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在对中国城市化进程趋势与特征分析和对中国三大经济区发展现状分析的基 础上,提出了在三大经济区内发展作为交通基础设施的城际铁路的必要性,通过实际案例分析,用信息扩散模型对广深城际铁路的客流分担率进行了实际研究,证明了采用公交化开行的城际列车是适应区内经济发展和旅客运输需要的一种有效运愉方式;同时,对在发达经济区发展城际铁路的准入条件进行了分析,而且付循序渐进地发展城际铁路提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   
���й���������Ŧ�滮����   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
针对我国当前在公交换乘问题上存在的问题,本文在对公交网络、公交系统新的认识基础上,以划分公交服务区,公交线路等级化的思想,提出了城市枢纽规划决策的几种方法:以交通分配预测为基础的会交客流分配数据,得到枢纽的集散客流量强度,进而提出基于公交客流预测的流量决定法;在城市公交网络结构和用地结构的基础上,利用最小控制集算法;利用城市规划中“邻里单元”的概念,作为规划枢纽的分区单位和依据,提出了基于城市布局结构的枢纽决策规划及修正方法等,并提出了以公交换乘枢纽为核心的规划新流程.  相似文献   
依据GB6398-86,采用紧凑拉伸试样,对WEL-TEN780A钢及其用L-80SN焊条手工电弧焊焊接接头的焊缝和热影响区的疲劳裂纹扩展速率进行了研究。结果表明:在相同的疲劳循环载荷作用下,热影响区疲劳裂纹扩展速率高于母材和焊缝,焊缝金属具有最低裂纹扩展速率。  相似文献   
碧海水力发电工程头水隧道为台湾东部变质岩地层内施作之水力发电用隧道,位处花莲和平溪右岸之崇山峻岭中,地形条件恶劣,工程初期施工道路尚未全线贯通阶段,采中重型直升机吊挂运补施工用物资、人员及机具,争取工期。工程头水隧道因通水断面净内径仅2.7 m,长度约6.5 km,设计及施工条件严苛,台电公司为缩短工期,选择TBM工法,惟第一承揽厂商遭遇涌水带后,TBM夹埋未能脱困,终至解约。后由另一厂商接手,采传统钻炸工法,顺利拆解TBM并如期贯通,配合排水钢管,导引涌水,并设计自走式钢模,内衬砌浇置速度创台湾水力隧道之新纪录。  相似文献   
田德铁路百安隧道穿过桂西南岩溶强烈发育的峰丛洼地带,隧道位于岩溶垂直入渗带内,具有枯水季节隧道内涌水较小,暴雨后涌水量大,隧道通过洼地段发生突水可能性较大的特点。预测隧道开挖后涌水量的大小,除需掌握区域水文地质特征外,还必须合理选择水文地质参数。准确预测隧道涌水量大小及隧道可能突水段落,可为工程设计提供较为准确的参数,预防隧道涌水危害。  相似文献   
对三型舰艇的防火主竖区划分情况进行了统计和分析,提出防火主竖区设置的基本准则,指出现行消防规范的不合理之处,最后,综合长度和面积两方面因素,提出了舰船防火主竖区划分方法,并验证了其合理可行性。  相似文献   
提速铁路过渡段的动力响应测试分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了评价提速线路路桥过渡段对于轨道结构动力响应的改善程度,本文对京九线过渡段的设计及轨道动力响应测试进行了研究,过渡段的设计采用20m的级配碎石填筑,轨道动力响应测试参数为钢轨垂直力、钢轨加速度、轨枕加速度。测试表明,当路桥连接处设了轨道过渡段时,列车从低刚度轨道到高刚度轨道时,钢轨垂直力、钢轨加速度、轨枕加速度是由小逐渐增大的,没有突变;当列车从高刚度轨道到低刚度轨道时,钢轨垂直力、钢轨加速度、轨枕加速度是由大逐渐减小,没有突变。当路桥连接处没有设置轨道过渡段时,列车从高刚度轨道到低刚度轨道运行时,其动力响应突然减小,有突变。通过对设有过渡段及没有设过渡段的路桥连接处实测分析可知,当列车速度小于200 km/h时,采用长度为20 m的级配碎石填筑轨道过渡段,对减小过渡段轨道动力响应非常有利。  相似文献   
路基岩溶塌陷注浆整治施工工艺探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章阐述了路基岩溶塌陷的形成机理、岩溶塌陷整治原理 ,并结合内 (江 )昆 (明 )铁路梅花山至昭通段路基岩溶注浆施工 ,给出了铁路路基岩溶塌陷注浆整治的施工工艺及质量控制过程 ,强调了实际生产中的可操作性 ,可为今后类似工程提供参考依据  相似文献   
Work zones exist widely on urban arterials in the cities that are undergoing road construction or maintenance. However, the existing studies on arterial work zones are very limited, especially on the work zones at urban intersections, although they have a severe negative impact on the urban traffic system. For the first time, this study focuses on how work zones reduce intersection capacity. A type of widely observed work zone, the straddling work zone that straddles on a road segment and an intersection, is studied. A linear regression model and a multiplicative model suggested by Highway Capacity Manual are proposed respectively to determine the saturation flow rate of the signal intersection with the straddling work zone. The data of 22 straddling work zones are collected and used to evaluate the performances of the proposed models. The results display that the linear regression model outperforms the multiplicative model suggested by Highway Capacity Manual. The study also reveals that reducing approach (or exit) lanes and the mixture of motor vehicles and non‐motor vehicles (and pedestrians) can significantly decrease the capacity of the intersection with straddling work zone. Therefore, in setting a straddling work zone, workers should try to ensure that the intersection approach and exit are unobstructed and set a separation for non‐motors and pedestrians to avoid mixed traffic flow. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
To mitigate airport congestion caused by increasing air traffic demand, the trajectory‐based surface operations concept has been proposed to improve surface movement efficiency while maintaining safety. It utilizes decision support tools to provide optimized time‐based trajectories for each aircraft and uses automation systems to guide surface movements and monitor their conformance with assigned trajectories. Whether the time‐based trajectories can be effectively followed so that the expected benefits can be guaranteed depends firstly on whether these trajectories are realistic. So, this paper first deals with the modeling biases of the network model typically used for taxi trajectory planning via refined taxiway modeling. Then it presents a zone control‐based dynamic routing and timing algorithm upon the refined taxiway model to find the shortest time taxi route and timings for an aircraft. Finally, the presented algorithm is integrated with a sequential planning framework to continuously decide taxi routes and timings. Experimental results demonstrate that the solution time for an aircraft can be steadily around a few milliseconds with timely cleaning of expired time windows, showing potential for real‐time decision support applications. The results also show the advantages of the proposed methodology over existing approaches. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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