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研究目的:华东地区是我国经济发达地区,近几年来,区域内从沿海经济向沿长江(华东腹地)经济的发展,加快了长江中下游经济发展速度,加剧了沿江地带货运量需求,"沿江开发,江海联动"已成大势所趋,但经济的进一步发展又受到交通、能源的制约。本文通过探讨构筑华东第三通道和修建阜(阳)金(华)铁路来解决上述问题。研究方法:通过分析沿线经济发展需求,我国铁路网结构,沿线矿产资源、旅游资源开发,解决贫困山区、库区人民脱贫致富等因素来论证修建华东第三通道的必要性,并参照实际情况论证其可行性。研究结果:华东第三通道主要以货运为主,兼顾客运,近期为单线,远期复线。在设计速度目标值上,不同地段,速度目标值相应变化。研究结论:构筑华东第三通道适应沿线经济发展需求,可解决沿长江中下游地区能源需求和原材料供应,满足沿海经济可持续发展的需要。  相似文献   
程启贤  真虹 《中国水运》2007,7(2):78-80
洋山港二期正式投入运营,东海二桥也正在规划当中,关于东海二桥的建铁路桥、公路桥还是公路铁路两用桥的争议一直没有停止过,不同的专家给出了不同的答案。本文在分析影响东海二桥建设方案选取的通过能力、投资额、营运安全和环保等四个因素的基础上,通过建立层次分析模型并求解,得出东海二桥最佳建设方案。  相似文献   
Eddy systems are a unique ecosystem, usually having high biological masses and primary production in the sea. In this study, both particulate and dissolved phases of cadmium in the water column of 15 stations over a cyclonic eddy in the southern East China Sea were determined to obtain their spatial distributions. This allows us to confirm that cyclonic eddy systems play the role of a Cd pump in the sea.Results showed that particulate Cd (PCd) and dissolved Cd (DCd) concentrations in water varied greatly, ranging over two orders and one order of magnitude, respectively. Large spatial variability was found not only for PCd but also for DCd in the upper water, apparently due to the effects of the cyclonic eddy system on the Cd distributions over the study area. DCd accounts for about 99% of the total Cd. For the surface water, DCd concentration at the eddy center was about five times the average of the water surrounding the eddy center. The depth distributions of DCd exhibited a typical surface depletion and a subsequent increase with depth; however, the PCd distribution showed the opposite, i.e. a surface maximum and a subsequent decline with depth. In general, the DCd maxima were found at depths of 600–1000 m, agreeing well with the literature. It reflected the internal biogeochemical cycling of Cd in the water column, which was driven by the utilization of Cd by plankton in the euphotic zone and by the regeneration of Cd at depth. In addition, a remarkably high DCd concentration existed in near-bottom water around the cyclonic eddy center.The horizontal distributions of both PCd and DCd in the upper water shared a common feature with elevated concentrations centering around the eddy center and a decline in concentration with distance from the eddy center. This shows that the cyclonic eddy could bring up the Cd-rich deep water to the surface water around the eddy center and could then expand toward eddy's vicinity via advection–diffusion. It is thus likely that it produces ample biological masses over the eddy system. Hence, this work can demonstrate that the ascending nutrient-rich water driven by the cyclonic eddies can serve as an important source not only for many nutrients but also for Cd in the sea.  相似文献   
徐盐铁路位于苏北地区,连接京沪、陇海、连镇、沿海四大铁路通道,是长三角城际网重要组成部分,也是京沪通道徐州-上海段的辅助通道,其引入徐州东枢纽以实现京沪高铁、郑徐高铁以及连徐高铁等4条线路的换乘,而枢纽地区牵引供电方案的合理性至关重要。因此,本文对徐盐铁路引入徐州东枢纽供电方案进行论证比较,并根据电分相检算分析提出推荐方案,以保证京沪高铁运行可靠性及工程实施的便捷性。  相似文献   
结合上海市中环线虹梅路立交工程对主线四跨一联预应力混凝土连续宽箱梁进行空间分析,得到结构在荷载作用下的剪力滞效应分布规律、截面实际中性轴与平截面假定中性轴的比较、偏载下支座反力的分布规律、挑臂横向挠度、偏载下的偏载系数以及增设跨中横隔板与否对结构受力状态的影响等结论。  相似文献   
佐藤荣作出于维持日本政治稳定和安全及发展经济的需要,在出任首相前后曾考虑过大幅调整对华政策,但终因当时对日本外交有相当制约力的美国反对,遂使其对华政策趋于保守并复归政经分离政策的轨道,即比之所谓"亲美反华"的意识形态性,该内阁对华立场的消极化实根源于为内政外交发展所需的政策选择.  相似文献   
PBA工法新型钢管柱吊装台车的设计及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张庆 《隧道建设》2016,36(10):1277-1282
PBA暗挖地铁车站由于洞内高度受限,无法用吊车作业,钢管柱通常在洞内拱顶预埋或焊接吊钩进行吊装。但受清华大学附中坍塌事件影响,为确保初期支护结构绝对安全,总监办及相关方面禁止采取传统方法施工。为此专门设计并制作一种新型钢管柱吊装台车,通过在16号线玉渊潭东门站施工中的应用,表明台车吊装技术能完全替代传统方法,完全消除对初期支护稳定的影响,避免安全隐患,且台车使用简单高效,节省近1个月工期,确保了施工进度与安全。  相似文献   
某款乘用车出口中东市场,出现空调停止工作及空调降温性能不能满足当地高温环境要求的问题。经过分析并对发动机水泵、散热器、冷却风扇进行了改进,改进后的样件装车测试,空调工作不再出现停机现象,空调降温性能达到了中东地区高温环境的要求,此款乘用车可以顺利出口到中东市场。  相似文献   
针对中小型私营企业在人力资源管理中存在的问题,文章分析了导入绩效管理理念的前提条件和原则,初步建立了人力资源绩效考核体系,这将有助于进一步提高中小型私营企业的竞争优势。  相似文献   
斜拉桥主塔施工方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对济南市纬六路特大桥施工方案进行了介绍.  相似文献   
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