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通过建立国际平整度指数(IR I)的数字地面模型来描述基于道路面状的IRI指标概念。在分析研究几类数字地面模型的曲面函数内插方法的基础上,给出了IRI的二元双一次曲面乘积型逼近模型。最后给出了定义和描述同一段道路路面不同时段IRI变化量的乘积型重积分求积公式、IRI均值和标准差、IRI值的变化差均值及IRI值变化差的标准差、IRI值单位时间变化速率等数值解法。  相似文献   
径向基函数网络在沥青路面使用性能评价中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曾胜 《公路交通科技》2008,25(3):23-26,54
为提高沥青路面使用性能评价的科学性和合理性,利用神经网络技术对处理非线性映射问题有较好适应性的特点,开发了基于径向基函数网络的路面使用性能评价模型,模型综合考虑了交通量、温度、面层厚度、PCI指标等10个参数对沥青路面使用性能的影响,选择一定的样本数据进行了网络训练,并将训练好的网络模型的输出值与测试值进行了比较。计算结果表明,径向基函数网络模型弥补了传统评价模型的狭隘性、单一性等缺点,更真实地反映了路面工作性能与各影响因素之间的本构关系,且预估精度能够很好地满足工程实际要求,具有良好的推广性和可靠性。  相似文献   
结合具体工程提出适合本工程的实验室配合比,讨论在配合比设计中水灰比、纤维掺量、砂率等不同情况下对钢纤维混凝土性能的影响;对扩大分仓面积的路面结构进行基于有限元的荷载应力和温度应力分析,结果满足工程规范要求。  相似文献   
基于径向基函数神经网络的GPS高程转换方法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
针对GPS高程与正常高程的转换问题,给出了基于径向基函数(Radial Basis Function,RBF)神经网络的模型。该模型隐含层选用Gauss函数作为基函数,学习算法采用自组织选取中心法策略。用实际观测数据进行了试验和仿真,结果表明,用RBF神经网络转换GPS高程的精度优于最小二乘法。对RBF神经网络方法和反向传播(Back-Propagation,BP)神经网络方法转换GPS高程的精度进行了比较,虽然两种方法的结果相近,但RBF神经网络方法在学习速度方面远比BP神经网络方法快。由此可见,RBF神经网络方法用于转换GPS高程是可行和有效的。  相似文献   
沥青碎石混合料(ATB30)的级配试验与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘涛  黄立葵 《中南公路工程》2006,31(2):141-144,149
采用泰波公式的不同幂指数n值和均匀设计法对沥青碎石混合料(ATB30)的级配进行了系统试验,分析了不同粒径粗集料含量与间隙率指标的关系,提出了选择嵌挤型混合料集料级配的相关结论。  相似文献   
基于二维相干非一致激励功率谱模型,采用随机过程理论关于幅值、相位与功率谱的关系式,根据场地地震危险性评价和设计地震动参数合成人工地震波,考虑波动传播效应和多点激励效应,分析了某座跨长江的大跨度斜拉桥在地震激励下的空间非线性响应特性,计算了桥梁结构关键部位在地震力作用下的响应特性,并与一致激励下对应响应量进行比较。认为非一致激励下大跨斜拉桥关键部位的某些响应粱大幅增加。反应了进行非一致响应分析的必要性。  相似文献   
A vertical vehicle–track coupled dynamic model, consisting of a high-speed train on a continuously supported rail, is established in the frequency-domain. The solution is obtained efficiently by use of the Green's function method, which can determine the vibration response over a wide range of frequency without any limitations due to modal truncation. Moreover, real track irregularity spectra can be used conveniently as input. The effect of the flexibility of both track and car body on the entire vehicle–track coupled dynamic response is investigated. A multi-body model of a vehicle with either rigid or flexible car body is defined running on three kinds of track: a rigid rail, a track stiffness model and a Timoshenko beam model. The results show that neglecting the track flexibility leads to an overestimation of both the contact force and the whole vehicle vibration response. The car body flexibility affects the ride quality of the vehicle and the coupling through the track and can be significant in certain frequency ranges. Finally, the effect of railpad and ballast stiffness on the vehicle–track coupled vibration is analysed, indicating that the stiffness of the railpad has an influence on the system in a higher frequency range than the ballast.  相似文献   
Excitation force spectra are necessary for a realistic prediction of railway-induced ground vibration. The excitation forces cause the ground vibration and they are themselves a result of irregularities passed by the train. The methods of the related analyses – the wavenumber integration for the wave propagation in homogeneous or layered soils, the combined finite-element boundary-element method for the vehicle–track–soil interaction – have already been presented and are the base for the advanced topic of this contribution. This contribution determines excitation force spectra of railway traffic by two completely different methods. The forward analysis starts with vehicle, track and soil irregularities, which are taken from literature and axle-box measurements, calculates the vehicle–track interaction and gets theoretical force spectra as the result. The second method is a backward analysis from the measured ground vibration of railway traffic. A calculated or measured transfer function of the soil is used to determine the excitation force spectrum of the train. A number of measurements of different soils and different trains with different speeds are analysed in that way. Forward and backward analysis yield the same approximate force spectra with values around 1 kN for each axle and third of octave.  相似文献   
本文针对齐齐哈尔市永安立交桥桥址地理环境局限的特殊条件,提出一个既能满足交通要求,又节省建设用地,减少投资的工程设计方案,经建成后多年的运行,效果明显。  相似文献   
公路土石方调配优化数学模型的建立和程序设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
梁建 《公路》2002,(8):71-75
线性规划运输平衡问题数学模型应用于公路土石方调配,综合考虑借,弃方单价及和纵向调配运价,以最小费用为目标函数,调配方量为决策变量,调配单位(元/m^3)为价值系数,编制程序完成实现最小费用的优化调配方案,并根据需要统计输各项表格。  相似文献   
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