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Traditional or standard work schedules refer to the requirement that workers must be at work the same days and during the same hours each day. This requirement constrains work-related trip arrivals, and generates morning and afternoon peak hours due to the concentration of work days and/or work hours. Alternative work schedules seek to reschedule work activities away from this traditional requirement. The aim is to flatten the peak hours by spreading the demand (i.e., assigning it to the shoulders of the peak hour), lowering the peak demand. This not only would reduce societal costs but also can help to minimize the physical requirements. In this article, a two-stage optimization model is presented to quantify the effects of staggered work hours under incentive policies. In the first stage, a variation of the generalized quadratic assignment problem is used to represent the firm’s assignment of workers to different work starting times. This is the input of a nonlinear complementarity problem that captures the behavior of the users of the transportation network who are seeking to overcome the constraints imposed by working schedules (arrival times). Two examples are provided to show how the model can be used to (a) quantify the effects and response of the firm to external incentives and (b) evaluate what type of arrangements in starting times are to be made in order to achieve a social optimum.  相似文献   
Ad hoc shared ride trip planning (SRTP) utilizes mobile devices, geo-sensors and wireless networks to match on-the-fly individual travel demand with transport supply. It represents one of many alternatives to single occupancy vehicle use. This paper outlines a SRTP approach via a two-phase algorithm based on user preferences in a time-dependent routing. Whereas current algorithms use minimization of travel time as the only optimization criterion in trip planning, in the framework presented here, the user can specify multiple trip preferences including travel time, walking time, number of transfers between cars and trip length. Various scenarios are simulated in the city of Tehran (Iran) to demonstrate how preference settings affect the routes of ad hoc shared journeys.  相似文献   
This paper investigates transport providers’ preferences for alternative loading bays and pricing policies. It estimates the importance of loading bays, the probability of finding them free and offers strategically relevant information to policy makers. The results underline the relevance of both preference heterogeneity and non-linear attribute effects. Three classes of agents are detected with substantially different preferences also characterized by non-linear sensitivity to attribute level variations. The specific freight sector, frequency of accesses and number of employees are all relevant covariates explaining different preferences for alternative transport providers’ categories. The implications of the results obtained are illustrated by simulating alternative policy scenarios. In conclusion, the paper underlines the need for rigorous policy analysis if the correct policy outcomes are to be estimated with an adequate level of accuracy.  相似文献   
China is the world biggest market of electric vehicles (EVs) in terms of production and sales. Existing studies on consumer preferences for EVs in China have generally focused on first-tier cities, while little attention has been paid to the lower tier cities. This exploratory study investigates consumer preferences for EVs in lower tier cities of China, by collecting stated preference (SP) data in two second-tier cities and three third-tier cities in the south Jiangsu region of China. The discrete choice modeling analysis shows that Chinese consumers in lower-tier cities are generally sensitive to monetary attributes, charging service and driving range of EVs. They also perceive Chinese vehicle brands to be disadvantaged compared with European brands. When comparing the differences in second-tier versus third-tier cities, we find that consumers in third-tier cities are more sensitive to purchase price, subsidy of purchase, and coverage of charging stations than their second-tier counterparts. This study also highlights the role of different psychological effects, such as symbols of car ownership, normative-face influence, and risk aversion, in shaping consumer preferences for EVs in lower-tier cities of China. Our results provide important implications for contextualizing government policies and marketing strategies in line with the different sizes and characteristics of the cities in China.  相似文献   
Inspired by the rapid development of charging-while-driving (CWD) technology, plans are ongoing in government agencies worldwide for the development of electrified road freight transportation systems through the deployment of dynamic charging lanes. This en route method for the charging of plug-in hybrid electric trucks is expected to supplement the more conventional charging technique, thus enabling significant reduction in fossil fuel consumption and pollutant emission from road freight transportation. In this study, we investigated the optimal deployment of dynamic charging lanes for plug-in hybrid electric trucks. First, we developed a multi-class multi-criteria user equilibrium model of the route choice behaviors of truck and passenger car drivers and the resultant equilibrium flow distributions. Considering that the developed user equilibrium model may have non-unique flow distributions, a robust deployment of dynamic charging lanes that optimizes the system performance under the worst-case flow distributions was targeted. The problem was formulated as a generalized semi-infinite min-max program, and a heuristic algorithm for solving it was proposed. This paper includes numerical examples that were used to demonstrate the application of the developed models and solution algorithms.  相似文献   
随着新能源行业发展,锂电池大量使用在汽车、储能、通讯基站等领域,针对锂电池的控制越来越精细。其中电池管理系统的均衡策略可以保证锂电池组避免内部单体电势不等 而导致的安全问题,因而需要详细的测试验证。文章介绍一种基于电池管理系统来验证被动均衡策略的方法,以验证电池管理系统能否均衡内部电势不等的单体。通过该方法可以实现各种被动均衡开启关闭的测试验证,达到设计要求。  相似文献   
将有轨电车发展的研讨视为1项决策过程,按照基本属性、出行目的、出行模式等异质性特征,将出行群体划分为不同群组,开展基于不同异质性群组对发展有轨电车决策的偏好特性研究。通过融合行为偏好(RP)的意向偏好(SP)问卷调查,获取不同群组的基本属性及决策偏好特征数据。考虑有轨电车发展决策同时受环境要素、个体社会经济属性及出行需求特征等多层级因素的影响,对不同出行群组在不同情景下的决策偏好数据进行了多次测量,并引入多水平Logistic模型构建了考虑群组异质性的有轨电车发展决策偏好模型。选取了公共交通通勤出行、公共交通非通勤出行及非公共交通出行这3类异质性群组,对有轨电车发展决策偏好模型进行了参数估计。结果表明:①个体对有轨电车技术特性的感知并不会对有轨电车发展决策产生影响;②同一异质性群组,年龄的增长对有轨电车发展决策负向影响逐渐减小,说明年龄越大个体对有轨电车发展决策偏好逐渐增强,这种趋势在公共交通非通勤出行群组中更为显著;③可支配小汽车数对所有异质性群组的有轨电车发展决策偏好均呈显著负向影响,即家庭可支配小汽车数量越多,个体对有轨电车发展决策的支持度会越低;④出行时间及成本属性对有轨电车发展的决策偏好均有显著负向影响,即随着出行时间或出行成本的增加,对有轨电车发展决策的支持呈降低趋势,且该负向影响在骨架交通功能感知下较品质交通功能感知下更为敏感。  相似文献   
Germany is by far the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union but adopted its own climate action plan to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050. The country’s third-largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions is the transportation sector. As of January 2019, 99.7% of heavy-duty trucks registered in Germany run on diesel while the share of alternative fuel-powered passenger cars increases steadily. Apart from rising emissions, the industry faces a growing shortage of qualified truck drivers. A solution to increasing emissions and the shortage of drivers are autonomous and alternative fuel-powered heavy-duty trucks. We employed a choice-based conjoint analysis with employees from freight companies in Germany to find out how they assess the main attributes of innovative trucks. Our results reveal that the maximum driving range is the most important attribute followed by the refueling/recharging time. Tank-to-wheel emissions, on the other hand, was ranked as the least relevant attribute. Moreover, we present customers’ preference shares for future heavy-duty trucks until 2035. According to our results, freight companies are generally open to switching from conventional to low emission and (conditionally-) automated heavy-duty trucks, however, a close collaboration between truck manufacturers, customers, infrastructure companies, and policymakers is essential to spur the penetration of autonomous and alternative fuel-powered heavy-duty trucks.  相似文献   
Despite rapid advances of information technologies for intelligent parking systems, it remains a challenge to optimally manage limited parking resources in busy urban neighborhoods. In this paper, we use dynamic location-dependent parking pricing and reservation to improve system-wide performance of an intelligent parking system. With this system, the parking agency is able to decide the spatial and temporal distribution of parking prices to achieve a variety of objectives, while drivers with different origins and destinations compete for limited parking spaces via online reservation. We develop a multi-period non-cooperative bi-level model to capture the complex interactions among the parking agency and multiple drivers, as well as a non-myopic approximate dynamic programming (ADP) approach to solve the model. It is shown with numerical examples that the ADP-based pricing policy consistently outperforms alternative policies in achieving greater performance of the parking system, and shows reliability in handling the spatial and temporal variations in parking demand.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of an experimental study into the role of risk aversion and regret aversion as codeterminants of travel choice inertia. Theoretical results published by Chorus and Dellaert are tested empirically. More specifically, the expectation is tested that when (1) travelers are risk averse, (2) the quality of travel choices is uncertain, and (3) the quality is partially revealed upon usage, travel choice inertia emerges as a learning-based lock-in effect. In addition, this paper studies the role of regret aversion as a possible trigger of travel choice inertia. Analyses are based on data collected in an experiment, where the reward that participants obtain is a function of the outcome of choices they make. Empirical results suggest that the learning-based lock-in effect indeed plays a role in the context of our data. The evidence for the hypothesis that regret aversion triggers inertia is mixed at best.  相似文献   
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