等方面有待于进一步提高。为使新能源汽车零部件得到又好又快发展,必须着手解决7大问题。政府应加大支持力度,调动各方面积极性,在最短的时间内实现我国新能源汽车的跨越式发展。  相似文献   
This study evaluates the link between the recruitment process of European hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) of the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) and the environmental and physiological conditions. Spatio-temporal variation of abundance and condition of fish were evaluated at two locations each with different oceanographic conditions, one in the north (Sóller, SO) and another in the south (Cabrera, CA) of Mallorca Island. Environmental variables explored were hydrography, sediment characteristics, phytoplankton pigment concentration (ppc) and the trophic resources of hake. Individuals were divided in three life stages: recruits, post-recruits and young adults. Hepatosomatic index (HSI), relative condition index (Kn), gonadosomatic index (GSI) and fullness index (FI) were analysed for the three life stages. Recruitment starts in February with the incorporation of smaller hakes, and it can be followed through spring and early summer with a peak in April. However, some spatial heterogeneity in the recruitment process has been found between north and south of the Island. The main pulse of recruitment occurred at a different time in the two areas. Spatial heterogeneity was also consistent with the condition of hake recruits, with higher values of Kn and HSI at SO than at CA. Maximum values of Kn were found in February at SO and in April at CA, coinciding with the start of the different recruitment pulses to the fishing grounds. Post-recruits and young adults also showed higher condition at SO than at CA. The arrival in spring of the Western Winter Intermediate Waters (WIW) drives the spatial-temporal variation in abundance and condition of hake. Ppc was highly correlated with recruit abundance with a time lag of two months, while for post-recruits the time lag was three months. The observed differences in the condition of hake between areas could be a consequence of the fact that the waters to the north of Mallorca are comparatively more under the seasonal influence of WIW which is formed in more productive areas. Thus, this study characterises the short temporal and spatial variability in the hake recruitment process off the Balearic Islands, both in terms of abundance and fish condition. This pattern is explained on the basis of the mesoscale environmental variability observed between north and south of Mallorca and the ecological adaptive strategy of recruiting in the optimal environmental season.  相似文献   
从信号系统角度研究节能应用,搭建了一套完整的地铁信号系统节能仿真平台,实现在线列车能耗计算和统计,为优化信号系统的节能方案提供依据。为了保证仿真数据的准确性,且具有较强的针对性,该仿真平台采集了某一具体线路、车型、供电区段的数据,并通过现场试验校正仿真数据,以使该仿真平台的输出结果具有较高的可信度。  相似文献   
空调节能的研究及其实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着人们生活水平的不断提高,空调的使用越来越普及。空调是用电最大的家用电器之一,如何进一步提高空调的制冷效率以达到空调节能是人们所关注的焦点。文章经过理论研究提出了将室内机蒸发器上的低温凝结水引流到室外机的冷凝器上,降低了冷凝温度,将会大大提高空调的制冷系数,即达到空调节能增效之目的。并在理论研究的基础上提出了通过降低冷凝温度来达到提高制冷效率的实现方案。  相似文献   
目前我国石油、天然气对外依存度日益提高,能源安全形势日益严峻,汽车产业是原油消耗快速增长的重要原因,发展新能源汽车产业已成为全球共识。文章深入研究了国内外能源发展现状,从能源供给安全、能源运输安全、能源消费安全和能源环境安全等方面分析了发展新能源汽车的重要作用,并提出了以发展新源汽车优化能源消费革命为突破口,推动能源生产革命和能源技术革命,综合维护我国能源安全的发展建议。  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the impacts on energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the introduction of electric vehicles into a smart grid, as a case study. The AVL Cruise software was used to simulate two vehicles, one electric and the other engine-powered, both operating under the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), in order to calculate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, fuel consumption and energy efficiency. Available carbon dioxide data from electric power generation in Brazil were used for comparison with the simulated results. In addition, scenarios of gradual introduction of electric vehicles in a taxi fleet operating with a smart grid system in Sete Lagoas city, MG, Brazil, were made to evaluate their impacts. The results demonstrate that CO2 emissions from the electric vehicle fleet can be from 10 to 26 times lower than that of the engine-powered vehicle fleet. In addition, the scenarios indicate that even with high factors of CO2 emissions from energy generation, significant reductions of annual emissions are obtained with the introduction of electric vehicles in the fleet.  相似文献   
This paper presents a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of hybrid and electric city buses in fleet operation. The analysis is founded on an energy consumption analysis, which is carried out on the basis of extensive simulations in different bus routes. A conventional diesel city bus is used as a reference for the CBA. Five different full size hybrid and electric city bus configurations were considered in this study; two parallel and two series hybrid buses, and one electric city bus. Overall, the simulation results indicate that plug-in hybrid and electric city buses have the best potential to reduce energy consumption and emissions. The capital and energy storage system costs of city buses are the most critical factors for improving the cost-efficiency of these alternative city bus configurations. Furthermore, the operation schedule and route planning are important to take into account when selecting hybrid and electric city buses for fleet operation.  相似文献   
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