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通过分析国内外移动式线路动态加载试验车(装置)技术水平和现状,提出我国研制移动式线路动态加载试验车的目的和意义。介绍我国移动式线路动态加载试验车的主要功能和技术参数,并与国外同类设备进行比较,提出先进性、实用性、经济性研制原则。  相似文献   
Tyre models are a prerequisite for any vehicle dynamics simulation. Tyre models range from the simplest mathematical models that consider only the cornering stiffness to a complex set of formulae. Among all the steady-state tyre models that are in use today, the Magic Formula tyre model is unique and most popular. Though the Magic Formula tyre model is widely used, obtaining the model coefficients from either the experimental or the simulation data is not straightforward due to its nonlinear nature and the presence of a large number of coefficients. A common procedure used for this extraction is the least-squares minimisation that requires considerable experience for initial guesses. Various researchers have tried different algorithms, namely, gradient and Newton-based methods, differential evolution, artificial neural networks, etc. The issues involved in all these algorithms are setting bounds or constraints, sensitivity of the parameters, the features of the input data such as the number of points, noisy data, experimental procedure used such as slip angle sweep or tyre measurement (TIME) procedure, etc. The extracted Magic Formula coefficients are affected by these variants. This paper highlights the issues that are commonly encountered in obtaining these coefficients with different algorithms, namely, least-squares minimisation using trust region algorithms, Nelder–Mead simplex, pattern search, differential evolution, particle swarm optimisation, cuckoo search, etc. A key observation is that not all the algorithms give the same Magic Formula coefficients for a given data. The nature of the input data and the type of the algorithm decide the set of the Magic Formula tyre model coefficients.  相似文献   
Pacejka's Magic Formula Tyre Model is widely used to represent force and moment characteristics in vehicle simulation studies meant to improve handling behaviour during steady-state cornering. The experimental technique required to determine this tyre model parameters is fairly involved and highly sophisticated. Also, total test facilities are not available in most countries. As force and moment characteristics are affected by tyre design attributes and tread patterns, manufacturing of separate tyres for each design alternative affects tyre development cycle time and economics significantly. The objective of this work is to identify the interactions among various tyre design attributes-cum-operating conditions and the Magic Formula coefficients. This objective is achieved by eliminating actual prototyping of tyres for various design alternatives as well as total experimentation on each tyre through simulation using finite element analysis. Mixed Lagrangian–Eulerian finite element technique, a specialized technique in ABAQUS, is used to simulate the steady-state cornering behaviour; it is also efficient and cost-effective. Predicted force and moment characteristics are represented as Magic Formula Tyre Model parameters through non-linear least-squares fit using MATLAB. Issues involved in the Magic Formula Tyre Model representation are also discussed. A detailed analysis is made to understand the influence of various design attributes and operating conditions on the Magic Formula parameters. Tread pattern, tread material properties, belt angle, inflation pressure, frictional behaviour at the tyre–road contact interface and their interactions are found to significantly influence vehicle-handling characteristics.  相似文献   
以大连至庄河高速公路路面工程AF-16 I型改性沥青混凝土路面施工为例,详细说明路面施工中的质量控制重点,保证了路面平整度,提高了路面施工质量。  相似文献   
大功率变频器中电磁兼容问题是不可被忽视的。其中传导干扰会影响输出波形,降低电能质量。IGBT的寄生电容对于传导干扰有很大影响,本文对功率器件中IGBT的寄生电容形成原理和计算方法进行了分析。在此基础上运用有限元仿真软件ANSYSQ3D建立了基于英飞凌FZ1200R17HE4较为精确的模型。最后通过实验测量与仿真结果进行对照,仿真结果很好的对应了实验结果,本文所提方法能更准确的建立IGBT相关杂散参数的模型。  相似文献   
为了充分利用BIM(building information modeling)、VR(virtual reality)技术可视化的特点,解决北京地铁19号线一期工程装修设计、施工管理的专业协调、末端点位的配合及碰撞检查等实际问题.以在建的北京地铁19号线一期工程新宫站公共区装修工程为例进行研究,在工程的各个阶段,统筹协调各个项目参与方,实现了BIM、VR技术在工程领域的跨界应用,创新性地提出基于BIM+VR的全专业装修设计和工厂化预制、现场装配施工的管理思路,对该技术应用的必要性进行探讨,对该技术的可实现度进行分析,以"未建先试"的管理理念对装修设计管理的全过程进行研究,认为三维扫描、BIM、VR技术在装修设计、施工中的应用可以极大提高装修工程的进度、质量,为乘客提供一个良好的乘车环境,并为后期数据化、信息化运维管理提供基础.  相似文献   
工程施工计划优化决策支持系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对工程施工进度的合理安排和资源的最优利用,从项目施工管理的角度出发,通过计算机人机交互系统,综合运用运筹学、经济学、工程科学、决策管理等理论,提出了工程施工计划优化决策支持系统,阐述了其功能、结构及主要模型,并开发了相应软件。该系统为工程施工计划编制者和现场管理人员提供了一种辅助管理与决策环境,是施工企业进行决策的有效技术手段。  相似文献   
书法是中国汉字所特有的一种审美形式,它根植于中国的传统文化,特别是中国古代源于自然又关注个体生命的内审美哲学。它通过传情写意表达独特的个性精神气质,这种独特的艺术形式体现着一种基于根性文化的人文精神,强调人性、人道、人格为本位,以生命体验为根本的人生修养,强调"我"与天地万物一体和人作为主体的构建和自我陶冶作用。中国书法审美语言的丰富性和书法超越工具性的审美追求,不但为当代艺术提供了艺术史资源,也是书法艺术自身的超越与发展的内在动力。  相似文献   
道路安全性的影响因素很多,主要分析了道路安全系统的组成中的道路环境及与设施对道路安全性的影响及应采取的控制措施.  相似文献   
文章介绍了近几年来武汉市对城市道路进行的大面积改造。路面改造使用材料以改性沥青混凝土为主,使用情况表明,改性沥青混凝土路面对高温防车辙、低温抗裂缝、雨季抗水损害具有显著效果。  相似文献   
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