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在提出双向细胞联想神经网络CBAM的基础上,通过引入阈值概念,进而提出了广义双向细胞 联想神经网络GCBAM,研究了其平衡态,存在性质及其Lyapunov意义下的网络稳定性质。  相似文献   
本文以某智慧高速的设计案例为依托,首先对国内外智慧高速发展和应用现状进行归纳总结,分析认为电动化、智能化的新型运载工具,信息化和功能专业化的基础设施,开放、共享、协同的管理与服务将是未来高速公路三大发展趋势。通过对高速公路使用者和管理者的需求针对性地精准分析,构建面向高速公路使用者和管理者的创新型应用服务。结合新技术的发展趋势,以服务需求为导向,建设"三网合一"智慧高速基础设施和智慧云控平台构成、数据流为驱动的、"开放、包容、创新"的智慧高速公路。基于案例分析的智慧高速规划设计全过程,对于国内智慧高速的整体设计和建设规划具有重要参考价值,探索开辟全新的高速公路智能化建设方向和思路。  相似文献   
Over the past decade, activity scheduling processes have gained increasing attention in the field of transportation research. However, still little is known about the scheduling of social activities even though these activities account for a large and growing portion of trips. This paper contributes to this knowledge. We analyze how the duration of social activities is influenced by social activity characteristics and characteristics of the relationship between the respondent and the contacted person(s). To that end, a latent class accelerated hazard model is estimated, based on social interaction diary data that was collected in the Netherlands in 2008. Chi-square tests and analyses of variance are used to test for significant relations between the latent classes and personal and household characteristics. Findings suggest that the social activity characteristics and the characteristics of the relationship between the socializing persons are highly significant in explaining social activity duration. This shows that social activities should not be considered as a homogenous set of activities and it underlines the importance of including the social context in travel-behavior models. Moreover, the results indicate that there is a substantial amount of latent heterogeneity across the population. Four latent classes are identified, showing different social activity durations, and different effects for both categories of explanatory variables. Latent class membership can be explained by household composition, socio-economic status (education, income and work hours), car ownership and the number of interactions in 2 days.  相似文献   
The most frequently associated options in the physical shipping market are options to extend the charter period on time charters and additional shipment options on contracts of affreightment. The value of freight options, in practice, is estimated mostly by referring to forward curves. An option on freight has different properties from its financial counterparts, and the straightforward adoption of theoretical models does not produce promising results. In this paper, extension options, which have the property of options on futures, were transformed into regular European options before the application of the Black-Scholes model (BSM). The efficient market hypothesis, which justifies the parity of the performance of a long-term charter to that of repetitive short-term charters, worked as the basis for the transformation. The option values determined by the BSM were compared with actual realized values. Additionally, the artificial neural networks (ANN) was employed to derive the option values. This study is meaningful as the first-time application of both the closed-form solution and the ANN to the valuation of physical freight options. The research results can contribute to the quality of chartering decisions. The results could also be used in quantifying credit risk, as extension options tend to be granted to charterers with more creditability.  相似文献   
Intermodal rail/road transportation combines advantages of both modes of transport and is often seen as an effective approach for reducing the environmental impact of freight transportation. This is because it is often expected that rail transportation emits less greenhouse gases than road transportation. However, the actual emissions of both modes of transport depend on various factors like vehicle type, traction type, fuel emission factors, payload utilization, slope profile or traffic conditions. Still, comprehensive experimental results for estimating emission rates from heavy and voluminous goods in large-scale transportation systems are hardly available so far. This study describes an intermodal rail/road network model that covers the majority of European countries. Using this network model, we estimate emission rates with a mesoscopic model within and between the considered countries by conducting a large-scale simulation of road-only transports and intermodal transports. We show that there are high variations of emission rates for both road-only transportation and intermodal rail/road transportation over the different transport relations in Europe. We found that intermodal routing is more eco-friendly than road-only routing for more than 90% of the simulated shipments. Again, this value varies strongly among country pairs.  相似文献   
接触网检测车振动补偿研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对接触检测车实际工况,分析了检测车车体振动的动力学特性,建立了基于运动规律的数学模型,论述了训练样本得出检测车拉出值振动补偿函数的原理和方法。  相似文献   
将人工神经网络应用于沥青路面材料的回弹模量的预测 ,提出了一种有效的预测方法 ,并构造了预测回弹模量的神经网络模型 .预测结果表明 ,该模型具有较高的预测精度 ,为预测路面材料的回弹模量等力学指标提供了一种新的方法  相似文献   
兰渝铁路精密工程控制测量技术体系的建立贯穿了我国铁路精密工程控制测量标准从建立到逐步完善的全过程。为给类似铁路项目测量方案的设计与实施提供参考和借鉴,结合兰渝铁路兰州至广元段建立的精密工程控制网技术体系,从全线统一的"三网合一"的测量技术体系、基于CGCS2000的平面坐标基准、工程独立坐标系、符合工程实际的水准基点平差方案、地震对测量控制网造成影响的评估、长大隧道洞内CPⅡ控制网建网及其分段测量方法等方面进行研究和论述。研究结论及实践经验对于丰富和完善铁路精密工程控制测量标准具有一定意义。  相似文献   
基于LM算法的组合导航系统的故障诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LM (Levenberg-Marquardt)算法是梯度下降法与高斯-牛顿法的结合,在训练次数与精度上明显优于标准的BP算法.介绍了BP神经网络,采用LM算法对标准BP算法进行改进,并应用于船舶组合导航系统的故障诊断.仿真结果表明,LM算法可有效地提高学习速度,缩短训练时间,诊断效果好.  相似文献   
在网络故障诊断系统中,可以用粗糙集理论约简网络信息M IB变量,从而求出最有利于分类的变量集合。提出了首先约简信息表,并构造多变量决策树,提取相应的决策规则,判断网络故障类型的方法。决策树构造方法简单,提取出来的规则以决策树形式表示,规则易于理解,网络故障诊断效率较高。  相似文献   
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