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通过有限元计算,对比几种常见的横梁端部连接方式,综合考虑结构整体强度、钢材使用量、舱室空间利用率、施工便利性等方面的影响因素,确定较优的连接过渡方式和过渡结构的参数尺寸,为船舶设计横梁端部节点形式的确定提供参考。  相似文献   
混凝土裂缝是困扰码头外观质量的“老大难”问题,而梁顶部位面层混凝土裂缝(简称梁顶裂缝)作为高桩梁板式码头中常见的质量通病,一直是工程技术人员的攻关课题。在宁波港北仑四期集装箱码头工程建设过程中,通过分析梁顶裂缝产生的原因,采取降低混凝土强度、梁顶部位割双缝等措施基本克服了梁顶裂缝,取得了较好的效果,也为同类工程提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
In this paper we present a full-scale experimental field study of the effects of floater motion on a main bearing in a 6 MW turbine on a spar-type floating substructure. Floating wind turbines are necessary to access the full offshore wind power potential, but the characteristics of their operation leave a gap with respect to the rapidly developing empirical knowledge on operation of bottom-fixed turbines. Larger wind turbines are one of the most important contributions to reducing cost of energy, but challenge established drivetrain layouts, component size envelopes and analysis methods. We have used fibre optic strain sensor arrays to measure circumferential strain in the stationary ring in a main bearing. Strain data have been analysed in the time domain and the frequency domain and compared with data on environmental loads, floating turbine motion and turbine operation. The results show that the contribution to fluctuating strain from in-plane bending strain is two orders of magnitude larger than that from membrane strain. The fluctuating in-plane bending strain is the result of cyclic differences between blade bending moments, both in and out of the rotor plane, and is driven by wind loads and turbine rotation. The fluctuating membrane strain appears to be the result of both axial load from thrust, because of the bearing and roller geometry, and radial loads on the rotating bearing ring from total out-of-plane bending moments in the three blades. The membrane strain shows a contribution from slow-varying wind forces and floating turbine pitch motion. However, as the total fluctuating strain is dominated by the intrinsic effects of blade bending moments in these turbines, the relative effect of floater motion is very small. Mostly relevant for the intrinsic membrane strain, sum and difference frequencies appear in the measured responses as the result of nonlinear system behaviour. This is an important result with respect to turbine modelling and simulation, where global structural analyses and local drivetrain analyses are frequently decoupled.  相似文献   
余马光 《水运工程》2013,(9):186-190
靠船构件的安装是高桩码头施工的重要工序,它关系到码头上部结构的浇筑进度及码头前沿线的顺直问题。为 提高安装效率,节约施工成本,提出一种快速安装工艺,通过计算分析及工程实践,表明该工艺可靠、实用。  相似文献   
黄娟 《西部交通科技》2014,(3):57-59,70
文章结合南宁大桥主桥承台大体积混凝土施工实例,分析了大体积混凝土产生裂缝的原因,并从承台大体积混凝土施工方案、材料选择、配合比设计、现场浇筑质量控制等方面,介绍了保证承台大体积混凝土施工质量的控制措施以及取得的效果,对类似工程有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
文章以广东省道S119线西福河大桥工程施工为例,介绍采用军用六四式轻便杆件现场设计和组装双导梁架桥机跨河架设35~40mT梁的工艺技术,此技术不仅可降低架梁费用;取得较好的经济效益,而且能克服设备进场难和交通干扰等问题。  相似文献   
金华至温州铁路扩能改造工程祯埠特大桥18#~22#墩之间设计1联4×32 m双线变四线道岔连续梁,梁面宽度由12.6 m渐变至20.72 m,箱内结构由单箱双室渐变为单箱三室。设计采用支架法施工,混凝土一次性浇筑、全梁张拉。通过对设计施工方案的优化,采用分段浇筑混凝土、全梁张拉的施工工艺,解决了高墩变截面荷载支架设计、预应力管道穿束、压浆密实度等难题,可为今后类似工程提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
合福客运专线箱梁架设过程中,需过隧道运输箱梁,但DCY900型运梁车驮运箱梁时,外形尺寸超限,无法通过隧道。通过对隧道尺寸及运梁车工况分析,提出合理的运梁车改造设计方案,使DCY900运梁车顺利地通过隧道运梁,解决了实际施工问题。  相似文献   
赵晖  栗克国 《水道港口》2011,32(6):449-452
为研究浅水回声测深仪计量检定标准装置,以完成量值传递,文章介绍了2种不同的检定装置,可根据具体环境条件选择水槽比对方式和模拟器方式对回声测深仪进行检定,并对回声测深仪的基本原理、工作流程、2种检定装置的构造、测试结果和优缺点进行了简要的阐述。  相似文献   
利用反力框架装置,对某特大桥的拆除旧梁进行破坏性试验,得出各项参数,在此基础上对试验梁进行极限承载能力以及变形能力评价,可供同行参考。  相似文献   
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